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09-20-2009, 02:38 AM
I have seen that several of you use dacron and other stuff to use as a case filler. Has anyone tried cigarette filters . I have hit them with a weed eater and they make a good size ball of what ever thay are. I dont use the filler but that would be a good way to get rid of them

The Double D
09-20-2009, 08:36 AM
Some cigarette filters are suppose to be made with kapok. I bought a 10 lb bag of kapok several years ago for $34. It's $39 now. I use 3 grains a load in my Martini. So I have/had enough for 23,333 rounds. That's a lot of nast a.. cigarettes.

Used filters would be pretty nasty. Removing them from unsmoked cigarettes would be expensive.

09-20-2009, 09:09 AM
Kapok is actually those little parachute things on milkweed seeds, so they they grow in your area, I guess you'd be all set for filler material.

09-20-2009, 09:35 AM
Kapok is what i tested with years ago. Made no improvement in 30 caliber. Best to stay away from filler, can be dangerous. IMO

09-20-2009, 11:16 AM
Kapok is what i tested with years ago. Made no improvement in 30 caliber. Best to stay away from filler, can be dangerous. IMO

I'm biased this way also.

There are more experienced casters and shooters than I on this forum, that I have considerable respect for. Those folks use fillers with no problems and fine results. It just isn't for me.


09-20-2009, 02:04 PM
I use dacron in bottlenecks and COW in straight walls.

Lead Fred
09-20-2009, 03:45 PM
A guy this weekend told me he uses walnut media for filler.

I sive my media, and have pounds of fine grained media.

Heck it will clean your barrel on the way out :razz:

09-20-2009, 07:33 PM
Walnut? Sheesh. That stuff makes most other fillers look like air by comparison.

It's heavy. In addition, I wouldn't bet the bullet base would be unaffected by its presence. It potential for "slugging" the bullet is quite high.

09-20-2009, 09:15 PM
To get enough filters to shoot, I will see the smoke here in WV and the ice sheet will melt faster! :kidding:

The Double D
09-20-2009, 10:42 PM
Kapok does not come from a Milkweed. Here is 303SMLE standing under a Kapok tree.


There is difference between a wad and a filler. A wad just take a space in a cartridge, a filler, fills all the space. The two most common fillers are powder and lead. Both fillers and wads can be used safely if you will take the time to learn. Both wads and fillers can be used wrong. When these discussions start on this the nonsense gets mixed in with the sense.

If you want to learn about how wads and fillers are properly use I suggest you study the works of Charlie Dell, Ross Seyfried, Greame Wright and Sherman Bell.

If you want read about the myths and misinformation look for the book Old Wives Tales. Don't know who wrote but it is a big thick book and oft quoted on these boards.

Myself I am more inclined to listen to a fellow who has studied Messrs Dell, Seyfried, Wright and Bell and disagrees, than someone who quotes the unfounded OWT.

09-20-2009, 11:51 PM
Old, orange, personal flotation devices, ( live preserver vests ) are filled with Kapok. You can pick them up for 3-4 dollers at some second hand stores. Maybe less at yard sales. Keep an eye out for these if you want Kapok.


Lead Fred
09-21-2009, 02:09 AM
Walnut? Sheesh. That stuff makes most other fillers look like air by comparison.

Guess you never run the stuff in the bottom of a tumbler though a sive.

Its finer than cream of wheat

09-21-2009, 07:22 AM
During the war, hundreds of tons of milkweed pods were gathered by school children and the silky fluff processed as a substitute for kapok, used to pad life jackets and
flying suits.

Well I'll be......You're right. It was a substitute. I was one of those kids that gathered it and I never knew that till now.

The Double D
09-21-2009, 09:54 AM
During the war, hundreds of tons of milkweed pods were gathered by school children and the silky fluff processed as a substitute for kapok, used to pad life jackets and
flying suits.

Well I'll be......You're right. It was a substitute. I was one of those kids that gathered it and I never knew that till now.

That is cool. We owe a lot to those you who lived in that era. Although the GI's paid the ultimate price on the front line, everyone worked hard to help support them. Collecting milkweed for life preservers to save GI's was noble duty. I feel oblige to thank you for your service, it was not trival!!!

09-21-2009, 06:05 PM
That is cool. We owe a lot to those you who lived in that era. Although the GI's paid the ultimate price on the front line, everyone worked hard to help support them. Collecting milkweed for life preservers to save GI's was noble duty. I feel oblige to thank you for your service, it was not trival!!!

I wonder if your gun will get cancer from the filters later on in it's life.

09-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Want to blow your gun up? How about ringing the chambers or bulging the chambers? Want to do any of those? I didn't think so. Only use fillers thoroughly tested and recommended. I know as a reloader, casters, tinkering...what ever else you want to throw in there....I like to beat factory made stuff and having to pay for it to boot. Believe, if you don't know the right fillers don't use any. I know lots of you have gotten away with toilet paper, dryer lint, hornet nests, now I'm hearing cigarette filters. Come on guys. Don't deviate from kapok, Dacron, COW. Don't say I didn't warn you.


09-21-2009, 06:21 PM
I dont use filler . Iam not against it and to the ones that use it go for it . I made the comment as to what I saw them do . I does make a good puff ball . Milkweed or tree its still organaic so would guess it to burn up. dont think a filter will burn. dont know never smoked one

09-21-2009, 06:23 PM
I've never used a filler, and probably wont, but what is COW?

09-21-2009, 06:34 PM
I've never used a filler, and probably wont, but what is COW?

Cream of Wheat. Many use it for fireforming. What happens if you leave it in a case for some time it absorbs moisture and turns solid. Not a good thing.


09-21-2009, 06:36 PM
I dont use filler . Iam not against it and to the ones that use it go for it . I made the comment as to what I saw them do . I does make a good puff ball . Milkweed or tree its still organaic so would guess it to burn up. dont think a filter will burn. dont know never smoked one

You're correct about that, I don't believe a cig filter would burn up either. For one thing it's probably a synthetic substance, not that won't burn, but just an all around bad idea to load as a filler.


09-21-2009, 09:06 PM
"Guess you never run the stuff in the bottom of a tumbler though a sive.

Its finer than cream of wheat."

I'm sure it can be. And it's heavy as hell compared to dacron, granulated plastic buffer or kapok.

Not for me. Heavy fillers have considerable bullet deformation potential upon powder ignition, and are definitely not appropriate for the fast powders or even such as 2400. I've tried them and recovered the bullets in nondeforming media, and I don't care for the condition of the bullet bases. They're pretty divoted, and in some cases noticeably damaged.

I'll pass. I can use fillers that don't do that, and I do.

The problem I've got with drier lint and some other non springy, low strength alternatives is that drier lint has no memory, since it's composed of tiny bits of threads that have no cohesiveness nor strength to resist compression. Once it's compressed, it stays that way. Put some in a case with a half load of extruded powder, give it a hard slam on a rigid surface after capping the end of the case with the powder on top, and tell me if that drier lint occupies the same volume as it did before you gave it a hard whack.

I think you'll find some dead space in the case, and there's now room between the lint and the powder. Not good. My fillers have to hold up to rough handling, because it happens. Besides, my fillered loads often go hunting, and they have to stand up to the rough and tumble of field use.