View Full Version : Raked over the coals

10-17-2009, 11:04 PM
I have visited the Single Action site and was soundly beat up from John Taffin for using the word "Boolit", I don't know if he is the writer or not but was amazed at how many fell into his footsteps and agreed with him.
He said it is the reason he doesn't come here, we should only say "bullet."
I didn't say anything wrong, just used our word for cast.

10-17-2009, 11:09 PM
It's amazing what some folks get their panties all twisted and bunched up over ...:mrgreen:

10-17-2009, 11:14 PM

Three 44s

10-17-2009, 11:17 PM
If thats his attitude then it is best he stay away.:-D

10-17-2009, 11:19 PM
If the reason Taffin doesn't come here is due to the use of boolit instead of bullet, I just lost some respect for him. Seems a bit self righteous anal to me. Yes the man knows his stuff, but still, to snub an entire group of like minded people simply because of a word?

10-17-2009, 11:24 PM
The power of a word or words is simply amazing to narrow minded dummies.

Words don't brake my bones!

big boar
10-17-2009, 11:26 PM
Butt it iz speld boolit, izn't it?

10-17-2009, 11:26 PM
Happens every day, somewhere, somehow, to just about anybody. First impressions are just that, and they seem to last forever until something radical happens to change the mind. ... felix

10-17-2009, 11:29 PM
Yep, too bad for everyone, including him.

Oh well, life goes on and I love it here no matter how anyone spells, talks, or looks! My momma taught it to me straight!

10-17-2009, 11:38 PM
I just quit thinking about buying his book on the .44. His loss, not mine.

I have some unused bench space, but since I can't give you any of it, I will be glad to relieve you of any of your too many presses.

10-17-2009, 11:56 PM
I just quit thinking about buying his book on the .44. His loss, not mine.

No. It's your loss too. As one poster said, he knows his stuff. I have enjoyed all his books on handguns. Something to be learned in each one of them.

Sorry to say, he probably tikked off more people by that attitude than he found friends to agree with him. I frequent both boards(Cast Boolets and Single Actions) and find a lot to agree with on that board too. Even with a few recent threads raising hackles here, this is still the best place to learn and associate with good folks.


10-18-2009, 12:04 AM
The way I look at it, if he doesn't want to come here anymore because we like and use the word "Boolit" then I for one don't want him here anyway. I met Bill Jordan one day and had a nice chat, seems to me he used some words (Bill was a southern man) that Mr. Taffin might of taken exception to also, I wonder if Mr. Taffin would of snubbed him too? I say Good riddens!

10-18-2009, 12:26 AM
I don't think I'll be ashamed when we're at the BIG RENO SHOW next month and our display sign will read...


-and I don't think I'll loose any sleep over those who are offended by it, and overcome with snobbery when they walk by as well... :Fire: :coffeecom :violin:

10-18-2009, 06:37 AM
HMMMMM......Boolits......Bullets........I don't get it, they sound the same to me. What's the big deal?
I wonder what the view is like from up there, looking down on us illiterate peasants? [smilie=s:
Misplaced pseudo-snobbery if you ask me.

10-18-2009, 07:29 AM
I must say, spelling it boolits keeps this site from getting blocked at work!!!!

I sure appreciate that because the server is soooo much faster than my dial up at home. Most of my visits are before work, lunch, and after work hours.

Good job.

10-18-2009, 07:49 AM
boolit loob...

10-18-2009, 08:00 AM
I have visited the Single Action site and was soundly beat up from John Taffin for using the word "Boolit", I don't know if he is the writer or not but was amazed at how many fell into his footsteps and agreed with him.
He said it is the reason he doesn't come here, we should only say "bullet."
I didn't say anything wrong, just used our word for cast.

Got a link by chance? I'm not familiar with the mentioned forum...

10-18-2009, 08:11 AM
Taffin is a decent writer but I'm not loosing sleep over another "Gun Celebrity" not coming here. So far there is one well know writer here who seems to fit in alright. He even asks questions and doesn't seem to have any fits over our humor. If we're too crude or ignorant for Taffins that's his loss. We can still read his schpeel on line everywhere.

FWIW- IIRC Mr Taffin was/is a history teacher or professor whose articles weren't selling well until he donned a big ol' 10 gallon hat. I suppose we could boycott the SA site because he's not a real cowboy and therefore the hat is inaccurate....

10-18-2009, 08:30 AM
I have no problem with the word boolit, and think it is unique and should be used
at all times here and elseware.
Heck, for years I shooting boolits and didn't know it.

10-18-2009, 08:34 AM
"No. It's your loss too. As one poster said, he knows his stuff. I have enjoyed all his books on handguns. Something to be learned in each one of them."

Nope, not my loss. He isn't the only person who has written a book or a magazine article, and whom I can learn from. If he wants to snub me, by not visiting this site, because of his elitist attitude, my principles won't allow me to have any more to do with him. I won't even peruse his books while in the book store.

Just as Abraham Lincoln refused to suffer fools, so do I.

10-18-2009, 08:44 AM
I doubt that they would notice a boycott. There isn't too much casting traffic on that board. I go there because they post great pictures of custom single actions. Based on all those pictures, I would guess that the average net worth of members of that board exceeds our average net worth by a goodly amount. Especially if I'm any indication. If all they had was casting posts, I doubt I would bother.

Mr. Taffin is held in high regard by many on that board and I suspect by several here, including me. One thing they don't have that we do have is multiple threads on spelling and grammer, etc. That may be due to the relative prosperity of its members and a much lower member count(600+ vs 10,000+).

Having said all that, it seems to me that this board and other boards complement each other rather than compete.


10-18-2009, 09:17 AM
One thing they don't have that we do have is multiple threads on spelling and grammer, etc. That may be due to the relative prosperity of its members and a much lower member count(600+ vs 10,000+).

Sounds to me like time for a hillbilly invasion....:mrgreen:

10-18-2009, 09:22 AM
Got a link by chance? I'm not familiar with the mentioned forum...
I can't figure out how to place a link with this high speed but just search single actions home.
I screwed up at that site by posting some group pictures and told the story about the one time I put 3 shots in 2-1/2" at 500 yards. I explained it only happened once and I will never do it again but was just showing the boolit design is stable. Now it is constantly thrown in my face that I claim to shoot groups like that. All of you know I can't do it. It was just a one time miracle and I must have shook the same each shot! :smile:
Yeah, I do this :kidding::kidding:a lot, razz and joke around a lot too. I am more guilty then anyone of raising hackles. I can tell you where it comes from, all the years I worked in Cleveland airport, it was a constant everyday thing to play tricks, drive supervision nuts and go home with sides hurting. We were all nuts! :bigsmyl2:
Someday I will tell the story about stuffing a huge woodchuck between the muffler and floor of my bosses car. :p
I like and respect everyone here, I also like our writer even if I pull his chain. What I don't like is the ivory tower concept, we are all the same and everyone has some special qualities. Some of you are such super craftsmen I stand in awe. I won't list names because it is just too large a list and to tell the truth, it includes all of you anyway.
I am grateful you put up with me but to be ground up for saying "BOOLIT" and be accused of lying about groups does rub me wrong. I still refuse to get angry, however, I went back to the site and stretched the chain tighter without naming names or cussing! :kidding:
Perhaps many of you will bomb the site with our label of the silver stream. I will forever make "BOOLITS."

10-18-2009, 09:23 AM
I went over to the sixguns forum and did a search for the word boolit and only came up with about six posts and none of them involved taffin. Could you post a link to the thread so we could see it in context. Thanks.

10-18-2009, 09:27 AM
I went over to the sixguns forum and did a search for the word boolit and only came up with about six posts and none of them involved taffin. Could you post a link to the thread so we could see it in context. Thanks.
It was "why the bore size difference between the .45 and 45-70." It is in single action revolvers.

10-18-2009, 10:00 AM
Maybe the real reason is he wanted to become a distributor of waksupi's loob grooves and waksupi wouldn't concur.[smilie=b:
Actually, that reason does sound as reasonable as the probable real one, in my mind.:lovebooli

10-18-2009, 10:13 AM
John who? Never heard of 'im.

10-18-2009, 10:18 AM
John who? Never heard of 'im.

That's what I was thinking. Turn the drama off and get back to the business of boolits. :castmine:

10-18-2009, 10:29 AM
You say tomaytoes, I say tomahtoes.

10-18-2009, 10:41 AM
I read this thread last night and again this morning.

Now I haven't read the posts that are being reffered to, but might if a link gets put up, so I won't go raking any buddy, yet, over the coals.

What I will say is everybody use's "slang". these are short cuts in the language used by specific groups to deal with everything from just plain old life to the duties thier job.

I see it in the scrubber industry and ask any street cop about the lingo they use between brothers in blue! It's not the same slang but slang it is!

"Slang" is and will be as American as Apple pie.

I'll spell boolits as boolits, I'll say ain't in public and I will continue to "adjust" my vocabulary as needed to speak to those who's industries collide with mine.

It has also come to my attention that many in the shooting industry / sport ( but none on this site) spend a lot of time whining about the abuse's heaped upon the Second amendment. However these same people have absolutely no issue with stepping all over the First amendment without a thought if you don't do things thier way!

Go Figure!

Expression, spelled correctly or not, vulgar or not, is spelled out specifically in the the First Amendment. I often think this is the only amendment the Founding Fathers wrote before the Lawyers showed up!

For those on the Single action website I will suggest that the next time you read the Second Amendment look up a paragraph and read the First a couple of times.

Just my Two cents.

10-18-2009, 10:43 AM
Who is John Taffin?

BTW shouldn't it be Tiffin - T. I. F. F. I. N. :lovebooli

10-18-2009, 10:46 AM
My response would be swift and direct to being maligned for using the word boolit, I would ask:

"What just exactly is it that you don't like about people who speak with a Southern/Mid-Western accent?"

