View Full Version : message for turbo1889

11-04-2009, 06:03 PM
I tried to send you a private message but for some reason I couldnt get it to send. I wonderd if you ever get round to posting your .410 slug Die design on the fourten forum or on line. If possible please could you email me a copy of them


Kind regards


11-10-2009, 09:12 PM
Yes, I am still alive and kicking, another forum member who happens to have my direct e-mail address was starting to worry about me because I hadn't been posting or answering direct questions and PM's for quite a while. Sorry for the long time without any reply - things have been really crazy for me for the last month or so and I haven’t even logged on to this forum for quite a while mainly because my previous "just relax and surf" computer time is now all but non-existent.

No, I have not published/posted the die designs yet and the whole 410 slug experiments in general have been on the back burner and down the list of priorities for a month plus now.

Sorry, I'll get back to work on this when things around here get back to normal. I’ve been mainly occupied with dealing with some unexpected curve balls life has been throwing me - think full auto batting cage ball launcher on the fritz that you can’t shut off and there is no door out of the batting cage so you just have to keep swinging or get hit by the balls and hopefully the darn thing will run out of balls sooner or later. :-(

I have saved your e-mail address and you will be the first to get a set when they get done. The changes, modifications, and improvements to the original plans to make get them where I want them for public posting are about 1/2 to 2/3 done and have been at that point and gone no further for the last month or so. I need about three more open evenings to complete them. I don't think all get all three until after hunting season and Thanksgiving is over. I can't make any promises considering the unexpected curve balls life has thrown me so far but I think I should be able to get things back on track with that project and get it all buttoned up before Christmas.

11-10-2009, 09:39 PM
Glad to hear you is still alive!

11-11-2009, 03:30 PM
Glad to hear your ok. I had noticed you hadnt been online for a while. Sent you a PM. I hope everything settles down for you so you can spend more time on your hobbys

All the best
