View Full Version : went to the buddys gunshop to get a new muzzle loader

Lloyd Smale
10-22-2009, 07:08 AM
ended up comming out with a new thompson omega and a used like new win trapper in 44 mag thats case hardened. New best friend for my 44p marlin. Neat thing about this one is it feeds the new group buy 300 hp mold like butter and the malin choked on it no matter where i seated it.

Jack Stanley
10-22-2009, 07:00 PM
Those trapper carbines are a blast to be sure . The 94 never did fit me all that well and I got kicked by them when chambered in thirty caliber . I did have a trapper in 45 Colt once that never did hit my shoulder to hard . I friend bought the .44 and they made quite a pair . I bet you're gonna like the new stubby barrel repeater .


10-22-2009, 09:20 PM
I got one of these and it is one of my favorite deep woods hunting rifles. I have a saddle ring on it and hook a civil war style carbine sling to it. It just hangs at my right side and I can bring it up and pop off a shot quick as a wink when necessary.

10-24-2009, 08:53 AM
We need pics![smilie=w:

10-24-2009, 10:16 AM
I love my trapper, I should get out and play with it more often but the feed port always bites the finger that feeds it, just needs broken in a bit more.

10-24-2009, 10:32 AM
A trapper in 44 mag has been my truck gun since the '80's. While many like heavy bullets, I've found that the best cast boolet for mine is the Lyman 429215. This little semiwadcutter (GC) is often overlooked in favor of heavy boolets, but in my trapper, it's minute-of-clay-pigeon-fragment accurate, and has plenty of power for deer and smaller game. It doesn't kick as much as heavier boolets do out of the little Trapper, either. You can shoot a box of 50 from a bench in an afternoon without even a hint of a sore shoulder.

10-24-2009, 03:12 PM
Congratulations on your Trapper. I picked up one a few years ago and won't part with it for love nor $$. Recommend also the saddle ring sling that NickSS spoke of. They are light weight, simple to operate and very quick when used with that short barrel. They also help you out when you're draggin' out your kill. Leadmelter sent me some RanchDog 170 grain boolits a while back and the Trapper did well with them. I don't get to shoot as much as the guys here so I can't brag about flyer free groups but I was very happy with the Winchester. I'm sure you will be too. Keep writin' I'm learnin'. Helice

Lloyd Smale
10-25-2009, 06:58 AM
first load out of it was the group buy 300lfngc hp with 20 grains of 110 and a ww primer. It shot it into 1.5 inches at 50 yards so potential is definatly there. Thats the first load and its allready as good as the best load out of my 44 p marlin.

10-25-2009, 10:49 AM
I have really learned to like the short '94. I fell into a Wrangler in 32 Winchester Special a few years ago. It really likes a 150 gr. H&G cast with SR4759. Easy to carry and plenty accurate for my uses.