I really never thought about it much, but I suppose BOOLIT is the way BULLET is pronounced in the Midwestern and Southern States. My thoughts on why people disdain and complain about anything to do with the word boolit is from the erroneous and pretty stupid notion that people with Southern and mid-Western accents are illiterate in-bred cretins right out of the movie Deliverance and the epitome of the backwoods Bubbas who routinely destroy pristine '03A3 rifles by sawing off the barrels to a little under 16" to create the “backwoods sporter rifle”. Trying to prevent uppity self-righteous people from having that attitude is a battle we will never win since it is based on deep-seated irrational emotion instead of rational thought. There are far too many people who consider themselves to be well-bred, smarter, and therefor above everybody else, especially above those fine people who speak with southern and mid-western rural accents. Lots of luck defending our word, there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I rarely use the word boolit outside this forum for the exact reason that it is not well-accepted. Far too many people focus on their dislikes first and ignore the subject at hand, immediately losing sight of what the topic at hand is.

So, I leave sleeping dogs lie and don't use boolit as my universal replacement for the longer descriptive term cast bullet, leaving boolit for those very special people who do understand its significance.


10-18-2009, 10:50 AM
I believe the correct spelling is John Toofin, Adam.

10-18-2009, 10:51 AM

Could this be the site?



Mike Venturino
10-18-2009, 10:52 AM
Gun'riters asking questions????? Never happen!

Anybody remember where I set my coffee cup?

10-18-2009, 10:57 AM
I know where those folks hangout at and I seldom go there, they seem just a bit too uppity for me. I think you interfered with someones self importance.

Rocky Raab
10-18-2009, 11:10 AM
I suppose it's perfectly fine to some here when the media call any and all guns "assault weapons" or any shooters "terrorists", huh? After all, they're entitled to butcher the language as much as you folks are, right?

Yes, you can use any cutesy term you want for bullet. But John Taffin (who was a high school English teacher for decades) is right about the impression it gives. It's at best juvenile and at worst infantile. It's like an adult who continues to call pasta "basketti."

Isms widdle boolits all wrinkly-dinkly? Awwwww...

10-18-2009, 11:14 AM
Oh lord I flunked english. Now I feel so inadequate, but it was a good reason as any to cut class.

10-18-2009, 11:22 AM

a little sensitive aren't they

10-18-2009, 11:31 AM
Linstrum said:
"Far too many people focus on their dislikes first and ignore the subject at hand, immediately losing sight of what the topic at hand is."

So 44man found a way to tweak this Taffin person.


10-18-2009, 11:33 AM
When you come right down to it, isn't it a little silly getting all duded up in cowboy 'costumes' just to go shoot some powder puff loads at playing cards stuck to pine board? It's just about having a little bit of fun. That's all. So if anyone wants to go gettin' stuffy over having a little fun....

As far as I'm concerned the crew here is one of the most edumacated, talented and fun lovin' bunch of folks anywhere. So, if anyone thinks we are silly or heathens, let them. Big deal.

btw, I enjoy a good cowboy shoot as much as anyone else.

10-18-2009, 11:35 AM
If you find him on a semi-auto board you can ask him whether he uses a magazine or a clip in his bottom feeder.

10-18-2009, 11:36 AM
Naw, not impressed with the site. The only thing wrong with the 45 colt is the chamber size most reamers are spec'ed to as compared to the actual case diameter. Somebody years ago screwed up big time, or they took advise from lawyers saying someone is going to shoot and camp-fire load rounds with pulled BOOLITS from 45-70 rounds. ... felix

10-18-2009, 11:38 AM
Jeesh, no one here can be classified as "juvenile" hahahaha

10-18-2009, 11:43 AM
Gee whiz folks,
Now Taffin was a history professor who's articles didn't sell and an English teacher. And he didn't used to wear hats.

I think his objections to the words boolits and wheel guns are silly, but for the record he taught MATH. He also wore those hats long before he sold an article. He started writing for JD Jones Sixgunner back in the early eighties for no money. He was prolific and his articles were good so he eventually was able to go mainstream.

When I read those old articles I get misty. He was one of us then, casting all his own bullets. But now he has to write on all sorts of subjects and buys about all of his bullets.

10-18-2009, 11:48 AM
Oh lordy I flunked math too. But, I'm a firm believer a boolit is as a boolit does.

10-18-2009, 11:53 AM
Good Lord! All caps and cursing and everything.

No respect for Taffin from me.

10-18-2009, 11:55 AM
Found in another thread written by Taffin:
Gummint owns Chevy.


So calling it the Gummint is ok, but spelling it boolit is wrong. This isn't even an issue with the spelling at that obviously doesn't bother him. Just another incident of bigotry and finding a way to stir the pot instead of working as one community. Way to go Taffin, become part of the divide and conquer crowd with Zumbo and the other arrogant bigots. I just hope when it does happen they take your beloved sixguns first.

10-18-2009, 11:59 AM
Followed the link and read the thread, the thing that supprised me was boge quinn chimed in and agreed with taffin. If only they knew how many of us they are ticking off by their uppity attitude maybe they would change their ways.....then again maybe not. I very rarely agree with .44 man but I must say this is one time I must concur, there is nothing worse than holier than thou gun "celebrities" talking down to others that share the sport, we would all be better off to leave our attitudes at home and work together to further the sport and keep it alive for our kid's.

10-18-2009, 12:03 PM

Could this be the site?


Yep, That's it.

10-18-2009, 12:04 PM
Mark Twain once said that he"...never had much respect for a man who could
only spell a word just one way".:smile:

10-18-2009, 12:05 PM
I totally forgot about ZUMBO!

What a time. Both my wife and I were held up in the house with a nasty flu. Just found our little pup Snoop Dogbone that had to go pee in the snow bout's every 2 hours. Then I got all worked up behind the computer cheerin' for the chopin' of Zumbo's head. Memories. ...:mrgreen:

10-18-2009, 12:33 PM
My post over there:

I am the board owner over at "Cast Boolits".
So you can gain some knowledge about the term, and since knowledge and sharing what these boards are all about I am here to share some background on the term.
Back about 1998 or so I joined a place called Shooters.com and the "cast bullet" room in particular to get some information on casting beyond the published books from RCBS and Lyman, In short time I was gaining skills and getting feedback and information beyond what was available as well as suggestions and mold recommendations for my guns.
In use in that room was the term boolit and the simple background, any one can purchase a bullet from Speer, Nosler, Sierra, et all, but only someone that casts can shoot a boolit.
It separated instantly those projectiles machine made from those hand cast in molds.
Fast forward to the summer of 2003 and the announcement Shooters was going to shut off the server and leave us all on our own.
Now I had made many friends there and despite the impending meltdown I wanted to continue those friendships, many places were pondered and tried, but no one forum was settled on for all of us to meet. I was again, concerned that the bond would be lost and the information stream would cease.
So, in hopes of keeping the group whole, I went in search of a host to start a forum dedicated to the cast bullet, well, I found the words Cast Bullet to be registered already in dozens of forms and quite unavailable.
Being determined to start a forum I settled on the Cast Boolit title in honor of the use of that term in the old shooters room.
It had certain points that would be troubling, the first of which quite obvious, the search engines were as rigid in the spelling of bullet as many seem to be and it would take particular effort to find us. Many of the older members followed from the old place and word of mouth brought along many from the Shooters.com site.
That was in August of 2003. We held at about 700 members for 2 years, Then when I got an offer for a new host we moved to the Gunloads.com domain.
We now have well over 11,000 members registered around the globe.
We hold nobody to the exclusive use of the word boolit there, it is up to each person to choose for him/herself, but never once has anyone been chastised or ridiculed for not using local dialect or definition for the cast bullets they are there to learn about, or share their knowledge of with friends.

I believe Jim Zumbo was quite insistent that the AR-15 should not be used in the sporting fields and called for an outright ban on them, he was quite firm in his opinion that traditional firearms were the only suitable choice. He ignored the fact that many, if not all of those "traditional" firearms were either directly brought from the military or were spin-offs with minor changes.
His stand was firm, ban them all!
Well,, Mr Zumbo has certainly been educated in how standing firm in the face of reality and moving forward can keep you ignorant and being stubborn can hold you back.
Remington and Ruger now offer "black rifles" for the sporting fields, so much for "tradition".

There are efforts afoot in several states to outlaw the use of lead, beyond the borders of California despite the use of pseudo-science in justifying the bans, gun control by any means possible. I don't suppose many here have noticed the explosion of prices in the components of our reloading needs? A Copper Clad Bullet that used to cost 8-12 per hundred now hovers in the 20-25 dollar sphere, now of they manage to outlaw the cast bullet how many can afford to feed the base of freedom? The gun without a bullet is useless, the 2nd will be seized by legislation not outlawing the gun, but the means and the purpose will be gone.
And some here are incensed about the word "boolit"? It boggles me.
We at Cast Boolits are not out to demean anyone, but to keep alive the craft and spirit of the gun culture at it's very base, keeping the lowly lead projectile alive through the education of new shooters on feeding the guns that mean freedom, freedom only assured by the guns that the 2nd was sure to protect.
You can rest easy in your words of ridicule but at least we are doing something to keep alive the means to fire the guns we own and not remain reliant on the supply chain of Walmart.

I will sign off with my signature on my forum:

Boolits= as God laid it into the soil,,grand old Galena,the Silver Stream graciously hand poured into molds for our consumption.

Bullets= Machine made utilizing Full Length Gas Checks as to provide projectiles for the masses.

