View Full Version : Did I damage it?

04-28-2006, 09:10 AM

Last night I was casting some 38 boolits with my 358156 double cavity mould. As usual I was dropping the boolits directly into water. On one casting cycle, unknown to me, the screw that was holding one of the blocks to the handles came out and the block half fell into the cold water. I retrieved the block, dried it off well and continued casting boolits. It seemed to still work ok, but I was curious if I have ruined my mold? I know water quenching hardens my lead alloy, but what did it do to my mold block? I feel like an idiot for not paying more attention to things [smilie=1: .


Doble Troble
04-28-2006, 10:12 AM
If it's still casting good bullets you're OK. Your steel mold wasn't hot enough to harden (but even if it was, as long as it didn't warp you're good).

David R
04-28-2006, 06:16 PM
It could have warped, but obvously it didn't. It would have to been over 1,000 d f to harden it or change any of the steel properties. Nuttin lost, nuttin gained.

05-03-2006, 08:02 AM
It is almost impossible to warp a mould with the low heat for casting. That is only spring steel temperature.
The moulds I have seen with a warp were from someone tightening the handle screws so tight that the block bent. The handle slot makes a weak spot that can be spread or closed (depending on how the screw works) with too much pressure and if cranked down when the mould is hot, it will bend easier and then the block is held under pressure when cooling.
You are far safer to just keep the screws in place and keep an eye on them so they don't fall out.
Some of the better moulds have a screw or pin setup that prevents damage. Even Lee uses a staked in pin.
Please don't over tighten the screws.

05-04-2006, 12:36 PM
I had the same thing happen apx a week ago. My mishap wasn't from a loose screw. My *** Lyman handle broke, cracking right by the screw hole. I know what many of you are thinking, I was tapping it on the hinge. My heart sank as it was my 44 cal spire point mold that has been discontinued by Lyman. Fortunately after letting the hot side cool and warming both sides together, it continued to cast good slugs.