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View Full Version : ...just how bad it is in california.......

mike in co
05-08-2006, 03:35 PM
i'm born and raised in so california. was back for a week visiting grandson. Daughter lives in Sanger...just so of fresno in the middle of ca. i tried all four tire shops in sanger....two gave me strage looks, none had any ww for me. spent two days crusing gun shops in and around fresno......not a thing worth talking about....except for how thin things were.
my son in law's uncle has a small ranch, and we did get to shoot up a bunch of clays shooting 20 and 28 ga guns. on friday the uncle need to get tires for his truck(big rig, drives for a living)........well the good news is that when one spends $1400 for tires...there are plenty of used ww's to be had!....one bucket on the heavy side....big ww's have a lot less steel in them, more lead in the bucket.
i did manage to export the hazardous waste without a permit!!!
so i spent no money on guns, scopes and such.
did spoil my grandson a bit...
all in all a fair week off
( this means i probably will not make the cast boolit shoot this year....)

05-08-2006, 04:05 PM
just how bad it is in california.......
I have heard the pigeons cover their butts with one wing when flying over San Francisco!

05-08-2006, 04:09 PM
Only one thing to do---stay way back from the Peoples Repubik of Kalifornia and pray for an earthquake.

05-08-2006, 07:31 PM
A selective earthquake--SFO and Los Angeles/Orange Counties, let them slide beneath the waves. That will shorten the commute to yellowtail fishing and resolve freeway gridlock all at once.

05-08-2006, 11:32 PM
I am a native Californian, born in Santa Cruz, raised in Berkeley. It's no wonder I am a conservative. Living there, it's hard to understand how much the atmosphere is permeated with big government liberalism. It is only when you have managed to escape through the Granola Curtain that you begin to appreciate the traditional American freedoms that are still alive and well in other states. Since I moved to Nevada two years ago, I have: bought a S&W 629 X 8 3/8" from a private party, (legal in Nevada, verboten in California,) bought two milsurps at gun shows without any paperwork, (legal in Nevada, verboten in California,) qualified for a CCW (easy to get for a decent citizen in Nevada, very difficult to get in California.) whoever said "eternal vigilance is the price of freedom was right as rain.

05-09-2006, 01:26 PM
Went shooting with my #2 son yesterday. Drove my pickup. Found out that I am not supposed to carry guns and ammo in the same place. ammo in cab, guns in covered bed. suppoedly our brilliant legislature recently changed law. Obviously it is unsafe to put guns and ammo in a locked trunk. Not sure how I can go shooting with my wife's van.

05-09-2006, 01:55 PM
ammo in locked glove box

05-09-2006, 02:25 PM
How big is that glove box??

05-09-2006, 03:26 PM
Duckiller, one of the most ironic of all CA gun laws is that long arms in pickup gun racks are verboten. I have several LEO's tell me that seeing a rifle or shotgun in a rear window rack made them feel safe, because they believed they had nothing.to fear from honest citizens who did not conceal their guns. I understand that the pretext for the new law on truck gun racks is because open display of a long arm is now considered "brandishing." "Curioser and curioser, said Alice."

05-09-2006, 05:49 PM
How will I get 3 or 4 - 50 cal ammo cans in my glove box ??
Also mine is not lockable so I ................................. ??

I guess I will stay out of Peoples Repubik of Kalifornia
Till they get their heads out of their .......... Well you know where


05-09-2006, 06:17 PM
I don't shoot as much as most of you, but when I do, I put my rifles and ammo in the locked trunk of my car for the drive to the range. As for lead, I made two stops yesterday in Sacrameto. One shop gave my about 15 pounds of wheelweights (all they had) and another little independent shop pointed at a huge bucket and told me to take all I wanted. I took about 50-60 pounds and will go back for the rest with a six-pack. The guy didn't speak english, but he was very gracious. I'm new to the casting part of this so I've laid up about 250 lbs of wheel weights. That will suffice my needs for a long time. The remainder of his bucket is an easy 125 lbs (I couldn't begin to move it) My ingot mold is on order so I'm casting in a cast iron skillet and making big pancakes that will need to be reduced again. I stopped by a local truck stop and was told they just put the old weights in the garbage. The guy said he'd toss them in a bucket for me if I'd bring one by.

Bent Ramrod
05-09-2006, 10:39 PM
I've been here for 16 years now. During that time, the gun shows in Anaheim, Lancaster and Pomona have become extinct, those in San Berdoo, Del Mar and Sacramento have been harassed and downsized, and those that are still operating are heavily patrolled by uniformed and plainclothes lawpersons and signs and PA-system announcements constantly remind one that they should stay well away from the "gray areas" of the law. On the other hand, there is such a plethora of overlapping laws, the "gray areas" are there for the unwary nevertheless.

