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View Full Version : Toys arrived.

Gerry N.
10-26-2009, 07:33 PM
The Lee 8x57 RGB dies and KAR 8mm mold I ordered a week ago today from Midsouth arrived. Looked the mold over with a 10x glass, saw no flaws. Cleaned it with spray carb. cleaner and compressed air, fired up my ancient Lee 12# bottom drip pot with a load of WW metal in it and cast up a few dozen shiny boolits. The second pour dropped with no tapping on the hinge nut needed and both boolits were perfect as far as I could tell. Cast up another three dozen, they're cooling as I type. I'll let 'em stabilize for a day or two after I tumble 'em this evening. Then I'm going to load twenty to take to the range for a quick test run in my Yugo M48.

Film at 11.

Gerry N.

10-26-2009, 08:05 PM
You might want to slug that barrel while you're waiting and make sure that you size them boolits big enough. Lots of variation reported in those old tubes. Of course, they might not need sized at all. Better to avoid problems than be disappointed. Got gas checks? Again , you might get away without them for awhile if you keep things light....