View Full Version : Should I or Shouldn't I?

11-18-2009, 04:47 PM
I have come across a guy that has an old Star Lubesizer. He wants $150. It is the plain Jane model, no heat plate and no sizing dies. needs to be tore down, cleaned and repainted, which is no problem, but I can buy a brand new one for $100 more. What should I do? Offer him less, wait until I can buy a brand new one, or Pay what he is asking?


11-18-2009, 06:20 PM
It never hurts to offer less. Haggle a bit and see what he does. I would offer him $100 bucks and see if he bits. You are right on $250 for a new one, but I'm sure there is a cost to ship it too; so probably around $275ish new.

I have come across a guy that has an old Star Lubesizer. He wants $150. It is the plain Jane model, no heat plate and no sizing dies. needs to be tore down, cleaned and repainted, which is no problem, but I can buy a brand new one for $100 more. What should I do? Offer him less, wait until I can buy a brand new one, or Pay what he is asking?


11-18-2009, 10:09 PM
Buy it and run!

This guy figures out he can get more than the new price for it on ebay and you've lost!

I picked one up last year for 175 and thought I did real well!

Remember: ya snooze ya lose!

11-18-2009, 10:16 PM
I own two of them and I would give $150 for a third.
It just depends on whether you want one more than the $150. If it has no really bad wear or broken parts it will always maintain a good resale value.

11-18-2009, 10:29 PM
HeavyMetal's got it right the e-bay crazie's will run that price right up ! Plus if you have the time saving $100 is worth cleaning it up. Get with lathesmith about dies and your in business.

11-18-2009, 11:21 PM
Well I think he has already figured out about the ebay crazies. He has another one just like it that he put on ebay with a lyman heat plate that has like 3 days left and is already $200. People on there are nutso. If I can come up with the funds by this weekend, I think I will take him up on the offer. Ug, this is getting expensive, but much much quicker than a lee and pan lubing.

11-19-2009, 12:11 AM
I had Ruger RH .44 bought last week for 375.00. I could not get to it right away so I bought it over the phone and offered to send the funds. The guy seemed real nice and says "no problem, it's yours". I call a few days later to set up the meet and he says "I have been talking to a few other guys and"".

You know the rest.

11-19-2009, 10:45 AM
Well......I did it. Prolly shouldn't have, but I couldn't let it get away. Too many times I have let it get away, but not this time. The guy was a real stand up guy. He knew about the ebay crazies yet still sold it to me for the same price he quoted me. I think I still got a hell of a deal. It doesn't look all that bad, just needs some paint. Now to talk to lathesmith. Ug who ever said casting and reloading saved money didn't know my taste in equipment. Dang engineering bug, makes me want the best, fastest, most production like equipment I can find. Can't wait till I have the engineering sized paycheck to go with it. haha

Thanks to all of you who posted. My family will now get smaller Christmas presents. lol


11-19-2009, 11:51 AM
Good deal! Lathesmith will hook you right up, easy to work with and outstanding craftsmanship. I'd break even if I could stop buying tools. This site is bad for my wallet, but it's all fun. I can't wait to try out the roller handle I ordered for my Star, next I need a bullet feeder.

11-19-2009, 08:31 PM
Roller handle is a great addition. Well worth the money!

11-20-2009, 09:02 AM
Now take that $100 you saved and go buy the air pressure attachment.

11-20-2009, 07:24 PM
Good idea James, couple of hitches tho, I don't have any dies for it yet, so I think the $100 that I saved will go towards that first, also I don't have an air compressor. Although, I am intrigued by how it works, do you have a picture of one?


11-20-2009, 10:12 PM
Outstanding bit of buying!

You will never be sorry! The time you save lubing you can spend with the kids at the mall, they'll love hanging out with you Trust Me! LOL.

Lathsmith will get you set up right!

11-21-2009, 01:30 AM
There is definitely a correlation between Casting, loading and saving money. You end up working out ways to save money on other purchases that are not as important, like food, clothes and stuff like that. Then you can afford to buy the things you really need, like dies, presses and powder.


11-21-2009, 03:52 PM
There is definitely a correlation between Casting, loading and saving money. You end up working out ways to save money on other purchases that are not as important, like food, clothes and stuff like that. Then you can afford to buy the things you really need, like dies, presses and powder.


So true! The only thing stocked in my house these days is ramen noodles!

11-22-2009, 12:19 PM
Ramen Noodles are a good choice, I have found that Costco has like a 60 pound bag of Rice for about 8.00 or so, that should go a long way. Unfortunately I can't get my wife to see how much sense that makes.
A an example of the importance of cash on hand. I was at a gun show yesterday, the gun prices were mostly about 20% higher than you can get them at other places.
However, after I had enough fun, I was about to leave and spotted a guy with a sign on his back. He had powder and ammo for sale and I got 4 sealed cannisters of CLAYS!!

stephen perry
11-22-2009, 03:43 PM
I buy nothing used unless I get all the pieces. The way I been seeing guys and gals selling Star Lubersizer and parts on e-bay I trust NOBODY. The Star sizer is worth more in pieces than together.

Buy new establish a relationship with the seller he will take care of you later when you need help. Junk is Junk. Even junk commands high dollar in the Loading World.

Matt once you have a Star machine you know what to look for in a used one. First time buy new.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR :brokenima

11-22-2009, 10:59 PM
Stephen, I think he made a good buy...plus he lives right down the street from me and I have a Star :-) . I can give him a hand getting it set up and (hopefully not) replacing parts on it. I just hope that I am not partially responsible for the new addiction...his girlfriend will kill me!!!!!

stephen perry
11-22-2009, 11:23 PM
I haven't had a girl friend since my wife was my girl friend. Before that my other wife was my girl friend. Before that I was a free agent with many girl friends. Life gets old when I get old. Thank God for my shooting and loading hobby. With some help the Star should work out for Matt.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR :brokenima