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View Full Version : killer brass score!!!

09-23-2009, 08:50 PM
a friend of mine at work ran into an ex employee the other day.
he has made some new friends up around portland that are in law enforcement.
he gets all the brass he wants from the police range.
he just sold us 2500 once fired speer .45 acp +p cases for $100
we split the cost between three of us.
over 800 cases for only $33.00!
wont need .45acp brass for a while!:wink:

09-23-2009, 10:01 PM
Next your going to tell us that, that $100 is going back to the taxpayers right?...Ray

09-23-2009, 10:26 PM
no ray.....its going to my friend dan who sold us the brass!:twisted:

09-23-2009, 11:00 PM
maybe is should have told you my good friend Dan has MS
stuck in a chair for whats left of his life
has little use of his appendages left
has thousands of $ in medical expenses every month
and tries to scrape by day to day to feed, clothe, and house his family.
the good folks up north are kind enough to give him the brass to sell
HE is nice enough to sell some to his friends for a fraction of what he could sell it for.
maybe you could worry a little more about REAL tax dollars being wasted elsewhere.

09-23-2009, 11:31 PM
Uh, WACO, I think there was some sarcasm in that answer about taxpayer money. I dont think he was being mean spirited.

09-24-2009, 12:05 AM
well....if so
sorry ray

09-24-2009, 07:11 AM
waco, if your friend is in that bad of shape, maybe you could find out what brass he has to sell and post it here for him. it would help him and us as well.

09-24-2009, 08:34 AM
Glad you could help your friend out. I've never been real impressed with speer casings though. The 45 ACP's I've reloaded always seemed to have had really loose primer pockets. Hopefully yours are in better shape than the ones I've dealt with.

09-24-2009, 05:16 PM
Waco, maybe I should have used the :kidding:symbol. You stated they were given to him. No malice was meant.

I'm sorry for your friend. I wish him well...Ray

Baron von Trollwhack
09-24-2009, 05:32 PM
A little largesse from the local LEOs is as nothing in the scheme of things, particularly in small units and in cases like this.

Who works on their m-16's from uncle when they don't have an armorer and don't want to ride class III about in the trunk. The real ones to be bent out of shape over are are legislators who don't even read the bills the vote on, just say "aye" knowing their corruptocrat swap meet is still working and their purse is still fattening . Rangel, Dodd, Daschel, and the list goes on....... BvT.