After 11 years, we finally got a place to shoot with benches, roofs, target posts and so forth. But it was a very near thing, and one sorehead claiming he hears a "ricochet" can bring all that to an end. I sometimes go out to the desert to shoot (for all that time, it was the only place to go), but you can't get remote enough anymore without the Birkenstock & Mountain Bike people swarming over the areas you've staked out. And these people have "rights," too! Don't you forget it!

I'm not in an urban area, either. Our town is less than 30,000 and the desert stretches, to the eye, to infinity. I guess all that room is just an optical illusion.

I hate to sound paranoid, but I get the impression that the Golden State political and cultural elite doesn't like guns or their owners nearly as much as it likes gang members, welfare recipients, illegal aliens, kids who've gone through twelve years of public school and still don't know anything, and anything or anybody else that can add another increment of chaos to a social system that the wheels are already coming off of. All I can guess is that they've all seen "V for Vendetta" and figure that the sooner Anarchy comes about, the sooner they can pick up the pieces and run things the way they "really should" be run.

Sorry for the cheerless news. I guess I should count my blessings. Nick & Jessica, Charley and Denise, and Jen, Brad and Angelina--now, they've got troubles!:-?

05-10-2006, 12:40 AM

I hate to sound paranoid, but I get the impression that the Golden State political and cultural elite doesn't like guns or their owners nearly as much as it likes gang members, welfare recipients, illegal aliens, kids who've gone through twelve years of public school and still don't know anything, and anything or anybody else that can add another increment of chaos to a social system that the wheels are already coming off of. All I can guess is that they've all seen "V for Vendetta" and figure that the sooner Anarchy comes about, the sooner they can pick up the pieces and run things the way they "really should" be run.


What a perceptive, ACCURATE, and descriptive paragraph this is. VERY well stated.

Why does California have these preferences you mention? Because just such examples of human froth and fluff vote with a decided liberal swerve to the left, a thing that trades well in Havana Where The Rivers Mix (Sacramento). Even our allegedly Republican Governator is pretty much a trendy leftist in conservative drag.

Time to emigrate--before they build a freakin' wall. Rant concluded.

05-10-2006, 09:22 AM
Bent Ramrod, who are all those people you mentioned at the end of your post? And just what kind of problems do they have?

About your assessment of the political situation in Kalifornistan. Maybe Premier Kruschev (I think it was him who said it) was right. About 60 years ago he said that the communists will take over without firing a shot. If the establishment of a 'ruling class' is done over a very long period of time, while history is rewritten, the masses become desensitized. sundog

05-10-2006, 11:49 AM
Da, tovarichi--we love Big Brother.

Only in California does boolit casting take on the trappings of a political statement. In normal places, it's a hobby craft to facilitate shooting activity--here, it's a subversive enterprise viewed with suspicion.

05-10-2006, 11:54 AM
I'm a native and I mourn for California too.
" Even our allegedly Republican Governator is pretty much a trendy leftist in conservative drag."
Our gubernator is head of the Gus Hall chapter of the California Republican Party.
There are very few pawnshops that will handle firearms today, and second-hand stores in small towns are forbidden to sell firearms without the big wall of DOJ regulation viciously enforced. Even Old Western Scrounger escaped to Nevada, like many other dealers, to escape the oppressive state, as have many other businesses.
Alas! from Darkest California,

05-10-2006, 12:23 PM
Went shooting with my #2 son yesterday. Drove my pickup. Found out that I am not supposed to carry guns and ammo in the same place. ammo in cab, guns in covered bed. suppoedly our brilliant legislature recently changed law. Obviously it is unsafe to put guns and ammo in a locked trunk. Not sure how I can go shooting with my wife's van.

Check the statute. We had a similar law in Texas, but there was an exemption for vehicles where you physically couldn't separate the two. As I recall, one had to be out-of-reach for the driver. It was a little tough in my Corvette, but I made do, until I got a CHL.

Bucks Owin
05-10-2006, 03:40 PM
The NORTH end of the state, (and that doesn't include the "bay area" even though for some strange reason those who live there tend to think they are in "Northern Kalifornia"), seems to be a lot less "paranoid" about displaying guns. Guns in pickup racks are quite common and I've never heard of any problems arising from that. There are a lot of hunters and outdoorsmen around here...