10-18-2009, 12:35 PM
I can't figure out how to place a link with this high speed but just search single actions home.
I screwed up at that site by posting some group pictures and told the story about the one time I put 3 shots in 2-1/2" at 500 yards. I explained it only happened once and I will never do it again but was just showing the boolit design is stable. Now it is constantly thrown in my face that I claim to shoot groups like that. All of you know I can't do it. It was just a one time miracle and I must have shook the same each shot! :smile:
Yeah, I do this :kidding::kidding:a lot, razz and joke around a lot too. I am more guilty then anyone of raising hackles. I can tell you where it comes from, all the years I worked in Cleveland airport, it was a constant everyday thing to play tricks, drive supervision nuts and go home with sides hurting. We were all nuts! :bigsmyl2:
Someday I will tell the story about stuffing a huge woodchuck between the muffler and floor of my bosses car. :p
I like and respect everyone here, I also like our writer even if I pull his chain. What I don't like is the ivory tower concept, we are all the same and everyone has some special qualities. Some of you are such super craftsmen I stand in awe. I won't list names because it is just too large a list and to tell the truth, it includes all of you anyway.
I am grateful you put up with me but to be ground up for saying "BOOLIT" and be accused of lying about groups does rub me wrong. I still refuse to get angry, however, I went back to the site and stretched the chain tighter without naming names or cussing! :kidding:
Perhaps many of you will bomb the site with our label of the silver stream. I will forever make "BOOLITS."


Don't feel bad. I made the mistake many years ago posting a target and using the "one ragged hole" thing. So we're in the same boat buddy.


10-18-2009, 12:36 PM
BTW,, I wrote this before I came back and saw the zumbo references.

10-18-2009, 12:52 PM
I don't personally care for the term boolits but it definitely does not stop me from checking in a couple times a day. I probably visit this site more than any other site cyberspace has to offer. If you don't like the term don't use it, people will still know what you are talking about. It is no different than the grammar spats going on in a few other threads. If you know what I meant, does it matter how I spelled or misspelled it? If two folks were speaking face to face, you wouldn't know if a guy was spelling it boolits or bullets (in his head), but you'd know what he meant. Live with it - I don't boycot a restaurant because they sell Coke and I only like Pepsi. Grow up or miss out on the great information and people that this site offers.

10-18-2009, 12:58 PM
I don't personally care for the term boolits but it definitely does not stop me from checking in a couple times a day. I probably visit this site more than any other site cyberspace has to offer. If you don't like the term don't use it, people will still know what you are talking about. It is no different than the grammar spats going on in a few other threads. If you know what I meant, does it matter how I spelled or misspelled it? If two folks were speaking face to face, you wouldn't know if a guy was spelling it boolits or bullets (in his head), but you'd know what he meant. Live with it - I don't boycot a restaurant because they sell Coke and I only like Pepsi. Grow up or miss out on the great information and people that this site offers.

I like your Coke/Pepsi thing. I will say I won't buy StarKist tune because Nancy Pelosi's husband owns most the stock.


10-18-2009, 01:08 PM
I just read the thread and in my opinion,someone needs to tell tafin that good manners dictate not shouting with the cap lock. 44man, pay them no mind. If Elmer was still alive he would call taffin for what he obviously is ..a pompous arrogant ass.


10-18-2009, 01:09 PM
I have too many actual real things that I want to accomplish in my life to waste my time fretting over how somebody else spells something. Apparently, things are different for him.

10-18-2009, 01:20 PM
Maybe we should send him a few bumper stickers as an apology

10-18-2009, 01:30 PM
man what some people get mad about I think there are much worse problems in this world get over it by the way:lovebooli:lovebooli:lovebooli:lovebooli:lovebo oli

10-18-2009, 01:45 PM
The first rule: Don't sweat the small stuff.

The second rule: Unless someone's going to get hurt/ dead, it's ALL small stuff-

10-18-2009, 01:56 PM
You say tomaytoes, I say tomahtoes.

...yank... (ahrg, I can't even type the word)!

It's pronounced tuhmayters, dagnabbit!!!:kidding:

Mark :mrgreen:

10-18-2009, 01:58 PM
Isn't Zumbo really StarMetal Joe? ...:mrgreen:

10-18-2009, 02:00 PM
Isn't Zumbo really StarMetal Joe? ...:mrgreen:

Aw hell, you foiled my disguise Pat :roll:


10-18-2009, 02:06 PM
Aw hell, you foiled my disguise Pat :roll:


Sorry bout' that ...:bigsmyl2:

10-18-2009, 02:24 PM
It is kinda' funny that Taffin gets his panties in a wad over this yet he and Murbach have been on the internet for 10 years and know darn well that the cap lock is considered yelling. So they choose to be rude and expect everyone to conform to their whims.

10-18-2009, 02:28 PM
I read alot on forums and here, like elsewhere, we have members that are from all over the WORLD( where English is not the first language) A great man once said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." It won't be me. I kind of like being a Boolit maker.

P.S. let me appoligize for any grammatical errors.

10-18-2009, 02:32 PM
I never use the term boolit anywhere but here. To outsiders, it makes us look like idiots. You may not like that reality, but that doesn't change it.

10-18-2009, 02:32 PM
I just wrote that over on the single shot website.
Having a computer IT for a son in law I asked him the question.
Answer, it is a simple matter of telling the computer to type in lower case.
I think he does it to try and be a little bit superior to all of the unwashed( Like you would do in a class room) if you were the Professor and wanted to show the students your superior intellect.
Doesn't work on me , just shows what a cretin he really is


10-18-2009, 02:40 PM
I love it! We must be in great shape as a country if the worst thing we can think of is spelling on an internet BB!

I'm an educated, Redneck, Hill Country Texan. I have a BS in ME and an AAS in Automotive service technology, (both with 3.8 average gpa) An ASE Auto Master's Certification, and I worked for Boeing as a "special builds" engineer for a couple of years, worked on Node 1 (Unity) of the ISS and many military projects. I've been around so many differnent kinds of jargon that they all run together. There's the way the snobby aerospace 'jeers speak, the Air Force, well, enough said, Truckers, yuppie soccer moms, Off Road enthusiasts, Sporting clays shootists, (and let's not forget the holier-than-thou Olympic Bunker deities) I could go on.

Point is, I smile to myself every time I spell "BOOLITS", it's done with tongue firmly in cheek, and I think that's just neat. I grew up with a family of teachers (Dad's a Ph.d English professor, Mom has a Masters in Special Ed,) and believe me I can school people in spelling, grammar, and punctuation should I ever feel the need, BUT WHY WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT? I come here to learn, and learn I do. I also come here to relax and destress from dealing with annoying people all day. I also come here to share what knowledge I can, and if it isn't fun and educational, then what are we all doing?

The only time I correct people is when they try to change or misuse the meaning of technical words, I remember a thread on 20:1 alloy where the "20" was wheelweights, and the poster wanted to argue that HIS group of shooters accepted that term and it was a free country. We have to agree on terms like that, most of which are established by hobby related publications and in general use. That's just ignorance backed up with a close-minded attitude, which I personally deplore and will start a fight about. I'll also can't tolerate rudeness, here or elsewhere in life. Common courtesy ranks up there with voting and paying taxes, it's part of being a good citizen.

Anyway, Sorry you were snubbed, 44man, but if someone can't read Ken's little blurb on "What is a Boolit?" and smile, then to heck with 'em!


[edit] I also use the highly technical terms "loob groove", "revolter", "maggot" (as in .357 and .44), so if any of you object, please feel free to slam me. :-D

10-18-2009, 02:49 PM
Gear said: "Anyway, Sorry you were snubbed, 44man, but if someone can't read Ken's little blurb on "What is a Boolit?" and smile, then to heck with 'em!"

I have been known to say: "F--- 'em if they can't take a joke."
And I don't know how to pronounce those dashes! :bigsmyl2:

Mark :mrgreen:

Suo Gan
10-18-2009, 02:52 PM
Lets face it we are the red necks of the shootin bunch. We are mostly humble group here and an easy target for others. Personally I think they are jealous someone else (read dumb red necks) thought of the catchy name before they did.

10-18-2009, 03:09 PM
I'm kinda purturbed about Boge Quinn's post, but I think he was more in line with the "other 3 terms" (and I'd have to agree with him on those) rather than "boolits". He's about as Southern Hillbilly as they get, and if you know much about Jeff and bogey, they are both outstanding human beings who have had my utmost respect.


10-18-2009, 03:16 PM
I took a look at the thread over at "sixshooter" that you posted on and I think you are having to much fun!...:mrgreen:
Also learned about the proper nomenclature of the OM & NM Vaquero...
I guess I am a dummy just like you... (but a younger dummy so I still have time to learn):grin:

Gotta ask Mr. Taffin, what's with the CAPS?
I have to admit I have read a lot of your work and just recently posted a link to one of your articles on the MarlinCB in 38-55 in our "Levergun" forum...I will continue to read what you write but with a different impression of "you" in my minds eye so to speak..

:lovebooli :lovebooli :lovebooli :lovebooli

10-18-2009, 03:21 PM
Doesn't ruger use the nomenclature of "new model" and 'old model"?

Oh ya, and at first I thought our OP was stretching things a bit....until I went and read the thread on the other board....what a bunch of todds.

Uncle R.
10-18-2009, 03:24 PM
I'll admit I just assumed this was much ado about nothing until I went and actually read three or four pages of the posting that 44man referred to.
All I can say is: What a collection of arrogant, self-righteous, egostistical A-holds! Sometimes I forget just how good THIS board is but episodes like this remind me well.
I too am moderately annoyed by the constant poor spelling and butchered grammar that I see on firearms message boards. I think it portrays us in an unfavorable way and contributes to the stereotyping of shooters as ignorant rednecks. Our political enemies no doubt rejoice at every misspelled word and every example of bad grammar. But BOOLITS? BOOLITS is obviously a deliberate spelling, an attempt to convey a precise meaning. I suppose it might cause mild annoyance, but I can't imagine anyone being offended by that usage, and after reading those many mean-spirited postings I fear Mr. Taffin has fallen several clicks in my opinion.
Uncle R.

