View Full Version : Council Bluffs Gun Show

10-11-2009, 10:23 AM
Went yesterday in the mud and slop residue of early Oct. snow fall. Well attended, and lots of stuff, mostly priced somewhere between earth and the moon. One guy was selling 1000 Primers for (believe it or not) $63.00, and he didn't even have a mask on!

10-11-2009, 01:53 PM
He let you see his face?

Harry O
10-11-2009, 06:27 PM
I quit going to the Westfair gunshow several years ago. Not worth the trip, and I live fairly close.

10-11-2009, 06:41 PM
Lived an hour south of there for 14 years and used to go the CB show. Only got one thing that I remember. Liked the Bellevue show a lot better. Did some trading there. Do they still have that one? I never will forget how the cooks used to keep a skillet of onions frying with a fan blowing the smell out into the crowd to drum up business for the concession stand.

Harry O
10-12-2009, 06:50 PM
The last couple of Southroads shows were a bust (remember when it was held in the highshool southwest of there -- that is back when it was really good). They have rented out all the empty stores in the Southroads (it has been held downstairs, upstairs north, and upstairs south at different times). The last couple of times, it was held in the walking area in the center of the mall. Many fewer tables. I have not seen it advertised recently, but I don't know if it is worth going to anymore either.

The only good ones around here any more are Fremont, Grand Island, and Hastings.

10-12-2009, 08:57 PM
I agree with Harry O!

10-12-2009, 09:18 PM
The Lincoln Winter show is really good, but the Fall show is always a snoozer. This was the first year I didn't set up a table at Lincoln in the Fall.

10-12-2009, 09:35 PM
C'mon over. Always a good show in G.I.

10-18-2009, 03:18 PM
The Grand Island show wouldnt happen to be within walking distance of the airport would it? Its a 3 hr drive groundbound, but only an hour and 15 min as the crow flies in my trusty old C172.

10-18-2009, 04:26 PM
Guess I did not miss anything then. I go to the Fremont show once in awhile, but rarely find anything I cannot live without. Nice to get out and look around though.


Harry O
10-19-2009, 08:22 AM
The Grand Island show wouldnt happen to be within walking distance of the airport would it? Its a 3 hr drive groundbound, but only an hour and 15 min as the crow flies in my trusty old C172.

Not unless you land on the parking lot at Fonner Park. The airport at Grand Island is northeast of town. Fonner Park is on the southeast corner of town. Hastings is not close either. However, the Fremont gunshow is adjacent to the airport (still probably a mile walk).

I used to own a Cessna 140 and later a Piper Colt. Nothing right now, but I am looking at the Sport Pilot Aviation certificate (or whatever they call it) very closely. No medical needed. YOU get to decide if you healthy enough to fly or not.

10-20-2009, 11:18 AM
Too bad about the show that was at the high school. Wasn't real big, but was a nice show. Lots of good friendly energy. Cant seem to remember South Roads Mall at all, even though my wife says we went there every week (she remembers vividly). All I remember is the pawn shop north of Offut, the gun show, the Sac museum. We were in our twenties then and used to come up 75 from the south. When in our 30s, we came up I-29, hit the stuff at Mall of the Bluffs and went into town via Dodge. We really liked Omaha. Not too big and not too small.

We also used to go the the shows in KC. I miss the big show on Front Street. Dont get to any of the KC shows now.

The nice show in our area is the Chisolm Trail show north of Wichita. They have it twice per year. The other Wichita shows and the Topeka shows are decent.

Regarding flying. Those FAA nazis are worse than the ATF nazis. Seems I am continuously getting physicals, inspecting my plane, biannual check rides.......Sheesh. Its not like I am flying a heavy with a hundred passengers over downtown NYC. 95% of the time it is just me making a weekly milk run over a nearly unpopulated portion of Kansas. I typically dont see another plane for the entire trip. I would have to try pretty hard to hurt anyone else (unlike driving). That sport plane cert sounds better and better.