Hopefully one day the north end of the state will succeed in splitting off from the rest of Kalifornia. (It's been voted on a few times BTW!) I would be a lot happier living in the state of "Jefferson" than I would Kalifornia...(Jefferson seems to be the favorite name for a "new" state)

However, I don't feel like waiting for this to occur and look forward to leaving my native state to move somewhere in the ID/WY/MT area within the next couple of years.

The "True North" starts at Red Bluff!


05-10-2006, 03:56 PM
The NORTH end of the state, (and that doesn't include the "bay area" even though for some strange reason those who live there tend to think they are in "Northern Kalifornia"), seems to be a lot less "paranoid" about displaying guns. Guns in pickup racks are quite common and I've never heard of any problems arising from that. There are a lot of hunters and outdoorsmen around here...

Hopefully one day the north end of the state will succeed in splitting off from the rest of Kalifornia. (It's been voted on a few times BTW!) I would be a lot happier living in the state of "Jefferson" than I would Kalifornia...(Jefferson seems to be the favorite name for a "new" state)

However, I don't feel like waiting for this to occur and look forward to leaving my native state to move somewhere in the ID/WY/MT area within the next couple of years.

The "True North" starts at Red Bluff!


It seems I remember that California and one other state (Texas?) have the legal right to split into smaller but equal states. I also read that neither Northern or Southern half would accept San Francisco into their state, so there was a plan to split into three parts. Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, etc. lumped in with San Francisco.

05-10-2006, 04:00 PM
NOBODY Will take Stockton.. and the southwest corner of ID.and adjoining piece of Or.will be called Stockton North in our lifetime. onceabull

Bucks Owin
05-10-2006, 04:02 PM
It seems I remember that California and one other state (Texas?) have the legal right to split into smaller but equal states. I also read that neither Northern or Southern half would accept San Francisco into their state, so there was a plan to split into three parts. Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, etc. lumped in with San Francisco.

LOL, well who could blame them? I certainly wouldn't want 'Frisco in MY state!!! :-D


Bent Ramrod
05-10-2006, 11:09 PM

All those people are on the covers of the magazines I read as I wait in the grocery store checkout line. They are always leaving their abusive husbands/wives/significant others and stealing the wives/husbands/significant others of others of their ilk. Or having them stolen from them, and giving "their side of the story." Or they're having "secret heartbreaks," "nights of terror," "baby traumas" or going into or out of rehab or court. Eventually they have their "brave last days" and if they're really lucky, then the postmortem adventures begin as new alleged killers, lovers, heirs, illegitimate children, etc., pop out of the woodwork. Orwell said the news media of 1984 would be nothing but political sloganeering, sports, crime and astrology. He forgot about gossip, or maybe he had too much class to mention it. I guess I might as well admit it's like chocolate or cashew nuts--if it's there, and I've got nothing else to do, I'll scarf it up. Also, it makes me content with my own lot in life.:roll:

Most of these troubled souls are as rich as Croesus courtesy of advanced sound-recording and cinematography technology, the perfected state of the art of pretending one is what one is not, and the accident of good looks. But they're always in trouble. They ought to learn to cast bullets; they could do something constructive with their lives.

Deputy Al,

I'm beginning to think the left-leaning thing is just a symptom of a greater malaise, which is the endless search by the children of the Sixties "revolution" for cheap self-gratification and effortless self-esteem. Having the "right thoughts" about the political pets of the hour goes a long way toward realizing this goal for them. A friend of mine grew up in Southern California before WWII; he said it was absolute paradise here back then. It's still scenically beautiful, but in almost every other respect it's Mordor. Four more years of my career sentence to go; then I'm gone like the proverbial cool breeze.

05-11-2006, 03:16 AM
............We spent several days last week at my folk's in Sierra Vista, AZ. While there we drove the 110 miles to Safford, AZ where my younger brother and family live. We went out for lunch and across the street was an apparently new business. Firing Pin Enterprises, Guns and Pawn. So after lunch my brother and I walked over and went in. Seems they were still gettng set up and it looks like a nice place. All guns and gun stuff. Didn't notice any pawn type stuff around.

I asked the guy behind the counter how their opening process was. He said it had been great. No problems from the city at all. He said in fact 2 city counselmen had already bought pistols and they'd only been open 3 days. I don't know if there are any other gun selling places around.

In Sierra Vista I've been in a couple and went into a new one for me this trip. Trail Boss Outfitters was the name. A member here works there and I had recieved an order for a size die from him 2 days before we left for AZ. I tried to get it done so I could hand deliver it but that didn't work out. It's a nice store. He had his personal 500 Nitro Express double rifle there. Nice cartridge, oofff :-)

We left Saturday to return home so I wasn't able to make the swap meet in Sierra Vista. I would have liked to. There are usually a couple guys there with just guns, and amongst the lawn furniture, pottery, car parts, old plumbing and electrical junk you'll see a gun for sale. Since unlike California, there are no restrictions on private party sales. You pays your money and you walks away.