Gerry N.
10-18-2009, 03:25 PM
I went over to find out why the bore sizes are different beteen .45 Colt and .45-70 only to see this Taffin guy blow a gasket over a silly word. Then I find out he yells because he doesn't know how to tell his 'pooter to talk soft. Then I find out he has a physical limitation (See how sensitive I am and didn't call him crippled?) becasue he was too thick to realize continued shooting of handguns with far too heavy recoil was causing permanent wrist and hand injury? Then I find that and the fact that someone prints his stuff gives him absolute moral and factual authority? I think I've gone over to that looney bin once too often.

I druther stay hear with guys who spel funy and put them apostropuppie thingys in the rong plase and rite the wurd "boolit" and stuf. At least y'all aren't completely full of yourselves. That and ya seem to know neat stuff that I didn't and I can use and aren't stingy with the information.


Gerry N.

10-18-2009, 03:33 PM
Lets face it we are the red necks of the shootin bunch. We are mostly humble group here and an easy target for others. Personally I think they are jealous someone else (read dumb red necks) thought of the catchy name before they did.

I dunno 'bout that, there are all sorts of folks here, but I enjoy drinking the Beast with my neighbor standing around a burn barrel and using words like "onliest" just as much as I enjoy discussing fuel trim strategy with a pcm programmer at the SEMA show, or talking about eutectic alloys here.

But Ken DID give us THIS, didn't he? :redneck:


10-18-2009, 03:39 PM
Seems very simple to me.

44man is in their "house" so to speak. In my house, you don't have to take your boots off, (mostly) but you do have to damn well show some respect. People have been asked to leave my home because they disrespected my home and my wife. Asked nicely of course.

Taffin is a member of that "house", not this one. He can say what he wants in his "house", he does'nt like "boolits", fair enough. Show the man some respect.

In this case, no respect has been shown, in fact, 44man admits to purposely yanking their chains.
Now we have other members from this forum going there and spouting ridiculous things and turning that site's members against this site.

Way to go fella's. You're doing a helluva good job at splitting the ranks. Maybe you've already resigned yourselves to the fact that your guns are gonna be toast.

It's all about respect, always has been.

My only post on this, I have other things to occupy my time.


10-18-2009, 03:41 PM
I was raked over the coals over on The Firing Line for using the word "boolit" by other members. I figured it was no use arguing and gave up. One of the mods that I talk to on a regular basis (as he has started casting and I help him out when I can) asked me VERY politely if I could stop using the term because it was ruffling some members' and some moderators' feathers. I told him no problem. It absolutely BOGGLES my mind how some people can get so upset over such trivial things. Close-minded individuals like that DO NOT belong over here. So the way I look at it...using the word boolit and having the site named Cast Boolits is a great way to keep people like that far, far away. I thought ALL shooters were in this together...? I guess we aren't...those guys over on the SA Forum must be a couple tiers above us.

10-18-2009, 03:41 PM
I must say, spelling it boolits keeps this site from getting blocked at work!!!!

I sure appreciate that because the server is soooo much faster than my dial up at home. Most of my visits are before work, lunch, and after work hours.

Good job.

You are not the first to make that observation, and while I'm unsure if the spelling rendition was intended to have that effect--I'm glad that it performs that function.

I have trouble getting upset about grammatical, spelling, or syntax errors. I save my vexation for stuff like 30 caliber rifles that don't shoot cast BOOLITS as well as they do the redcoated steak-and-lobster-priced store-bought ones.

10-18-2009, 03:42 PM
Some people on the cowboy sites don't like it when we call BP "holy black", feel they are being regarded as lower class 'cause they shoot smokeless. Personally I belong to "POOP", People offended by offended People, so I don't care. :smile:

10-18-2009, 04:31 PM
It's primarily based on fear.

The secrete society of Cast Booliteers runs very deep. Grand Poobah's of the sect (dept Al, Buckshot, Waksupi, just to name a few) have made the mere mortals of Lazer Cast and cast bullet shooters tremble in their boots.

10-18-2009, 04:35 PM
roadie;694103It's all about respect, always has been.

My only post on this, I have other things to occupy my time.


Like all things in life, respect is earned, not given freely.


10-18-2009, 04:42 PM
I wonder if boolits for single actions prefer a different loob than boolits for dubble actions?

10-18-2009, 04:46 PM
It's amazing. This is the first thread I have followed that the email notifications can't keep up with the new posts. Keep it up!


10-18-2009, 04:52 PM
Pat tells the truth. I saw it as fact on History Channel's "Secrets of the underworld". :kidding: I wonder how long it will take the haters to form a posse and hunt down our Grand Enabler?


It's primarily based on fear.

The secrete society of Cast Booliteers runs very deep. Grand Poobah's of the sect (dept Al, Buckshot, Waksupi, just to name a few) have made the mere mortals of Lazer Cast and cast bullet shooters tremble in their boots.

10-18-2009, 05:16 PM
Does eutectic alloys still exist?
I have used eutectic castallion silver solders since the 70s and haven't seen any advertisment from them for years.


Gerry N.
10-18-2009, 05:49 PM
I was thinkin' (sharrap, I can too think!) about this Taffin guy not being able to use lower case and it has the reek of chips of the Buffalo persuasion. He seems to have no problem using the shift function to go @#$%#*_*^& on people but can't use it simply to write? I don' thin' so, Lucy. Someone gots some 'splainin' to do, it doesn't hold water.

Looks to me like this fella's got a pretty good scam goin' here bein' all morally superior to everyone else and all 'cause he's a victim of heavy recoil and everything. If he's shinin' folks on this, what else is he full of male bovine fecal matter on? It goes to credibility. His appears to be somewhat tarnished.

Don't ask me why I even care, I think it's because the weather's poor for trout fishing and it's a week too early for deer hunting.

Gerry N.

10-18-2009, 06:14 PM
First, do I need to send in to dues or something to become a member of POOP (People Offended by Offended People), 'cause I feel a moral kinship to that group. (Any requests for money/dues/whatever will be checked out at Snopes and truthorfiction, then discarded).

Secondly, I am not acquainted with Mr. Taffin, and don't know if I have read any of his stuff or not, so I can't comment on that - but ANYONE who continually posts in caps has problems. They are either ignorant of on-line courtesy (that can be solved easily) or they are... well, that can't be solved so easily. From what I hear, Mr. Taffin falls into the latter group.

I'm a good speller, and editor, but a mediocre typist. Purely huntin' pecker. Do use several fingers, tho. Some of the mis-spellings we see here (and other places) are not spelling errors, but typing errors. I have grown blase about these problems, and look for the crux, for the kernel, for the core of the post and ignore the errors that interfere, even though this makes the reading more of a chore. People who nit-pick trivial errors are insecure nit-pickers. So there.

10-18-2009, 06:27 PM
The Single Actions forum is a very small group, mainly interested in collectable and custom single action revolvers.
If you don't count the threads about recent acquisitions, there is little else of interest.
If spelling is of more importance than shooting, it is their loss.


10-18-2009, 06:59 PM
Seems very simple to me.

44man is in their "house" so to speak. In my house, you don't have to take your boots off, (mostly) but you do have to damn well show some respect. People have been asked to leave my home because they disrespected my home and my wife. Asked nicely of course.

Taffin is a member of that "house", not this one. He can say what he wants in his "house", he does'nt like "boolits", fair enough. Show the man some respect.

In this case, no respect has been shown, in fact, 44man admits to purposely yanking their chains.
Now we have other members from this forum going there and spouting ridiculous things and turning that site's members against this site.

Way to go fella's. You're doing a helluva good job at splitting the ranks. Maybe you've already resigned yourselves to the fact that your guns are gonna be toast.

It's all about respect, always has been.

My only post on this, I have other things to occupy my time.


What, does Taffin own the site?

Some people deserve to have their chains yanked. Getting poked at by someone with a different line of thinking helps put our time on this rock in perspective.

And yes, COURTESY is given, LOVE is given, but RESPECT always must be earned.


10-18-2009, 07:12 PM
... Personally I belong to "POOP", People offended by offended People, so I don't care. :smile:

I like it.[smilie=l:

Maybe we could start a movement.....Nah, never mind, I don't care either.


10-18-2009, 07:45 PM
We'll call them boolits and shoot them from firesticks who made JT King ?

10-18-2009, 08:10 PM
I've always enjoyed reading the writings of John Taffin, however, he did seem to have a poker up his keister on this...Ray

10-18-2009, 08:21 PM
Ok I just read all 6 pages and I just don't understand the mentality of their site. All emotion and ego on that thread, no facts. I know it isn't fair to judge the entire site by that one thread, but I've seen enough.

I'm so glad I'm a member here, where we only have a few people who call each other liars and foul names for trying to contribute a little of their excellence.


10-18-2009, 08:59 PM
I screwed up at that site by posting some group pictures and told the story about the one time I put 3 shots in 2-1/2" at 500 yards. I explained it only happened once and I will never do it again but was just showing the boolit design is stable. Now it is constantly thrown in my face that I claim to shoot groups like that. All of you know I can't do it. It was just a one time miracle and I must have shook the same each shot! :smile:

We have a saying up here that covers situations like that, you probably heard it before.....''even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then''. They were having a slow day and were just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.

10-18-2009, 09:34 PM
Pat tells the truth. I saw it as fact on History Channel's "Secrets of the underworld". :kidding: I wonder how long it will take the haters to form a posse and hunt down our Grand Enabler?


Beware they may act on Saturday the fourteenth!

Just remember to keep the sacred handshake secret! :holysheep

10-18-2009, 09:34 PM
I belong to both forums and like them both. Mr. Taffin is the "patron saint" over there, but doesn't run a very high post count....why give away free what you can sell to AMERICAN HANDGUNNER and GUNS magazines. I enjoy his work and have TWO autographed copies of all of his books...one set on the book shelf and the others in the "other room"....and look forward to buying more.

