View Full Version : Milk carton Discs

Lead Fred
11-13-2009, 03:31 PM
Hey look a black cartridge subject :shock:

Im waiting for veggie discs that are on back order, so until they arrive I thought Id make up so milk carton discs so I can keep loading.

I want to know how you guys make them.

I got the bright idea to use an old 45/70 case, sharpen the edge with a deburring tool. Then using it with a hammer and tapping an impression into teh milk carton, then turning it until the disc went into the case.

Well the case lasted for 10 discs then the opening rolled up and bent. So I tried another case (this is starting to cost money) I got 10 more then the case did the same thing. I cut them down and resharpened the edges, did no good.

Is there a KISS method you all can share?

11-13-2009, 05:29 PM
send buffalo arms $18.00 and they will fix you right up. i have punched over 12,000 with my .50 cal. punch and it's still going strong. if you need any 50s i will sell you some cheap. for what it's worth, bubba.

11-13-2009, 06:10 PM
Make sure when you use a hole punch, to use a piece of 4x4 post or similer for back up.
I.E. underneath the material to be punched. THEN make SURE to set the material to be punched on the END grain of the wood. Hammering on a hole punch into the cross grain does not work well and will roll the cutting edge over very fast.
I use a .460 hole punch. Not sure where I got it though. It works great. I cut milk carton, .030 and .050 card.


11-13-2009, 06:28 PM
forgot to mention-i also use a pad but i have a piece of plastic sheet that came from an auto parts basket from the foundry where i used to work. about consistency of milk carton but about 3/8 inch thick. i agree-won't take long to dull a punch if ya don't do it right. for what it's worth, bubba.

Lead Fred
11-13-2009, 06:59 PM
I was using a 4x4 but it was getting soft. I switched to a piece of hardwood and it worked real nice.

Hind sight is 20/20 I should have bought the tool instead of 2000 veggie discs.

Oh well live and learn :sad:


Gray Fox
11-13-2009, 07:00 PM
You might check auto parts stores to see if they have gasket hole punches. The set I have has various sizes that attach like a socket to a shaft that you hit with a hammer . They are heavy duty and I use them as above suggested. Lately I'm using the 5/8 punch to cut cardboard wads to go in shot cups under the Lyman sabot slug. It works great.

Lead Fred
11-13-2009, 08:18 PM
too late

canceled my 2000 veggie discs and ordered the punch and veggie material from Buffalo Arms.

Thanks Bubba, the answer was at my finger tips, and I spaced it off

11-13-2009, 09:30 PM
don't forget to use a pad of some kind. buffalo arms has those also but you can probably find something cheap or free that will work just as well such as maybe some kind of plastic cutting board or something like that. good luck and happy punchin', bubba.

11-13-2009, 11:21 PM
I made a wad cutter. I shortened the 45-70 case to make the cutting edge thicker and more durable. The edge was sharpened with a deburring tool. Drill and tap, if possible, for a screw through the primer pocket. A second nut after the screw is scewed in through the inside of the case acts as a locknut. The hole in the side of the case is to put in an angled tool to push the wads out.

11-13-2009, 11:40 PM
I made one from a worn out 1911 45 acp barrel.
Drilled through for the right inside diameter and turn an edge like you did the 45/70 case.
Also turned a headed punch that fits inside to push out the wads.
Heat treat the barrel to hold an edge and it cuts well for a long time without resharpening.

11-13-2009, 11:58 PM
I shortened the 45-70 case to make the cutting edge thicker and more durable.
That thicker wall also means the inside diameter is smaller.
The wads you buy, and the ones made with the BACO press-mounted punch
( http://www.buffaloarms.com/browse.cfm/2,245.html )
are all .460" to .462".

What are yours?


11-14-2009, 02:10 AM
Yup--The wads are smaller, but by a very small amount. When inserted, it doesn't drop in, you have to push it and powder does not get by.

11-14-2009, 06:43 PM
The easiest way to cut wads that I have found is to use a case similar to Hirams except I drill out the primer pocket and us a long machine screw from the insde of the case with a jam nut. This allows you to chuck it in an electric drill and cut the wads instead of pounding on the case. Unscrew the jam nut and use the screw to push out the wads.

You can cut teeth on the edge if the chamfer with a three cornered file, but the chamfer cuts okay by itself. You can also adjust the size by expanding or sizing down the mouth of the case.


11-14-2009, 08:16 PM
You need them for your newspaper wads, too.

11-14-2009, 08:42 PM
You might try going to the hardware store and look at their pipes and fittings. Good chance you will find something that works. Harbor Freight has different size hole punches.

11-14-2009, 11:23 PM
I used a .45-70 case and drilled out the primer pocket. Took a big nail and inserted it through the case mouth so the head of the nail is inside the case. I champhered the mouth and use it to twist wads out of LDPE. The nail merely pushes the wads out when I get it full. Works very well.