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View Full Version : LAM Jam...

Idaho Sharpshooter
09-28-2009, 05:42 PM
I am having a weird thing with a LAM II. When I turn the pump counter clockwise to pressurize it, the big nut that holds the lube in unscrews. My other one does not do this, and this one just started after I refilled it. Did I do something wrong?


Calamity Jake
09-29-2009, 09:11 AM
Put a pair of channel locks on the big nut and sench it down a little, what is happening is the pump rod is not straight and is binding a little in the big nut, it will straighten itself out in time.

Idaho Sharpshooter
10-08-2009, 12:17 PM
it works now, thanks. I have a very good friend that I loan and borrow moulds from. We also loan books back and forth. That is my definition of a very good friend. I have four. He lent me an NEI 404 Jefferys mould, and I have been cooking. It occurred to me to start sizing. Now I can in quantity.
