View Full Version : anybody make an aluminum Ideal 456192?

10-14-2009, 05:54 AM
Any body make an aluminum mould like this? http://www.buffaloarms.com/browse.cfm/4,7077.html

opinions on this mould? Not a real big fan of iron moulds, I've got the lyman mould like this and it's a PITA to use, and way more rejects than any of my aluminum moulds or even my other iron moulds.

Since this is a black powder bullet, and will be used with the 45-75 cartrige with black powder I was thinking of getting a custom mould made with slightly larger lube gruves.


10-16-2009, 02:50 AM
...............Holy Cats, $125 for that mould? You could for sure have Mountain Moulds do one up for ya in aluminum using his design program.

So what alloy are you casting, and at what temp? What's the defect(s) that's is causeing rejection?


10-16-2009, 09:19 AM
Thanks, I'll look them up and see what I can see.

I've tried several diffeant alloys, from pure lead to straight WW, the best shooting was WW cut with a little pure lead and tin, unfortunatly the best casting was pure lead. Not sure but it acts like it's not venting rite. I'm reluctant to modify the mould. Main flaws are incomplete fill out. I've managed to get a couple hundred good bullets out of it, but it's a very frustraiting and time consuming mould to use.

Thanks, Will

10-16-2009, 09:24 AM
I have a spare IDEAL in this number but it is iron and is a small one piece mould. I used it for 45-70 light loads and 45 Colt o/s bullets. I oly gave $50 for it.

10-16-2009, 12:33 PM
I got one of the Baco moulds on the way, there suposed to be made from Saco mould blocks. Will try it out and see how it goes. I realy don't understand why everybody talks up iron moulds vs. aluminum. Even the iron moulds that I don't have problems out of take longer to cast and have a slightly higher reject rate. Of course with a little care they'll last forever.

I get the chance I'll look up Mountain moulds and see about one of theres. If I go that rout I'll see about enlarging the lube groves a bit for black powder.

10-17-2009, 02:34 AM
.............Odd I don't have any problems with iron moulds, or aluminum ones for that matter. Let me add to that, that I stop having problems once I get the thing figured out. A lot of "If's" come into play:

If the blocks are true to each other......
If the SP lies flat atop the blocks.......
If the alloy and block temps 'get right'..........
If the blocks are truly clean .............
If the alloy stream is sufficient ..........
If the casting tempo is correct .........

Then there is nothing that can happen except to get good boolits. I can't add the following to the above list as they're true for EVERY mould regardless what it's made out of, or it's design. However some moulds have to have their cavities sooted, some don't. Some want the alloy straight down through the fill hole while others seem to do their best when the alloy is swirled in off the edge.


10-17-2009, 04:03 AM
I don't realy have a problem with iron moulds except that there slower to used than my aluminum moulds, just this one lyman is giving me fits. Not sure what the problem is, but proper fill out is part of it. It just seems to me, I learned on aluminum moulds, that iron takes a bit more care and has a narrow window on casting temps.

Like you said, some like to be swirled, some like straight down the hole, and every variation in between.

I've tried just about everything with the lyman mould and still have a high rate of rejects. It may be that it just needs more break in. I used to have some trouble with an RCBS hollow base mould, but after a couple hours working with it it started producing good bullets nearly every time. Maybe I just haven't figured out how to hold my mouth rite for the lyman yet.

One posible problem is that it's a 45 cal. and 350 grainer. I've had problems with a couple of 500 grain 45 cal. moulds till I figured them out. I've tried both bottom pour and ladle dipping to about the same results.

We'll see how the saco blocks work out.

10-17-2009, 04:14 AM
I've been playing around with Mountain moulds online design program and have to say I like it. I need to take some measurements but it looks like it'd be a real good way to make a custom bullet.

10-22-2009, 08:33 PM
Well I got the baco mould in today, and I've got to say it's very high quality. They even sent a bullet cast from the mould. If I can get them looking like that it'll be money well spent. Got to give it a try tomorrow, but it looks promissing.

10-22-2009, 08:53 PM
Check out the bullet marked K here: http://www.brp.castpics.net/Rifle%20Molds.html

This is from our own BaBore. That bullet is close, just 10 grains heavier. The is another one that's close but it's gas checked.


10-22-2009, 11:38 PM
Add anouther lube gruve and it'd be it. Main consideration is that it be carry enough lube for black powder, if it does that then it'll shoot well with smokless. I'll probably do a few in smokless, but the majority will be black powder loads.

Thanks for the link, some interesting designs there, may have to look into the .30 cal. design if I ever work up a load for my SKS or 30-30.

Are the moulds aluminum or steel? I generaly find steel a pain to use after learning how to cast with aluminum.

10-22-2009, 11:48 PM
Add anouther lube gruve and it'd be it. Main consideration is that it be carry enough lube for black powder, if it does that then it'll shoot well with smokless. I'll probably do a few in smokless, but the majority will be black powder loads.

Thanks for the link, some interesting designs there, may have to look into the .30 cal. design if I ever work up a load for my SKS or 30-30.

Are the moulds aluminum or steel? I generaly find steel a pain to use after learning how to cast with aluminum.

All are aluminum and top shelf. You're welcome for the link. Surprised you missed it as he's a member here and online daily.


10-23-2009, 12:48 AM
Thanks, I haven't been around much lately, been real buisy and haven't had time for much of anything but work.

10-23-2009, 07:10 PM
If it is not filling out its probably not hot enuf.I have lyman Lee and MB and all work well.I am casting with all right now.as I am going tru my molds and converting to lee alum the lyman 4s are getting too heavy.mine are 45 acp swc and 38 148 wc.

10-23-2009, 08:50 PM
I'd agree with you, but I haven't had that much trouble with any other iron mould. I finaly got it to casting pretty good today. I tried the Kroil oil trick and it worked pretty good. Still got a lot of rejects and had to hold my mouth rite and face magnetic north and say a little prayer, dance a little jig, but did manage to get some pretty good bullets without too many rejects.

The Baco mould I got from Buffalo arms is very impressive. It's still slow being an iron mould, but it took 4 or 5 bullets to heat up and then it started casting good bullets darn near every time. I think out of a couple hundred bullets droped I only had about 10 rejects. It's got to be the easiest iron mould I've ever used. Now I know why people swear by Saco moulds. Now if Lee would only make a six banger with this style bullet I'd be in heaven!