Cut the guy a break. He is one of our most prolific writers AND he'll be 70 soon if he isn't already. He had enjoyed the extended use of "wrist wreckers" and now once again is extolling the virtues of the 44 Special...especially with Duke aka MLV aka Mike Venturino yanking his chain at AMERICAN HANDGUNNER.

EDK aka Blue Roan other places

10-18-2009, 09:49 PM
I belong to both forums and like them both. Mr. Taffin is the "patron saint" over there, but doesn't run a very high post count....why give away free what you can sell to AMERICAN HANDGUNNER and GUNS magazines. I enjoy his work and have TWO autographed copies of all of his books...one set on the book shelf and the others in the "other room"....and look forward to buying more.

Cut the guy a break. He is one of our most prolific writers AND he'll be 70 soon if he isn't already. He had enjoyed the extended use of "wrist wreckers" and now once again is extolling the virtues of the 44 Special...especially with Duke aka MLV aka Mike Venturino yanking his chain at AMERICAN HANDGUNNER.

EDK aka Blue Roan other places

Sorry, EDK, but I think that the Patron Saint does owe 44man (bfrshooter) an apology for jumping all over him like a grade-schoolmaster. That was un-called-for. I won't cut him a break for coming out swinging in a thread.

If he wanted to, he could have politely told 44man he disagreed on his usage of "boolit" but also noted that the First Amendment protects his right to use it and unless the site owner objects then it is just his own (Taffin's) objection. But he's a pompous fool, and like has been pointed out, can't stand anyone threatening his top-of-the-heap imagined status.

If Taffin was a gentleman none of this would have come to pass.


10-18-2009, 10:05 PM
I do not know 44man personally, but I have read a lot of his writings on this site. A lot of what he has to say makes sense to me. Nope, he is not perfect, but there has only been one man that was.

There is no doubt in my "rabbit tailed" mind that 44man is a very good shot with his revolters, or anything else he sets his mind to shoot. I would not want to shoot against him at whatever yardage. He might not be a miracle shot as he called it, but he is good, I think. YMMV

Besides, having lived as long as he has, if he wants to stretch it a bit, who gives a rat's behind?:kidding:
Let us cast and shoot our boolits and be happy! Boolits forever!
regards, from chilly North Alabama
NavahoJoe :castmine::castmine:

10-18-2009, 10:16 PM
I just finished reading all seven pages over on Sixguns. WHEW!! I can tell you one thing; I prefer to use the word "bullet" here on Cast Boolits, and no one has ever jumped on me for it. I think that says a lot for the character of our members here.

10-18-2009, 10:28 PM
Why should I give an egotistical, elitist a break? Because he is a better wordsmith than I, and older, too? No, sir. He made a disparaging remark to everyone who belongs to this forum. Some of us may take it more personal than others, but that's what makes us individuals.

Some members have opined that our reaction to his comments only tend to create disunity within the gun community, and emboldenes the anti-gunners. I say that it is he, by his snobbish attitude over the spelling of a simple and innocent word, who has created any animosity, not us.

He may have forgotten more about guns than I will ever know, some may view him as a gunwriting god, guru, idol and shootist, be that as it may. However, his disrespectful attitude and tone toward me, as a member of this forum, will not be cause for me to give him a break or any respect.

As I posted earlier, I was thinking about buying his book on the .44. I'm glad that I didn't and that it will never take up any valuable space in my library.

If he were to come to this forum and apologize for his remarks, I will gladly accept it.

10-18-2009, 10:31 PM
I must say, spelling it boolits keeps this site from getting blocked at work!!!

At my work the boolits doesn't get it blocked; the gunloads part does.

10-18-2009, 10:37 PM
I do not know 44man personally, but I have read a lot of his writings on this site. A lot of what he has to say makes sense to me. Nope, he is not perfect, but there has only been one man that was.

There is no doubt in my "rabbit tailed" mind that 44man is a very good shot with his revolters, or anything else he sets his mind to shoot. I would not want to shoot against him at whatever yardage. He might not be a miracle shot as he called it, but he is good, I think. YMMV

Besides, having lived as long as he has, if he wants to stretch it a bit, who gives a rat's behind?:kidding:
Let us cast and shoot our boolits and be happy! Boolits forever!
regards, from chilly North Alabama
NavahoJoe :castmine::castmine:

I'm so aggravated at all the misquotes!!!!!!!!

44man NEVER NEVER NEVER said he was a "miracle shot"!!!!! He said that "it was just a one time miracle and I must have shook the same each shot!" (he was referring to his one-time 2-1/2" group at 500 yards).

Go back and read his post #23 on this thread, Please!

It's a small thing, but even when you're supporting him you're starting a misquote that might never get straightened out.

It's no wonder all the drama gets going here, people don't read things right to begin with, then there's no getting it right because few are man enough to apologize for going off on a misconception. (ahmmmm, Starmetal Joe? Larry? sound familiar?


10-18-2009, 11:12 PM
EDK: Your post(#100) above says exactly what I was getting ready to say. Except I only have 2 of Taffin's books that are autographed. The others I got somewhere else. Every time I come to this site, I run my mouse over an old "Sixgunner.com" mouse pad from Y2K(2000). I don't post over there often but do enjoy the posts on custom single actions and other rare handguns. I hope those of us who don't get overly upset about the aspersions being cast(poor choice of words) on the use of the term "Boolet" will still be welcome here when the dust settles.


10-18-2009, 11:14 PM
I have seen this same thing come up on a couple other outside forums in the past. All with the same attitude.
I have also seen that those forums are inflicted with hero worship, and are some of the same boards infected by the uninstructed and ill informed misleading the unsuspecting, perpetuating myths and misinformation.
There are some heroes on this board, but they have earned it, and not proclaimed it.

10-18-2009, 11:15 PM
I too suffer from hand injuries and arthritis from work, fighting, and shooting heavy recoiling handguns. I have a ceramic ball for one joint in my right thumb and another joint in the same thumb fused. 5 operations on the right hand, 2 on the left. All fingers and thumbs were broken multiple times. Nerve damage in both hands and left arm.
Yes, I constantly hit the wrong keys and this includes the caps, but I just go back and correct my errors.
Yes, sounds like JT just needs to slow down and get it right.

Anyone thought about having "boolit" given a proper definition in the dictionary? Is this possible?

10-18-2009, 11:25 PM
I watched Jim Zumbos' video on the Outdoor Channel website with Ted Nugent. Seems Mr. Jumbo has been educated on what the black rifles are and some of the people that use them.

I don't particularly care for these rifles, but this is a personal preference as I lean towards bolt and single shots mostly. I guess this could be due to the fact I'm left handed and had burn marks on my neck and face when shooting them in the service.
I do own a Garand and 2 carbines though and enjoy them.

10-19-2009, 01:22 AM
You made me do it.
I had to go look.
I didn't make it through the first page.
What a bunch of pontificating and patronizing.
(I'm trying to be nice here)
I think I need to relax by loading up some 45 long colt ammo for my wheelgun.

Idaho Sharpshooter
10-19-2009, 01:40 AM
I finally found my twin brother. We were separated at birth when Gypsies stole him out of the deiivery room

HalfSlow, it's me HalfFast!!!


10-19-2009, 01:48 AM
You made me do it.
I had to go look.
I didn't make it through the first page.
What a bunch of pontificating and patronizing.
(I'm trying to be nice here)
I think I need to relax by loading up some 45 long colt ammo for my wheelgun.

Be sure and use lota good loob on them boolits!

You missed the best part, where the name calling and belittling really took off!

I sat there and howled, some of those guys are on mars.

Oops, my arm's gonna be in a sling 'cuz I was slappin' Y'all on the back so hard! (according to the single-action forum).


10-19-2009, 01:50 AM
Howdy HalfFast.
I actually thought about using that handle, but didn't like the way some people pronounced it. They seemed to leave out the 'F'.

Southern Son
10-19-2009, 02:53 AM
Some of you guys made it through all seven pages?????? I was overpowered by the B.S. before I got to the bottom of page two.

When I started reading about this, I thought "That is sad, I like TAFFINS articles on wheelguns." But then I thought "No, I like the PICTURES in his articles" because often the information is useless. Naming master gunsmiths and describing work done that I could never afford to get done to a revolver I probably could not afford in the first place just teases me. Sometimes he does a Taffin Tests on a cartridge and I do enjoy those articles, often learning something from the article. But I have done more learning here about everything to do with shooting (and other stuff, too), than I have ever learned out of a gun rag.


10-19-2009, 03:35 AM
The American language is constantly changing with many new words being added and some slowly sliding out of existance. The word boolit is relatively new but is gaining in popularity. It is also used on another forum I frequent, Ammo Brass Trader, and it means the same there as it does here because here is where it originated. Whether or not it will make Websters only time will tell. But , if it should, then what will Mr Taffins opinion be worth? And for what it's worth I've seen it used a couple of times on another site. It's a new word with a specific meaning. Get over it Mr Taffin. Never mind, I just realised I'm talking about someone that thinks the Colt SSA is the finest military handgun ever produced. No wonder you were raked, you used something new. A new word BOOLIT. There I did it too. BOOLIT!! BOOLIT!! BOOLIT!! There I feel better now.:D

10-19-2009, 03:42 AM
I feel at home here. I have some strong feelings on some of the things I believe in. Sometimes I let my emotions get in the way of the facts. Thanks to all whom have tolerated me over the years.
My stepson, when he was a teen ager, said something that I have used many times to put people such as JT in their place. One time I did something stupid and he upon noticing it said 'Gee dad I would feel like a fool if I had done that". It kinda torqued me off but what are you gonna say? I would feel like a fool if I acted like some of the people that post on the various gun related boards I frequent. Sometimes you just gotta let it go. Freedom of speech also allows you to make a fool of yourself.[smilie=1: Ain't it great?

