View Full Version : Mauser action measurement??

04-27-2006, 08:19 PM
I ordered a stock from midway for a mauser rebarreled to 45-70 . the action bolt hole spacing is about a quarter inch longer than mine. The recoil lug sits back to far and the mag wont fit in the cutout. How can I find out what Mauser action I have, BTW the midway stock is really nice looking,called the Walking Varminter.Laminated midnight.

04-27-2006, 08:23 PM
If the Mauser action you have is a 98 Model, then I'd venture to guess you have one of the Yugo 98 mauser because they are about that much shorter then a regular 98 Mauser.


04-27-2006, 08:31 PM
would it be feasible to try to fit this stock to my action? thanx!

04-27-2006, 09:07 PM
Why don't you just send it back to Midway and get the right stock after you postively identfy your action.


04-28-2006, 07:14 AM
Return the stock. Altering a pre-inleted stock ends you up with nothing you'll be proud of. I'd also think you have 48 length action. There are websites that list all the variables. Google "Mauser action types" and grab a cup o' joe, you'll have a LOT of reading to do.

04-28-2006, 01:20 PM
Yes ,It is going back. It is a Siamese action,according to a collector friend they only LOOK like 98's

Larry Gibson
04-28-2006, 03:48 PM
Yes ,It is going back. It is a Siamese action,according to a collector friend they only LOOK like 98's

Not sure what your friend means; if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and flys like a duck then odds are it's a duck. The Siamese, though made in Japan, is considered to be a M98 by all the "experts". For a stock to fit you'll have to go with a stock maker like Boyds or Richards. Not sure that Fajen/Bishop is still in business(?). I've not seen an "off the shelf" stock for one in years.

Larry Gibson

Uncle Grinch
04-30-2006, 05:48 PM
Try this links for more info on Mauser stocks.


Scroll down some and you will see some Mauser info.

05-03-2006, 10:28 PM
The Czech-made Mauser VZ 24 is identical to a M98 Lg. Rng. military Mauser, but it's the only Mauser with a 24 on it that is. The Yugoslavian 24 is an intermediate. Likewise, the FN 24 (and FN 29). The Mexican 24 Mauser is also an intermediate (hence difference from the Mexican Mausers). Another Mauser deserves mention here-the Siamese. The Siamese Mauser is different from all of the above. Designed for a rimmed cartridge, it has a unique tapered floor plate, and some other features unlike any other Mausers. So the stock is likewise unique. I was quoted a price of $100.00 for a semi finished stock by Mr. Pohl.