View Full Version : Lever silhouette targets

09-19-2009, 09:39 PM
No I am not talking about the animals.

What do you guys use to sight in your rifles at 100 meters? I am shooting a Marlin 39 A with a Marble's tang and a Lyman front sight. I have been shooting at the targets and adjusting by where the bullet strikes, but I would like a little more precision.

I have been thinking about a colored square that I could sit on the top of the post and align with the sides of my front insert.

09-20-2009, 11:06 AM
I've always found the plain old round bullseye to be pretty precise sitting on top of the front post. I have never tried the round circle type inserts for the Lyman Globe, I suspect they might be even more precise centering a round bull. It would be interesting to hear what they iron sight rifle guys have to say on this topic.

09-20-2009, 11:11 AM
Since I don't shoot in competition for score any more, it makes little difference to me where the POI on the target is - as long as the POI co-incides with my POA.

So, I too use what fecmech is referring to - the 6:00 O'clock hold, where the black bull is balanced atop the front sight.

After all, the sights can always be adjusted to throw the POI higher than the POA, into the bulls-eye - if a shooter absolutely must have it to confirm they can hit what they're aiming at. ;)


09-20-2009, 11:52 AM
Use practice/sighting targets the same size, shape and color as the match targets you will be shooting. You will become more accostomed to the site picture.

09-20-2009, 02:37 PM
I'm shooting the 22 Lever Action Silhouete match. I use different holds for different animals. I use a 6 oclock for the chickens and turkeys and middle of the body for the pigs and rams.

This is the first time I have ever tried to do the peep sight thing and even with 57 years old eyes, it is starting to work pretty good. There sure are some tricks that help out a lot.

09-20-2009, 07:42 PM
Crabo--You are using a precision rear sight why not use it. Get a dead nuts 50 yd zero, that will also work perfect for the chickens. Determine how many clicks up you need for the turkeys and turn your sight up when you go to the turkeys. When you move to the rams determine how many more clicks you need there and turn the sight to that setting. When you finish the match turn your sight back to the base setting and start over on the next round. That is how I shoot silhouette.
I shoot a Rossi 92 using .38 specials @ 1100 fps (basically a big .22) at our silhouette range with a 50 yd center hold zero. That is the bullet impacts exactly on top of the front sight at 50 yds. I center hold the chickens and pigs. When I move to the turkeys I go up 3 clicks ( I'm using a cheap Taurus Tang sight) and when I go to the Rams I go up 4 more clicks and also "center hold" those targets. You will probably need more "clicks" as I think the Marbles has finer adjustments than my Taurus does. We shoot reduced size targets at 25,50,75 and 100 yds. I love shooting steel!

09-21-2009, 12:30 AM
Crabo--You are using a precision rear sight why not use it. Get a dead nuts 50 yd zero, that will also work perfect for the chickens. Determine how many clicks up you need for the turkeys and turn your sight up when you go to the turkeys. When you move to the rams determine how many more clicks you need there and turn the sight to that setting. !

I'm doing this now. I want to try it at 100 just to make sure my windage is not off at 100 and to see how well I can do at that distance with the peeps. My 50 yard dead nuts center hold gives me a 6 o'clock hold on the chickens. One half a turn gives me a 6 o'clock on the turkeys and another 3/4 gives me center hold on the rams.

I am using a fine paint pen to give me a line to adjust my sights by. 8 revolutions from bottom gives me my 50 yard zero. When the line is straight on both the base and the top part of the sight, the poi is centered.

Jon K
09-21-2009, 02:56 AM
Yep.........sounds about right.
I count clicks... 8 clicks = 1 turn,4 clicks = 1/2 turn...etc, and it repeats.

Write it down, each time you shoot it, fine tune as needed during the match. You'll find it will vary as lighting conditions change.

Have Fun Shooting,

09-21-2009, 03:12 AM
I shoot 22 silhouetts and BPCR silhouettes at my club at 200 yards using reduced targets for BPCR and standard rifle silhouette 22 targets at 50, 100, 180 amd 200 yards. I use tang sights and globe aperture front sights for both. I always set them up to have the target centered in the front sight loop. I have used post front sights occasionally and never do as well with them.

C A Plater
09-21-2009, 09:32 AM
My favorite iron sight in target (works for scope too) is this one:

I usually put the top of the front blade at the point of the triangle as it gives a real fine aiming point even a 100 yards.

It has been around on various sites including rec.guns as a postscript file. Here is a link to a PDF version you may find easier to print. http://tcbunch.com/kiosk/CircleTriangle.pdf