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View Full Version : Micro Casting Macro Boolits

Old Ironsights
05-09-2006, 09:25 PM
What is the smallest setup you have ever used to cast?

Here is mine:


Micro "Open Jet" Alcohol Burner (Zen Stoves http://zenstoves.net/Stoves.htm) burning Denatured Alcohol (flame invisible under flash)

Lyman Ladle

LEE .690 RB Mould

(all on an aluminium portable drill press plate on my workbench)

Nice way to test the stove... Casting 1oz balls for my Howda. :twisted:

05-10-2006, 09:10 AM
Whooo Ironsight, Sure would take a while to cast up a hunderd or so for my 1816 smoothie! :razz: Now I could see that set up for doing sulfur chamber cast or a one off of a diffrent aloy .

Old Ironsights
05-10-2006, 09:27 AM
I was mostly testing the heat output of the little "micro-stove", but it's good to know that in a pinch I can cast/recast pure lead balls in the feild without a big "hot-coals" fire.

05-10-2006, 10:48 AM
Those are cute little stoves, aren't they? I've made several just because they are so neat but I never, ever, thought of using them to cast bullets! Obviously I have a serious lack of imagination.

Jerry Liles

05-10-2006, 11:57 AM
I use my MSR whisperlite all the time. Works great, even for smelting...

05-11-2006, 07:25 PM
The "Open Jet" stove is a whole different cat of stove from the Whisperlight. The one in the picture above is made from the ends of a couple of pop cans and assembled with tape and epoxy and only holds about an ounce of denatured alcohol, maybe a little more. The whole stove weighs less than an ounce and burns for 5 to 10 minutes depending on the amount of fuel and what's set over it. Just right to heat your oatmeal on the trail or make a cup of hot tea.

Jerry Liles

05-11-2006, 08:34 PM
Jerry, I keep one of those in my pickup, along with a bottle of Heet gasoline antifreeze. Ready to go!

Old Ironsights
05-12-2006, 11:07 AM
The "Open Jet" stove is a whole different cat of stove from the Whisperlight. The one in the picture above is made from the ends of a couple of pop cans and assembled with tape and epoxy and only holds about an ounce of denatured alcohol, maybe a little more. The whole stove weighs less than an ounce and burns for 5 to 10 minutes depending on the amount of fuel and what's set over it. Just right to heat your oatmeal on the trail or make a cup of hot tea.

Jerry Liles
Or cast a couple of boolits... :mrgreen: