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View Full Version : My doggie hunted for the first time today

Patrick L
10-12-2009, 10:43 PM
Took my six month old brittany puppy, Fenway, out for a short walk on my cousin's property. In short, although he didn't find a single bird(neither did we, so maybe they just weren't there,) he seemed to have a great time. Most important, he stayed close, maybe 30 -50 yds max, and never failed to come to us when we called. At first he didn't seem to grasp the idea that it was his job to go into the hedgerows. He looked at us as if to say "But these pathways are so much easier!" He got it by the end of our walk though.

I think he'll shape up into a nice little hunting buddy.

10-14-2009, 09:52 AM
Awesome dogs Patrick-

My buddy up in Washington has had them his whole life. A little girl next door lost her old blind dog that had wondered off for 3 days and I took his Brittany to track it. We found it about 2 miles out.

10-14-2009, 10:49 AM
I no longer have a dog. However, I have had a couple of outstanding dogs over the years.

It is just flat amazing to me how "true to the breed" these dogs are. The bird dogs almost come out of the womb with the correct instincts. A little training and they are a more than worthy companions for their lifetime.

I was given an Old English Sheepdog, years ago. The dog was about 11 months old (a registered dog) and was totally unruly. Just about like a wild animal in the house. I had no experience training a dog, at the time, so I signed up for the local dog training Obedience School. That dog responded remarkably and soon became so well trained that she was a show dog.

I did learn one thing tho'. To train a dog properly, you have to be smarter than the dog... It took a while but the dog finally got me trained...:drinks:


10-14-2009, 03:24 PM
Fantastic! They are GREAT dogs! Keep an eye on him and take lots of pics! he will do amazing things! I have a liitle girl that just does so well! Can't say enough of these dogs! Still a little warm down here yet, but getting closer!

Good luck with your new partner!
