View Full Version : Need air rifle advice.

10-18-2009, 11:27 AM
I am in need of a break barrel air rifle. My daughter [8] has decided to join the 4H shooting club. YAH!!!!!:smile:
Even though she has been shooting a 22 with me for a year, the 4H rules are she has to shoot pellet guns til she is 10. Not a problem but...
I need a break barrel pellet rifle with open sights.
What are some to consider??

I like the looks of the Ruger Airhawk. Also would love to have a Winchester Air rifle, just because it is a Winny, but it is made by Daisey.
I have about 125.00 in the budget for this. I understand I will probably have to help her cock it, but I an told by the instructor that this is ok and common.

I saw some refurbs at Natchezz. Any thoughts?? She really like the wood stocks.
Any help and guidance is appreciated.

Ed Barrett
10-18-2009, 07:51 PM
Look at the cheaper Gamo. I have one and know several people who use them as basment guns to work on their offhand shooting all winter. Never saw one that wasn't very accurate.

10-18-2009, 07:59 PM
Crossman I think is what I have 100 bucks puts them all in same hole.

10-18-2009, 08:37 PM
I have yet to see a bad one.

10-18-2009, 08:51 PM
Oops Daisy 1170. I still see them at stores. Don't know if still same model #. Wood stock is easy to cut down, before you cut drill 2 3/8 holes past cut. Dowels match it up later