View Full Version : what can ya tell me 'bout palmetto mould?

09-29-2009, 12:36 AM
in the 50-70 stuff i got from hardcast416taylor was a .512 mould from palmetto armory. never heard of this brand and only thing i can come up with on 'net is about war of northern aggression era guns made by palmetto armory. no address or any other info on box or the little instruction sheet inside. any help would be appreciated as i know someone on this great site probably knows something. thanks in advance, bubba.

Wayne Smith
09-29-2009, 07:22 AM
Palmetto arms is/was an Italian company making reproductions of Civil War and pre-Civil War guns. They had a really neat website opening, a picture of a poker table, cards, gun, shells, cigar and such scattered around. You clicked on one of the items to open various parts of the site. Quite inventive - this was probably 6 or 8 years ago. DK if they are still around. Never saw one of their guns to evaluate quality.

09-29-2009, 12:25 PM
hey wayne, thanks from the other end of virginia, bubba.

Wayne Smith
09-29-2009, 05:29 PM
I've been doing some reading. Apparantly they started good and went bad when the founder died. Dixie imported their stuff, apparantly no longer does, although still lists the pistol kits Palmetto made. Probably old stock. I found a listing for the company that said 'no current importer".

In short, evaluate the quality of what you have. If it's of OK quality you are fortunate.

09-29-2009, 06:01 PM
thanks again wayne. i went to page listing that came up by typing in palmetto armory and got some historical sites from the actual war era armory. stuff from s.c. historical, museum donatin' and other stuff. couldn't find anything about "current" production(italian i guess) armory-not even the outdated stuff you found. no problems with the mould, just never heard of the company and was just curious. thanks again, bubba.