View Full Version : Elk hunting success!

BT Sniper
11-05-2009, 02:32 AM
Well guys I made it back from a successful hunting season. I was able to take a small mule deer with a hand made 5.7x308 bullet but I did not have the tools need to make the big .338 bullets yet. So the task of taking an elk was up to the big 300 grain Sierra Match King .338 bullet. Fired from an improved 338 RUM case at 2850fps has proven very accurate for me.

After much practice at longer range shooting I was prepaired to sit myself on a stand this elk season and wait for that big bull to walk out. I had found a good spot that allowed me to see a lot of area on the other side of a small canyon. Shots would range from 440 yrds at the closest and 650 at the farthest.

Opening morning at first light I was there waiting when a bunch of elk apperied just where I had hoped they would. Two of them where sparing so I knew there was at least two bulls to chose from. I figured I would go after the winner of the shoving match.

I knew the range at a distance of 530 yrds, I dialed in my scope. I took a steady rest on a fallen tree, took carefull aim and let one fly. By the time I regained my sight picture in the scope he was down for the count.

I plan to continue in the hopes of making a custom die to make some big .338 bullets some day with the goal of never having to by a factory bullet again. I know this is not really a "swaging forum" topic discussion but I thought I would share the story with the many of you here. It was my first elk in over 17 years of chasing them around the woods.

Good shooting,


11-05-2009, 02:40 AM
Good one! Thanks for sharing. :drinks:

elk hunter
11-05-2009, 11:09 AM

Congratulations on your successful elk hunt. If I remember correctly the average number of years to bag one is something like 11, your extra time just added up to a nicer than average bull. Again congratulations, well done!

11-05-2009, 11:41 AM
Guess you won't be eating turkey this Thanksgiving!

11-05-2009, 12:06 PM
Congratulations on a great hunt. Enjoy the rewards of your time and effort.

11-07-2009, 01:17 PM
Well done brian!

11-07-2009, 03:41 PM
Thanks for that ,I had just about convinced myself that after 7 years and several close calls ( but no elk ) that I should give up trying to harvest one of these "ghosts" but now thanks to you and the eleven year theory I'll have to keep paying my dues and hope for the best ! And congradulations !!!!!

11-07-2009, 06:09 PM
Good going Brian. Hopefully, you won't need to wait 17 years for the next one!

BT Sniper
11-08-2009, 01:17 AM
Thanks guys. The prievious years and all my prievious elk hunting for that matter was all archery hunting. Some of the most memorable times I have spent in the hills. Very offten I would get within a couple hundred yards or less of some very nice elk. All it took was a rifle tag to get the job done.

All ready thinking of how I can make some of those big .338s from a .223 case.

Good shooting,