Life is good

10-19-2009, 04:26 AM
Ok, so I just read the first 2 pages of that post. I have NO idea who Taffin is and I for one have no respect for the man due to 1 simple reason. TYPING IN ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED TO BE YELLING. And unless his intention is to yell at everyone all the time I think he needs to learn a little netiquette if he wants any respect from people who have never heard of him.

10-19-2009, 04:49 AM
Another thing I saw was someone stating that they had looked around here but would never join because of the term boolits. Seriously? No offense but I don't care if you call them cheese fries, precluding yourself from a body of knowledge about witch there is little enough info out there over a grammatical foible is INSANE.

10-19-2009, 06:24 AM
Cut the guy a break. He is one of our most prolific writers AND he'll be 70 soon if he isn't already. He had enjoyed the extended use of "wrist wreckers" and now once again is extolling the virtues of the 44 Special...especially with Duke aka MLV aka Mike Venturino yanking his chain at AMERICAN HANDGUNNER.

EDK aka Blue Roan other places

Nope, no breaks for Taffin till he gives us one. I have a couple of his books and have read his stuff for years. That's no excuse for being a jerk.

10-19-2009, 09:15 AM
I can tell you one thing; I prefer to use the word "bullet" here on Cast Boolits, and no one has ever jumped on me for it. I think that says a lot for the character of our members here.

That is such an excellent point. I've been here awhile and have NEVER seen that happen. WE are by nature a kind group of folks, respectful to each other and it shows. THAT is one reason this forum is so successful.

44man- you are a bad, bad boy for shooting as well as you have and sharing it. You should have known it was bout' to get a few horse's [edit] riled up ...:mrgreen:

10-19-2009, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I just have to slam them back! :bigsmyl2:
Sadly my eyesight will not allow new targets like that with open sights. I had no trouble nailing all the shoot off chickens at 200 meters long ago. My shooting has not changed but I still need to see what the heck is down range.
I would have been a perfect gentleman if such capital remarks were not thrown at me.
Nobody there can shoot like we do here and they are scared to death to post any pictures.
Many times I have showed them what is possible, trying to help, but they do not want help and a picture will shut down the thread right away. They all think I am lying.
I think I rubbed Taffin the wrong way long ago with groups and I never even knew he was there! [smilie=p: I think this was the very first response from him over my beloved BOOLITS.
Let's talk about our Mike for a while. I am truly sorry I pulled his chain because I talked to my friend that also writes for a rag and now see what is going on. Mike does his best, has to meet deadlines, HAS to include advertisers and needs to earn a living doing what he is told.
But to his immense credit, he has never, ever tried to be better then anyone else. Yes, I would like him to take over from the greats of long ago because he does know a lot but maybe his hands are tied or he does not have the time.
I will no longer push at him and Mike, if you are here, will you accept my hand?
I also apologize to anyone else I have rubbed the wrong way.
Please do not say "Spruce plate" though! [smilie=w:

Pat I.
10-19-2009, 11:36 AM
I'm a good speller, and editor, but a mediocre typist. Purely huntin' pecker.

Might want to think about rephrasing that last part. :p

10-19-2009, 11:42 AM

10-19-2009, 11:42 AM
Might want to think about rephrasing that last part part. :p

Maybe he's into that NAMBLA ? mess [smilie=b: :?:

10-19-2009, 11:45 AM
I suppose it's perfectly fine to some here when the media call any and all guns "assault weapons" or any shooters "terrorists", huh? After all, they're entitled to butcher the language as much as you folks are, right?

Yes, you can use any cutesy term you want for bullet. But John Taffin (who was a high school English teacher for decades) is right about the impression it gives. It's at best juvenile and at worst infantile. It's like an adult who continues to call pasta "basketti."

Isms widdle boolits all wrinkly-dinkly? Awwwww...

Apparently you professionals have a problem with the little "cap lock" key on the keyboard. Talk about pet peeves, that's one of mine. Where in English classes does it say that the use of all caps for an entire message is correct or acceptable? Frankly your verbiage and terminology tells me you should move on. Obviously we low-brows are beneath you. :evil: I find it hard to understand why you'd continue to associate with such juveniles as we.

Edd [smilie=s:

Down South
10-19-2009, 11:54 AM
I went over and read the thread. Man, talk about some closed minded or is it close minded, people.

Mike Venturino
10-19-2009, 12:01 PM
.44 Man: I've started a new thread because this one got so long. See me there, please.


10-19-2009, 12:07 PM
who in the hell is "John Taffin "?? I got no clue so o well

10-19-2009, 12:15 PM
I really did not want to add to this thread, however I check out a number of sites daily. I simply love learning from others and being challenged by people alot smarter then me. I am always thankful for the way this site is almost self moderated. This is to be commended to all individuals here for knowing when emotions must be reigned in and sat on. The word BOOLIT to me I love. I see it as seperating us individual casters from the those casting for profit. We always want something better and are never satisfied with one size fits all. If some anal orifice is upset, so what, I am only impressed by my gun cabinet and what I experience in life on the range.

10-19-2009, 12:18 PM
Mike V

Where is new thread?

Mike Venturino
10-19-2009, 12:31 PM
Professor: Its on this same section. I just got it posted a minute ago.


10-19-2009, 01:34 PM
What a great bunch!

10-19-2009, 01:57 PM
I don't usually read the publications that Mr Taffin writes for intentionally. I have picked them up by accident though, and I have read a few of his articles. He seemed to lack the skill possessed by so many good gun writers: the ability to entertain and inform without sounding like a pompous ass.
If I recall correctly (and I may not, because as I mentioned, I only read that magazine by accident), there is another writer there with the same problem, Mr Ayoob.
Maybe it's their editorial policy ?

AJ Peacock
10-19-2009, 02:33 PM
Well I went and did it. I posted the following and it was deleted and the thread was locked. Here it is, after all I spent some time editing it, I might as well post it somewhere lol


Following Quote from CraigC at other site.

45Nut, I remember the old Shooters.com site, I was a member there for a while before it went under. Since then, I've been participating on the original Sixgunner.com and all its successors, including this one. I currently participate on half a dozen shooting forums and have enough posts on them to appear to have nothing better to do. In the 12yrs or so I've been on shooting forums, I never heard the term bullet spelled "boolit" until recently. Until your first post here I never heard it explained. So my point is that while your forum may be an every day thing for you, for many, it is completely foreign. So to anybody who is not familiar with your site and the origin of the spelling "boolit", it appears to be only a slang, cutesy nickname for bullet. You will have to pardon us for not being familiar with your little nickname and its origin and pardon me again for really not giving a damn. I've read the thread on your board and I have to say that YOU guys are extremely sensitivewhen someone says something about your cute little nickname being misspelled. The insults and trash-talking about Taffin prove what a horrible little group of cretins you guys are and I am proud to say that I will never join your group. Nor will I stage an invasion as your group has done here. If you guys are happy with your cute little nickname site, I suggest you stick to it.

Fact is, "boolit" is a completely made up word and you folks should not get so bent out of shape if someone outside of your little clique corrects your goofy misspelling.

First of all, I just joined this site today. Like you, I've been a member of gun forums for years. I'll typically move to a new site for a few years as my interest in this great hobby moves from shotgunning, to cowboy action shooting, to IPSC, to long range shooting etc etc etc. At EVERY turn, I've been welcomed to the new site and have met a GREAT bunch of fellow enthusiasts. And EVERY time, I've seen trivial [edit] contests that just distracts us from our hobby. I'm sorry if JT doesn't like the term boolit and a bunch of bandwagoneers want to jump on. That's certainly your purrogative, but when you (CraigC) start painting everyone on the other site as a bunch of "horrible little cretins", I am personally offended.

CraigC, that "horrible little group of cretins" that are using the term boolit on the other site only number a little more than 11,000. You certainly can paint with a broad brush, considering that only a handful of that "horrible little group of cretins" has posted with regard to the JT fiasco.

As far as us being "extremely sensitive", please refer to the very first post that JT made after BFR posted a response that was ON TOPIC for the Original poster. It's quoted here, along with JT's "extremely sensitive" reply.

Many of the first revolvers had boolits (heeled) that fit the brass like a .22 boolit where the booilt is the same diameter as the brass. It just carried over. Now if you measure the bore of a 45-70 it is .450" as it should be, so it is an actual .45. But now you need to add groove depth so the boolit is larger.
It has been nothing but confusion forever. Some went by groove to groove, some went by bore size, some changed the number so it didn't match someone else's caliber.
Look at the .460 Weatherby, the .480 Ruger, the .38 Special, .44 mag and on and on.
It would be nice if all calibers were marked by bore size but it would also just add to the confusion because the caliber name would be different anyway

And JT's response:


I was glad when 45nut added his explanation and was hoping it would smooth things over and everyone would just chill out. Unfortunately, you took the olive branch and poked us in the eye with it. Thank you, it says a lot about YOU specifically and I won't paint the remainder of this apparently fine firearms forum with a broad stroke as you have done ours.

For what it's worth, I've never met BFR, am not a lackey of his and don't even recall ever reading any of his posts.

Anyway. Hope this message finds you all well and you are all having a fine day.

To the rest of the forum, I think I'll stick around here at singleactions if you'll have me. Here is a little video of me winning the topgun shootoff at the SASS midwest regionals in 2005 (shooting some single actions) if anyone is interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W9vkhHG6vk


BTW: I made up the word bandwagoneers because I couldn't think of a better way to express my feelings. I don't know if it is a real word, if it's not, I'm sorry if it offends anyone. It has no slang meaning that I'm aware of and as far as I know has no website associated with it, or a membership of cretins associated with it that will defend it's use if anyone wants to lambaste me for it's use.

10-19-2009, 04:19 PM
They deleted your post AJ.

