View Full Version : New guy..with a question

11-10-2009, 02:04 AM
Hello...My name is Nathan and I've been following this site for awhile and finally figured I better join the fun. Actually, I got a lead question that has me stumped (not that hard to do), so I figured I'd ask around.
I got into casting about 10years ago when I got my first Ruger Bisley 45 and started reading Ross Seyfrieds articles on LBT bullets and their amazing killing performance in the field. I picked up all the wheel weights I could find and have a pretty good stash. Using WW's provided me w/ pretty simple casting (ie. no alloy issues that a little tin couldn't fix). Just for the sake of the introduction, I'll add I now cast for my 475, 32mag, 45acp, 44mag, 40sw, as well as the old 45lc.

Here's my problem/question: I've shyed away from most other lead sources since WW was easy and cheap and it worked. But....today while I was out hiking w/ my son, I crossed under a BPA powerline tower and noticed some wierd, bell shaped weights on the ground as well as some of the triangular aluminum braces they use to keep the lines together. I talked w/ some locals and they mentioned that they come through every few years to replace all that stuff, and leave the old ones on the ground where they fall. Seemed kind hokey to me, but it is what it is. Back to the weights. They appear to be some sort of vibration dampeners that are placed on the lines just before and after each tower. Two of them are attached by a piece of cable and sit parrallel to the line. I would imagine they each run about 10lbs or so, but I haven't weighed them yet. Does anyone have any idea what kind of alloy this is, or even have a clue what I'm talking about? They appear to be very hard, but definately some sort of lead-like alloy. I lugged one up to the road and had plans to retrieve it for testing, but my 3yo son was in desperate need of a potty break, and I forgot to bring the paper...quick trip home for me...:grin: I'm crossing my fingers that this is going to work out good for me, since there are a BUNCH more laying around out there that I would be happy to clean up for them.

11-10-2009, 07:31 AM
Welcome to the board Nathan.
Keep us posted on the development of your find. I wish that I could help, but dunno anything about it.

11-10-2009, 12:47 PM
Thanks Edub...I tried calling the power company, but surprisingly enough, the folks on the phone don't know anything either. Imagine that..(=

11-10-2009, 01:42 PM

Welcome to the madness.

My common rule of thumb is: If you think it's lead, get it while it's there, or someone else will. Once you've got it home, then you have all the time you need for the research. If it doesn't suit your needs, you can always find someone else who will take it, even if it is just the scrapyard.

11-10-2009, 01:58 PM
Good point Rob.. fortunately, its behind our private land, so there really is no public access. I was supposed to be elk hunting today, but my 3yo woke up puking and mom HAD to go to work...so, here I am on the computer trying to wear out Google..(=