View Full Version : Grrrrrr

09-25-2009, 05:03 PM
Went to a my local V-dub dealer to pick up my bucket of WW. When I got there one of the techs told me someone else came by and scooped my bucket of lead. How bloody rude! Bucket had my name and phone number on it, but that didn't stop some lead-head from stealing my source.

09-25-2009, 05:30 PM

Lately here, the tire shops think they are sitting on gold. They have no loyalty anymore. I have always taken care of those who have taken care of me. They now want over $50 a bucket, hello scrap is way down. Fortunatly, I have a scrap dealer who takes care of me. The best part is it's all clean, no trash no zinc!

09-25-2009, 06:07 PM
do you want your bucket back?...............:violin:

09-25-2009, 06:27 PM
someone else came by and scooped my bucket of lead. How bloody rude! Bucket had my name and phone number on it

:holysheepNow that the guy knows who you are:groner:, he may come around looking to clean out your stash. Maybe you had better put up security cameras or something up around the lead pile that you keep at home. :mrgreen:


09-25-2009, 08:35 PM
Or, you can bring it over to my place and I'll watch it.................

Still, that was cold getting scooped like that./beagle

09-26-2009, 09:28 AM
:holysheepNow that the guy knows who you are:groner:, he may come around looking to clean out your stash. Maybe you had better put up security cameras or something up around the lead pile that you keep at home. :mrgreen:


He also knows I'm turning the WW into something, so if he wants to risk trespassing in my castle. . .wait a minute. . .I live in Kanada so he would be more than welcome to it and get a behavioural therapist session courtesy of our Liberal Gov't. [smilie=b:

The stealing of my bucket was just kicking me while I am down;-)

09-26-2009, 10:08 AM
Been getting wheel weights from my local tire dealer for about a year. I have bought a couple thousand dollars of tires from this shop. I have always give some cash for the weights. Stopped 3 wks. ago to check on tires for my truck [$700.00] , he had 2 buckets of weights about 1/2 full. Told him I would get the tires and weights at end of month. Went yesterday to get tires and the wheel weight buckets were EMPTY. Someone else got them and I had supplied the buckets also. [edit] me off so I did not buy the tires. Called another shop and will get them on Monday $20.00 cheaper. Will take the $20.00 and go to scrap yard and get lead/WW.


evan price
09-26-2009, 11:02 PM
Lesson #1 of hunter/gathering (be it lead, or anything): When you see it, take it, because it might not be there tomorrow.

I visit my most productive "lead farms" now at least once a month and if there is enough lead to bother taking, I take it- for just this reason.

So far I have not paid more than ten cents a pound.