10-19-2009, 04:45 PM
I like Boolits and use it lots of places. Kind of special, wc

10-19-2009, 05:01 PM
Well, Southern Son, I like your BOOLITS ROOL!!!!!!!! But, I would like as well should you change your last slogan to say: WHEN IN DOUBT, USE CONDOMS! Now, that should tick those guys off over there on SingleActions. ... felix

Lloyd Smale
10-19-2009, 05:47 PM
got to agree with edk. John is a great guy and probably one of the most knowlegable gun writers that has ever lived. Im sure he didnt mean it to be personal. He was probably just having some fun.

10-19-2009, 06:00 PM
Too. Much. Drama.


10-19-2009, 06:12 PM
You guys know it all... That's why I don't visit other sites.

10-19-2009, 06:18 PM
I've seen Mr Taffin's articles for years, have read a few, and never formed an opinion either way.

I have now.

As was said, 44man posted a comment over there that was on topic and perhaps more on topic than some others up to that point. And he got berated for typing "boolits"?
I'm not in love with the word myself, but I see it's purpose and it doesn't bother me. It must bother Mr Taffin awful bad to put on that kind of show.

So he thinks it's silly. There are a lot of things that are silly...to me. I never cared for the term "sixguns" myself, especially when applied to five-shot revolvers, but that's no reason to jump all over anyone for it. Call them roundy-round bangy things for all I care- I just won't call them that.

He knows bullet casting is a relatively small section of the shooting sports. He also knows around 10,000 out of these people use or at least accept the term "boolits".
Maybe it is wrong, but so is belittling all of them for it.

10-19-2009, 07:03 PM
I think the blow up had less to do with the use of the term boolits and more with other postings by 44man.

Rattlesnake Charlie
10-19-2009, 07:31 PM
It is not the spelling of the "object"; it is the spelling for the "pursuit" by those desiring the best they can pour by their own hand. And, those adventurous individuals have selected "boolits" to be the spelling they themselves in desire to differentiate themselves from others who only "stuff" with lesser goals and expectations.

Yes, I read and even glean info from Taffin's articles. Unfortunately, he may not be utilizing his resources effectively. I hope he will reconsider, and would even welcome him for a weekend in my reloading shed.

10-19-2009, 07:49 PM
I got to thinking of "slang" terms we use commonly that were not doubt "wrong" at one time.

hog (H-D)
Cornbinder (IH Truck)
texting (My wife points out that's not even a word)
sawzall- It's a reciprocating saw even if Milwaukee did make it
skilsaw- see above but Skil made it
Johnny Popper- JD 2 cyl tractor
hayburner- horse
cow- any sex of cattle
$&#*%)#&&((#@%- what I call my sheep when they refuse to move to the pasture I want them in.

I'm sure there are lots of other commonly accepted terms. Some are brand related- hog, skilsaw, levis. Some are descriptive- Mule Snot (LLA), ho', sketchy, dirty (cop term for a seemingly well to do respectable person who isn't), some are just "clique" related like boolit. I see no harm in any of it. Taffin is a jerk, end of story.

10-19-2009, 07:54 PM
Maybe we should step back and take a look at how this all got started. Bfrshooter made a post in a thread. The next poster jumped all over him. Why? Because he disagreed or took issue with the information contained in the post?


Was the post obscene, derogatory, or racist?


Was there something in the post that was unclear or misunderstood?


The entire objection was to how one word was spelled.


Six + pages over ONE SINGLE WORD. Tell me again who is it that is being silly and childish?

Somebody else mentioned proper communication. I don’t know about proper, but the word “boolit” is certainly precise.

Another bright bulb said that “boolit” is a made up word. Would you please explain to me where “real” words come from? If I need a new word do I look in the yellow pages under “word breeders” or “word growers”? Or does Moses bring then down from the mountain? Any language that is being used is constantly changing and evolving. If you want a language that remains constant I suggest you study Latin. But then, maybe we should only use “real” words like “internet” and “email”.

As for the “all caps”, it has been pointed out that PROPER usage of the software allows for upper AND lower case writing. It seems some people think they are too important to be bothered with proper etiquette.

And now we find this little tidbit.

Lee Martin: “I'll make it stop. In fact, 550gibbs and Beekeeper just got banned. I'm not going to allow folks to make personal attacks on this forum”

Hmmm….it would seem to me that deriding somebody for how they choose to spell a word would BE a personal attack. But hey, what do I know, right?

BOOLITS!! It seems as though that little word has an interesting side benefit. It is a wonderfully effective repellent for keeping narrow minded, egotistical, anal retentive jerks off this forum. We can ALL be thankful for that!!


10-19-2009, 08:00 PM
I think the blow up had less to do with the use of the term boolits and more with other postings by 44man.

I would have thought that, but then there was the thing about "boolits" being the reason he avoided this place. And that sounds like none of us are worthy.

10-19-2009, 08:04 PM
Bret has a point there. Since I'm not on this forum much, I don't use the word boolit, not used to it. However, this weekend I looked over at the box of Glad trash bags and noticed an odd adaptation- "Glad Trash Bags help protect you and your kitchen from Gross Garbage!" Now, really, gross isn't an adjective at all. It's a contraction of the word grotesque. Gross means 12 dozen, 144 of one item. But, the trendy valley-girl types are used to saying "eww, gross!" to anything repugnant. So, it becomes a modern term.

I actually tried to look it up, Discussion Forum is locked down, no more.:coffeecom

10-19-2009, 08:07 PM
I got to thinking of "slang" terms we use commonly that were not doubt "wrong" at one time.

hog (H-D)
Cornbinder (IH Truck)
texting (My wife points out that's not even a word)
sawzall- It's a reciprocating saw even if Milwaukee did make it
skilsaw- see above but Skil made it
Johnny Popper- JD 2 cyl tractor
hayburner- horse
cow- any sex of cattle
$&#*%)#&&((#@%- what I call my sheep when they refuse to move to the pasture I want them in.

I'm sure there are lots of other commonly accepted terms. Some are brand related- hog, skilsaw, levis. Some are descriptive- Mule Snot (LLA), ho', sketchy, dirty (cop term for a seemingly well to do respectable person who isn't), some are just "clique" related like boolit. I see no harm in any of it. Taffin is a jerk, end of story.

I don't know how to highlight or underline a portion of a post but wanted to point out regional differences in descriptive "slang". What you call Johnny Popper is referred to here in West Tennessee as a "Poppin' John". It's for sure they have a distinctive sound.

I'm not a farmer and know little about it but in rural areas many of your friends are or have been farmers and conversation usually turns to those subjects. I have to admit ignorance a lot and pick up some interesting knowledge.


10-19-2009, 08:08 PM
Dude! Where’s my boolit mold?

10-19-2009, 08:13 PM
Springfield for President of P.O.O.P!

10-19-2009, 08:16 PM
Well I went and did it. I posted the following and it was deleted and the thread was locked. Here it is, after all I spent some time editing it, I might as well post it somewhere lol


Following Quote from CraigC at other site.

First of all, I just joined this site today. Like you, I've been a member of gun forums for years. I'll typically move to a new site for a few years as my interest in this great hobby moves from shotgunning, to cowboy action shooting, to IPSC, to long range shooting etc etc etc. At EVERY turn, I've been welcomed to the new site and have met a GREAT bunch of fellow enthusiasts. And EVERY time, I've seen trivial [edit] contests that just distracts us from our hobby. I'm sorry if JT doesn't like the term boolit and a bunch of bandwagoneers want to jump on. That's certainly your purrogative, but when you (CraigC) start painting everyone on the other site as a bunch of "horrible little cretins", I am personally offended.

CraigC, that "horrible little group of cretins" that are using the term boolit on the other site only number a little more than 11,000. You certainly can paint with a broad brush, considering that only a handful of that "horrible little group of cretins" has posted with regard to the JT fiasco.

As far as us being "extremely sensitive", please refer to the very first post that JT made after BFR posted a response that was ON TOPIC for the Original poster. It's quoted here, along with JT's "extremely sensitive" reply.

And JT's response:

I was glad when 45nut added his explanation and was hoping it would smooth things over and everyone would just chill out. Unfortunately, you took the olive branch and poked us in the eye with it. Thank you, it says a lot about YOU specifically and I won't paint the remainder of this apparently fine firearms forum with a broad stroke as you have done ours.

For what it's worth, I've never met BFR, am not a lackey of his and don't even recall ever reading any of his posts.

Anyway. Hope this message finds you all well and you are all having a fine day.

To the rest of the forum, I think I'll stick around here at singleactions if you'll have me. Here is a little video of me winning the topgun shootoff at the SASS midwest regionals in 2005 (shooting some single actions) if anyone is interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W9vkhHG6vk


BTW: I made up the word bandwagoneers because I couldn't think of a better way to express my feelings. I don't know if it is a real word, if it's not, I'm sorry if it offends anyone. It has no slang meaning that I'm aware of and as far as I know has no website associated with it, or a membership of cretins associated with it that will defend it's use if anyone wants to lambaste me for it's use.
I do not WANT you to be a lackey to me or anyone else and that is what we are about here. We are friends and do not care how anyone spells or anything else.
Ease up and join us, you are welcome. Not a single person here wants to be "King of the hill." You will find the fellas are just too smart for that and will bend over backwards for you at any time.
Yeah, I instigate things but only after being slammed or called a liar, then look out! I will stick up for every single one of my friends here too.
Will you become a friend?

10-19-2009, 08:34 PM

Here in Texas we also call them Poppin' Johnnies. The IH is called a "Row Binder" around these parts. As for the term "boolits", I like it because when you type "cast boolits" in a search program, this place is first on the list.

10-19-2009, 08:53 PM
If I remember correctly he is a teacher and may balk at the correct word "boolit" as opposed to the lowly bullet that can be purchased most anywhere.

AJ Peacock
10-19-2009, 09:05 PM
I do not WANT you to be a lackey to me or anyone else and that is what we are about here. We are friends and do not care how anyone spells or anything else.
Ease up and join us, you are welcome. Not a single person here wants to be "King of the hill." You will find the fellas are just too smart for that and will bend over backwards for you at any time.
Yeah, I instigate things but only after being slammed or called a liar, then look out! I will stick up for every single one of my friends here too.
Will you become a friend?

