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10-07-2009, 08:35 AM
I have a great wife. She baked me a cake and scraped up enough extra out of our budget to let me order a 10lb Lee Production pot from Midway.

10-07-2009, 08:51 AM
Congratulations or condolences as appropriate on the B-day. A definite congratulations on the wife....

10-07-2009, 10:07 AM
Happy day! Tell the wife, you will save money with the pot down the road!


10-07-2009, 01:20 PM
Happy Birthday........

10-07-2009, 01:43 PM
Congratulations. Tell your wife my birthday is February 10!

10-08-2009, 01:14 AM
..................Donna asks me what I'd like for my birthday, so I tell her. Then I get skivvies and socks :-)


10-08-2009, 01:59 AM
..................Donna asks me what I'd like for my birthday, so I tell her. Then I get skivvies and socks :-)


At least you got just the two! SUV- Socks, Underwear, ******!

10-08-2009, 02:02 AM
My wife keeps MY ****** in HER pill box! "Here, TAKE one of these!""Yes, Mam..."

But happy birthday anyway, and congratulations on a swell wife.

10-08-2009, 09:24 AM
She's still in practice from the old days.
All sailors needed skivies and socks.
Besides she wants you to have on clean skivies in case you have a car accident so you don't embarass her.

Thats what mine tells me all the time anyway.


10-08-2009, 12:01 PM
Congratulations or condolences as appropriate on the B-day. A definite congratulations on the wife....

41 this year so celebration or gloom depends on which end you look at it from.

10-08-2009, 12:04 PM
Happy day! Tell the wife, you will save money with the pot down the road!


Before she decided she wanted to be a mommy above all else she was studying to be an accountant.

After my first casting session I showed her the pile of boolits then did the math with her as to the per round cost (tools included) vs. j-word. That's stimulated her thrift gene so she strongly supports this new aspect of my hobby.

10-08-2009, 12:22 PM

My goodness, a mere child. Do your folks know you're playing with guns?

10-08-2009, 12:29 PM
My goodness, a mere child. Do your folks know you're playing with guns?

As Indy told Catherine in "Radiers": It ain't the years its the mileage.

10-08-2009, 12:47 PM
Oh and the wife's thrift gene is interesting sometimes.

When we moved in to the house in 2002 we discovered a cast iron chiken fryer left behind by the previous owner (we called, they didn't want it). We already had one just like it.

We've just used them both all these years and all of a sudden she's deicded having two takes up too much space in the kitchen. So the older one has been banished.

I'm going add it to my casting gear. I have been using a 9 inch skillet. This 10.5 inch fryer should be good for mass smelting since I'm going to start using the Lee pot for casting.

10-08-2009, 12:56 PM
Scottj--You probably haven't noticed it, but you have really been needing bifocals for a year now. You hold things way out in front of you to read them and at 41 your arm might barely still be long enough, but it is getting shorter by the day. Now if you are having to budget to afford a Lee pot, you might better hold onto the money for the optometrist. Get those bifocals and maybe next year the Lee pot. The bullets will do you no good if you can't see your sights.

10-08-2009, 01:01 PM
Carpetman, I'm blessed in that respect. My vision just recently degraded from 20/15 to 20/20 and I still have a full head of hair.

What irks me are things hurting that didn't used to. Like my knees. My doc would tell me to fix that by losing 40 pounds.

10-08-2009, 01:28 PM
What irks me are things hurting that didn't used to. Like my knees. My doc would tell me to fix that by losing 40 pounds. Doctors always tell us that we can fix everything if we lose 40 lbs. LOL

10-08-2009, 01:46 PM
ScottJ----I expected that answer. You probably are holding things further away and you don't notice' Also it probably takes more light on things than it use to---but you don't notice that either. It will hit you all at once. 20/15 and 20/20 at distance but needing close up correction is the normal thing--ie reading glasses or bifocals.

10-09-2009, 12:42 AM
Got my ingots ready. Made most of these tonight. Will be wearing out the UPS tracking site tomorrow.


Wayne Smith
10-09-2009, 07:50 AM
I knew you were young. Still celebrating birthdays - sheesh - I'm trying to forget them!

10-12-2009, 11:59 AM
The pot finally showed up Saturday while I was at the gun show.

I set it up and cast Lee 429-200-RF for about 3 hours. Made close to 400 and first cull netted me 320. I do a second cull when I weigh them.


I ran it too hot for awhile. Ran it around 8 and realized that was too much so I moved back to about 6.5. That's probably still too much because I tried again Sunday afternoon with the RCBS 45-230-RN and was able to cast at 4. Even then it kept overheating and making frosty ones. I tried 3 but the lead in the spout hardened to where it wouldn't pour.

I'm getting much better fill with the pour pot but now I have a new problem. Many of my boolits are coming out speckled with what looks like trash in them. I flux and scrape in the pot but guess all the trash isn't floating to the surface.

10-12-2009, 12:10 PM
Even then it kept overheating and making frosty ones. Frosty one are fine.

10-12-2009, 12:22 PM
Frosty one are fine.

I know. I load 'em up and shoot 'em.

But I see the pics of mirror shiny ones on here and wish I could do that.

Seems like any time I get shiny I get bad fillout.

My best ones that aren't totally frosted come out more of a dull grey. Maybe it's because I'm using straight WW as my alloy?

10-12-2009, 12:34 PM
ScottJ they only have to be accurate..... Trust me the deer or hogs wont care if they are pretty!!! lol

10-12-2009, 12:45 PM
ScottJ they only have to be accurate..... Trust me the deer or hogs wont care if they are pretty!!! lol

I know. I'm still working on that too.

I'm minute of pie plate at 25 yards at the moment. Want to get back to all shots touching like I could do 10 years ago.

Not sure how much is me and how much is my castings. Need to buy me some j-words to load up and practice with since I know that loading works.

Might have to move beyond LLA as a lube too. Thinking about trying pan lubing. These drop at .430 so I have no need to size.