05-11-2006, 01:26 PM
I believe that California and Texas have the right to split into three states. I believe Montana has the right to split into five.

Kalifornia will never split because the fascist part doesn't want to relinquish any hostages.

Bucks Owin
05-11-2006, 02:43 PM
Kalifornia will never split because the fascist part doesn't want to relinquish any hostages.

....or any of the NORTH state's water and timber resources!


(Well, except for the whacko tree hugger/dwellers....) :rolleyes:

mike in co
05-12-2006, 01:36 PM
i melted the ww's in this bucket.......
got about 80 lbs of ww, and another 40lbs or so of soft lead. them big rigs often wear alloy wheels which require stick on ww. ya ever seen a strip of 2 oz stick ons ?....
i now have a full bucket of stick ons.....and no real use other than bbl slugging.
( yes i have a 44 bp revolter around here some where)

05-14-2006, 01:43 PM
I live in California. There are 6 Cowboy shooting clubs within driving distance of my house. I cast bullets in my garage, my neighbors know it and don't mind. A couple of them are even avid hunters. When I want to carry guns and ammo I just put the guns and ammo in different containers, no big deal. As long as they aren't in the front seat with me it doesn't matter. The pistols I have to keep in a locked container, the ammo doesn't. Rifles can be in a regular case, don't need to be locked. The weather is nice here, no snow and it doesn't get hot as hell like at my sisters in Arizona. The beach is only 45 minutes away, the mountains are 3 hours away. I can go to San Francisco for dinner if I want, about an hour from me. I still have one tire dealer that gives me fee wheelweights, about 100 pounds a month. Used to have 3, but now they give it to the battery makers. True, things aren't as gun friendly as they used to be. In 1973 my sister borrowed my Enfield to do a show and tell report for her english class in High School. She showed them howe to clean it. Just carried it to school and put it in her homeroom until time for the report, used it for the report, and brought it home after school was over. Probably be arrested for that now, at least expelled for a while. I doubt you could do that in any schol in the nation now, not just California. We are trying to make things better here. All the gun owners moving out doesn't make it any easier. We have lots of foreigners here who didn't grow up with the rights we are used to and they seem to be used to lots of government control, so voting for laws that allow freer gun ownereship is not normal to them. And San Francisco is an area unto itself. Just no guts in that town, a bunch of people who want the government to take care of them, not too much self reliance. Too much fear in that place, they seem to think they can outlaw bad people and things. What we need to do is make SF and LA a different district, like Washington, DC. Then they couldn't outvote the rest of us in the real world.

05-14-2006, 11:30 PM
Nah. Neutron b*mb. Warn the real humans. Offer a party for the rest. All Left Wing Liberal Democrats, come join the Fun!!

Spent my 1st tour in U.S.M.C. in SoCal. Love the land, hated the people. Except 2 or 3....:( Real sad...[smilie=1:

05-15-2006, 11:26 AM
Not a lot longer here for us. The youngest daughter will finish high school at roughly the same time Marie finishes her Ed. D, and we are history. It's a good point that all too many gun-positive and freedom-oriented people are leaving the state to the trendy leftists, but other factors add to the need to leave--over-crowded EVERYTHING, gridlocked freeways, mass transit is a joke down south, and--last but not least--a thing mentioned by a very wise older man in Cedarville not long after Bruce and Curmudgeon headed home this March--

"In Cedarville, and even in Alturas--people matter. If you don't treat others well and with care and respect, you'll have a hard time living in a place like this. Where you're from (meaning me and the LA area), THINGS are what matter most, and people don't matter a damn. THAT is why cities are so messed up, and places like this (Cedarville) are still pretty decent."

That's as close to a direct quote as I can recall, but it sums up his view accurately. I think he spoke volumes with that.

Marlin Junky
05-15-2006, 04:17 PM
Let what happened in California be a lesson to all traditional Americans everywhere and vote wisely so the fungus doesn't spread. Actually voting is not enough, you need to make yourself heard by your representatives when the least little political thing bothers you. Remember also that the fungus starts slowly in the Schools and Judicial Systems. Know who you are voting for in ALL elections, at ALL levels. Please never forget change is slow but when it happens, the result is like a run-away freight train. It took just about two generations for things to go to Hell in CA.


P.S. Thank God there is only one Hollywood... let's keep it that way.