44Man, I hope you didn't mis-understand my post. It was the post I made on the other site. I fully understand how things work over here and fully count you as a friend. They were acting like idiots on the other site and I found it a bit funny that after all that was said, my posting was deleted and the thread was locked.

Anyway, I'm here and intend to stay (you can't get rid of me that easily :) )


10-19-2009, 09:07 PM
Before they were called cast bullets or boolits they were simply known as balls.

As a student of history I would expect Taffin to speak reverently about our beloved balls.

10-19-2009, 09:11 PM
'Balls! Said the Queen. If I had them, I'd be King!'

10-19-2009, 09:22 PM
I discovered this discussion by accident. I am amazed that so many people can spend so much time, doing so little. We are grown men, and should respect everyones opinion. Does not mean you have to agree, or disagree. A lot of people on this forum know that I have a brain tumor, and quite a lot of them have expressed their condolence both by pryer, and by pm. I am not chastiseing any one. I have posted items on for sale, that were not for sale. Things like name 5 characters on the Howdy Dooty show. Correct answer would get you a mold-mould for free, and I paid the shipping. You would ask what is this nut doing? Answer was it brought me some joy. I posted yesterday that I needed to buy some 300H&H brass. Today I had a member pm me for my mailing info. He GAVE me 50 rounds, plus he paid the postage. Now the moral of this story is what goes around, comes around. If this person ever has a need, i don't care what it costs, he will get it from me. Remember this. What we think does not make it gosel. Look over things that you can. Treat others like you want to be treated. And last but not least, look in the mirror and ask am I perfect? Now I am not a person that tries to get across as a person of keen interest. they are a dime a dozen. Just treat everyone with respect. Catch more flies with sugar, than vinegar. Lumpie

Heavy lead
10-19-2009, 09:24 PM
Dude! Where’s my boolit mold?

I hear tell of boolit oxidation, dents, pits, out of round, etc. But what the heck is boolit mold??????????????????????????????:kidding:

10-19-2009, 10:16 PM
Might want to think about rephrasing that last part. :p
I saw the same thing yesterday, and exhibited uncharacteristic restraint. [smilie=l:

10-19-2009, 10:50 PM
You contributed some very good information and just because you used the word "boolits", JT lost his cool. There was no reason for him to respond that way. In my opinion he was in the wrong for doing so and, I would agree, he should be man enough to apologize.

If he didn't like the word "boolits", he could have asked you nicely to please use the word "bullet" in future postings.

Anyway, after his bit of a rant where he ended with BOOLITS???? I wonder what his response would have been if you had responded:

YEP......that's what I said.....BOOLITS!:cool:


10-19-2009, 11:50 PM
well having been a member of the aimoo, shooters and CAST BOOLITS I've seen this a time or two. Some made light of our chosen spelling and kinda irked me. But I've also met some of the smartest, and generous folks here to date. So Cast Boolits is my home and now just get a good laugh at the so-called "panties in a bunch" remarks about how we spell. Will now get off my soap box. Take care all. Frank

10-20-2009, 12:00 AM
Anybody remember that scene in Lonesome Dove that preceded the statement "I won't abide rudeness in man"? That's what would have come of this if it had been in person. I detest that some folks will disrespect others so blatantly and quickly just because they are insulated my anonimity (sp?) and physical distance. And a court of law would have found Mr. Taffin guilty of instigation had it come to that, of course it might not have mattered because someone might have taken real offense and knocked him into the next life. Taffin should think in such terms before ever posting on a public forum again.


Southern Son
10-20-2009, 02:43 AM
I thought that since others here had the intestinal fortitude to read the whole of the other thread, then so should I. I also had a look around the rest of the website. Very disappointing website. I thought that there might be some useful info there about Sixguns, but if there is, I could not find anything. There is definately nothing there that is not covered here, except TAFFIN, but if he is like that all the time, they can keep him.

Lloyd Smale
10-20-2009, 06:05 AM
well said lumpie in the big picture who cares. He didnt punch anyone or go after a family member just typed some words on a computer. Personaly i cant beleive this post has gone on as long as it has. Both parties are good guys and it was just a couple words. Get over and cast some bullets or bullits instead of [edit]! As lumpie will surely agree lifes to short for this kind of ****. What strikes me as comical about this whole thing is ive been on this fourm for a good long time. Im no dummy but tend to type faster then i should sometimes and mispell words and dont use paragraphs and punctuation quite right sometimes. Ive been jumped for it more on this forum then all the rest put together. Even by some of the guys chastising John. Ive allways just laughed it off figureing i was either gathering knowlege or sharing it and thats what im here for not for an english lesson. I like JT and am not posting this because of it. I just get a kick out of guys wanting to fry someone just because he has a reputation or bad mouthing a forum claiming one is better then the other. That fourm (just like this one) has had a population explosion in the last year or so and it brings alot of guys that personaly id just as soon would have stayed elsewhere but its not my call. Like this fourm it used to be a bunch of good old boys that knew what they were talking about replaced by a group of know it alls. Bottom line is both fourms are still good places if you can weed through some of the bs. Both have idiots and i have the right to not bother looking at there posts. Both give me free knowlege and where else can you get so much for nothing! You just have to learn to either ignore what you dont like or leave your computer turned off as its a free country and even if you dont agree people have the right to there opinion.
I discovered this discussion by accident. I am amazed that so many people can spend so much time, doing so little. We are grown men, and should respect everyones opinion. Does not mean you have to agree, or disagree. A lot of people on this forum know that I have a brain tumor, and quite a lot of them have expressed their condolence both by pryer, and by pm. I am not chastiseing any one. I have posted items on for sale, that were not for sale. Things like name 5 characters on the Howdy Dooty show. Correct answer would get you a mold-mould for free, and I paid the shipping. You would ask what is this nut doing? Answer was it brought me some joy. I posted yesterday that I needed to buy some 300H&H brass. Today I had a member pm me for my mailing info. He GAVE me 50 rounds, plus he paid the postage. Now the moral of this story is what goes around, comes around. If this person ever has a need, i don't care what it costs, he will get it from me. Remember this. What we think does not make it gosel. Look over things that you can. Treat others like you want to be treated. And last but not least, look in the mirror and ask am I perfect? Now I am not a person that tries to get across as a person of keen interest. they are a dime a dozen. Just treat everyone with respect. Catch more flies with sugar, than vinegar. Lumpie

10-20-2009, 07:12 AM
In the end Lloyd is right. He doesn't matter and it's not worth worrying over.

10-20-2009, 09:08 AM
well said lumpie in the big picture who cares. He didnt punch anyone or go after a family member just typed some words on a computer. Personaly i cant beleive this post has gone on as long as it has. Both parties are good guys and it was just a couple words. Get over and cast some bullets or bullits instead of [edit]! As lumpie will surely agree lifes to short for this kind of ****. What strikes me as comical about this whole thing is ive been on this fourm for a good long time. Im no dummy but tend to type faster then i should sometimes and mispell words and dont use paragraphs and punctuation quite right sometimes. Ive been jumped for it more on this forum then all the rest put together. Even by some of the guys chastising John. Ive allways just laughed it off figureing i was either gathering knowlege or sharing it and thats what im here for not for an english lesson. I like JT and am not posting this because of it. I just get a kick out of guys wanting to fry someone just because he has a reputation or bad mouthing a forum claiming one is better then the other. That fourm (just like this one) has had a population explosion in the last year or so and it brings alot of guys that personaly id just as soon would have stayed elsewhere but its not my call. Like this fourm it used to be a bunch of good old boys that knew what they were talking about replaced by a group of know it alls. Bottom line is both fourms are still good places if you can weed through some of the bs. Both have idiots and i have the right to not bother looking at there posts. Both give me free knowlege and where else can you get so much for nothing! You just have to learn to either ignore what you dont like or leave your computer turned off as its a free country and even if you dont agree people have the right to there opinion.

And I will add to Lloyd's post by saying you get what you pay for!

Ohio Rusty
10-20-2009, 01:11 PM
I read about the first 4 pages of this thread, and I can't beleive people would get in an uproar over the word boolit. My wife likes the word, and will emphasize the 'boo' part .... like booooo-lit. I suppose the people that don't like that word, also will not eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts, because that is also an incorrect spelling. Maybe they will not shop at the local 'Kash-n-Karry', or go to the '24 hour Karryout' .....
So do they boycott every store, slogan and advertisement because it doesn't jive with the way they think it should be spelled? If someone doesn't like the word boolit ...let'em go elsewhere to play by themselves. In the re-enacting world, we call those folks 'Stitch-Nazi's', because everything isn't perfect to suit them. ..... Personally ... I like this site and I hope it continues to evolve into one of the best and most knowledgeable sites on the 'Net .... I'm glad to be a part of this site ....
Ohio Rusty ><>

Idaho Sharpshooter
10-20-2009, 01:24 PM
I confess, the "panties" post was mine. John lives about half an hour east of me, and is generally about the best-natured, easiest-going human on the face of the planet. He's not a boolit caster, his stuff is provided "gratis" by the cast boolit companies he writes up for magazine articles. Shooting "hammer loads" has been his life, and now arthritis dictates that a lot of his test data be generated by the Ransom Rest and a young friend who does some of the hot load testing. He had lost a lot of weight, but like the rest of us; enjoys a good meal more than exercising.
I would rate this the #1 "tempest in a teapot" for them this quarter...


10-20-2009, 02:26 PM
Not taking any sides here, but why does it have to be "boolit"? Is there some sort of reverse snobbery going on here against bullet? I think I'll stick with projectile.[smilie=1:

10-20-2009, 02:33 PM
Ever see that ad in some of the slick gun magazines that starts with "Projectile Dysfunction"?

10-20-2009, 03:06 PM
ok,, time to end this.