10-20-2009, 12:01 PM
I used to be a crop duster & built a 2/3 scale Early Bird Jenny biplane that falls into the sport pilot category. Only have about $6K in it with a Metro engine (2 gal/hr). Have flown it Denver to Osh & back a couple of times, but now just sits disassembled in my garage. Like you said, by the time you fool around with physicals/ bi-annuals & hanger rent & just fly a couple times a month in the summer, your operating costs can be $100+ an hr. ..Bummer!
The self certifying physical only works if you are already current, then you have to get some instruction by a Sport Pilot instructer to get that license. But, if you have your own piece of grass 300 yds. long & hanger, it might make sense..

Harry O
10-20-2009, 09:01 PM
I talked to the FAA at Oshkosh this year. I have my pilots license (from the early 1970's), but let my physical lapse (in the early 1990's). I have never been rejected for physical reasons. According to him, I can get checked out for the Sport Pilot Certificate without getting a new physical. Just like a check ride if I was renewing my regular certificate.

I flew the Piper Colt into Oshkosh in the very-late 1980's. The crystal radio quit working on the flight up there, so I diverted to Fon-du-Lac and got a non-radio waiver. They directed me to land on the north-south runway. My son was about 2 or 3 years old at the time and I told him to look for airplanes and point them out for me (he was sitting on my wifes lap). When we got there, they were having a fly-by on the NS runway. My boy was saying "plane, plane, plane, plane............etc. and pointing in all directions.

I ended up landing behind the Ford trimotor they sell rides for. Just as I was ready to touch down (zero altitude and zero speed above stall), I flew into the propwash (three 600hp P&W radials) and was bounced about 30 feet into the air (still with zero speed above stall). I quickly jammed the throttle forward and pointed the nose down. Then I flew out of the propwash and dropped about 25 feet. I was just about on the runway, full throttle and pointed downward. I didn't bounce too hard, but there were tens-of-thousands of people watching. then I taxied for about an hour to get to my tiedown.

10-21-2009, 02:59 PM
I'm guessing your wife hasn't forgotten that one. Shoulda stopped the plane and taken a bow. Not everyone can do that maneuver. Could have been real bad if you hadnt crammed the power to it.

Been racking up lot of time over the last 10 years, 2 hr at a time, on the same route each week. Have had some real nail biters. Have flown in lots of weather I wont fly in twice. Landed in a 45 knot cross wind once. Fully cross controlled, with nothing left, and ready to touch down, a gust blew me off the runway and over a ditch filled with water. Had to cram the power to it, looking out the window at the water just below my wheels, praying as the stall horn screamed. Luckily only the local crop duster saw me.

Checked the internet. I see Guns Unlimited is still in business. That was paradise when I was in my 20s, before I discovered Midway, and got my own FFL.

Harry O
10-22-2009, 08:45 AM
I'm guessing your wife hasn't forgotten that one.
Checked the internet. I see Guns Unlimited is still in business. That was paradise when I was in my 20s, before I discovered Midway, and got my own FFL.

Yes, my wife has not forgotten that one. It still comes up in conversation from time to time.

Guns Unlimited is still there and they are still quite a place, but they have a lot of competition now. There is a Cabelas, a Scheels, and a Bass Pro-Shop within close driving distance. Also, about 10 years ago, the head of GU was pushing for legislation against the "gun show loophole". I guess they wanted to stop the competition. Since then, I only go to them if I am desperate.

Bass Pro doesn't carry reloading supplies, but they have guns. Cabelas and Scheels carry most of the stuff GU does so GU is the last place I stop. If I strike out, I order from Midway or Graf's.

10-22-2009, 09:49 AM
Harry O, Hear you on GU! It is an attitude,ego, and price factor. Two weeks ago I bought a couple K of SR prs. at Scheels for $29.00 because I was in that neck of the woods. I then drove over to GU and they were asking $39.00 for the primers they had in stock. I limit my spending at GU to necessities only when I can't find whatever any place else. Buy most reloading stuff from Midway & Midsouth.'