View Full Version : RCBS lube-a-matic

11-19-2009, 08:13 PM
Were the old RCBS Lube-a-matics that much better than the new ones? I just came across an old one ( in new condition) going for over $200 on FleaBay.
I paid about $150 for my new one.

I know ebay gets kinda crazy once in a while (saw a used Lee 22 bator mold go for over $30) but sometimes older is better

11-19-2009, 08:24 PM
you can get a new star for $250. Seems way high to me, but I am not familiar with the older lube-a-matic. Are they made of 14k gold? :grin:

11-21-2009, 10:27 PM
Generally see them going for about $80, plus shipping. Maybe the $200 one included a bunch of dies.

11-22-2009, 04:57 AM
That price seems way over the top, values for things on ebad are just that, ebad values.

11-22-2009, 05:40 AM
Fleabay is getting like pawn shops. I go to pawn shops and see old junk priced higher than new at walmart. I never have been to jew them down to a reasonaable price. Fleabay is madness.. People are bidding/paying too much for anything reloading related.

11-23-2009, 11:08 AM
I have an older one that I got on ebay for $95 plus shipping a few years ago. Still cheaper than a new one. Works fine but I can't say as it is the bees knees either.

11-23-2009, 12:37 PM
does any one know who really makes it.look in OLD lyman cat and you will see the SAECO luber.I just have a feeling saeco,and rcbs is either made by lyman or a copy.I have two 45s.the only lubers I remember is the STAR/MEPOSE,and lyman.the mepose is like the star.I have a mepose.