View Full Version : Shooting cast bullets in 30-30 micro-groove?

Dave B
09-14-2009, 06:47 PM
Looking at a new 336 with a micro groove bbl. I've heard 44s do OK, but what about 30-30? Any secrets?

09-14-2009, 07:22 PM
I'm sure others will be along with a lot more knowledge and info, but the general consensus seems to be they need bullets a little fatter than usual. But they will do fine once you get where you need to get.
I know the two 1895 45-70s I've had preferred them at .460.

09-14-2009, 08:14 PM
I can tell you not to shoot a .308" cast through the micro groove bbl that slugged out to .308" :) I have seen and heard that .310"s do real well in this gun. Am getting some .309 and .310's to test out hopefully this coming week.

09-14-2009, 08:45 PM
Dave B, Except for smoothing the bbl., I used CB's exclusively in my Marlin #336 Microgroove .30-30 and was extremely pleased with its accuracy. MY bbl. shot well with CB's sized to .311", but better with them sized to .310" YOUR bbl., however, may have different requirements. Powders, CB designs, OAL's for the .30-30 can be found in any good reloading manual or in our archives, but I never pushed my CB's much beyond 1,700fps. Btw, I used WW's + 1% tin, never hardened them, used a good lube when I sized them, and got no leading to speak of...ever.

09-15-2009, 12:44 PM
I use bullets cast from ACWW in my Marlin with microgroove rifling and size them to either 311 or .312. Accuracy is better then I get with Jacketed bullets in the same rifle. My loads vary from a low of 5 gr of Unique up to nearly full power loads (170 gr cast bullet at 2000 fps) with no leading.

09-15-2009, 12:59 PM
I had a 336 .30/30 MG and it shot cast all right. Got a lot of small flyers so it didn't shoot groups that great but it was great for plinking at steel plates.

My best results were with a hard alloy, sized .310 and always a gas checked bullet. Water quenching gave better results as well./beagle

Lead Fred
09-15-2009, 01:20 PM
Use the RCBS bullet mold, it seems to be micro-groove friendly.

I am ditching my Marlin for a Winnie, that doesnt care what cast you feed it.

Dave B
09-15-2009, 07:47 PM
Well, I went and did it. I didn't need this rifle, but the price was too good to pass up. I think I have some .309 cast and some 150 gr jacketed to load up and try. Maybe this weekend. I love Cabelas deals. Wife not so much.

Dave B
09-15-2009, 07:50 PM
That didn't come out so good, did it,the wife part, I mean.

09-15-2009, 07:57 PM
DaveB--Glad you mentioned it didnt come out so good. I thought maybe a divorce pending.

09-15-2009, 10:27 PM
We've had some very lively discussions on the subject. I and many others have had fine results with cast in our microgroove .30/30s. My rifle likes them at .311 diameter and water quenched.

09-19-2009, 03:49 PM
Mine likes Lee 311-170fp very well.

09-27-2009, 10:06 PM
Both of my MG .30-30s (1979 model 30 and 1981 336T) like the Lyman 311041 sized to .311.
I've pushed ACWW to 2000fps with no leading and making one ragged hole groups at 50 yds.
I use Lyman Supermoly lube.

09-28-2009, 12:08 AM
I either have shot or still do shoot home cast bullets in the following Micro Groove barreled calibers .

30-30 ,357 MAG , 356 WIN , 35 REM , 375 WIN , 44 MAG , 444 and the 45-70 .

All have done well for me .

Gadzooks Mike
10-06-2009, 02:42 PM
Ditto on the microgroove and .311" lead - works great. .309" and .310" - not so much.

10-08-2009, 09:36 PM
I shoot cast boolits exclusively in 2 different MG barrels. One 336 in 30-30 and one 336 in 35 Remington. I can definitively tell you that if the boolit is sized properly (Bigger Than Groove Diameter) you will be amazed at the accuracy you can squeeze out of that gun. My 35 Rem will group 1.5 inches at 100 yards which is better than I did with jacketed. The 30-30 shows promise but has the worst trigger in the world right now so I have not done as much load development yet but that will change after hunting season this year. I have shot as many as 90 rounds pushed at over 2000 fps in the 35 rem with in a pretty short period of time and the barrel was hot enough you could not leave your hand on it with no leading at all.

Here is a group shot with the 30-30

10-08-2009, 10:28 PM
Mine likes the Ideal 31141,308291,308241,311359, RCBS 30-180-FN, Lee Soupcan, RanchDog TLC311-165-RF, and SAECO 630, but other than those it won't shoot cast bullets at all. Just size them big(.311-.312) or not at all and let em fly.

10-12-2009, 09:24 PM
My marlin is a pre micro grove. It likes the lee 170 FP sized .311 and 35 gr. of win 748
Happy shootin

10-15-2009, 04:37 PM
I just noticed this thread. I am always happy to add my $.03 I have a 336 in 30-30 and 35 Rem Both MG and both shoot cast very well. Like has been said, they favor boolits on the larger end of the scale. My bore (not groove)is larger than non MG by a thou or two, I dont have my reference handy. Bore rider dont shoot well unless the nose fits the bore snug. Full diameter boolits have worked well but the weight is limited with them.

10-24-2009, 08:41 AM
Yes, +1 on the size of the boolets.
I have loaded for both 45-70, and
35 micro. in the Marlins.
Both shot great at 100 yards.:redneck:

10-24-2009, 08:52 AM
Mine likes the Ideal 31141,308291,308241,311359, RCBS 30-180-FN, Lee Soupcan, RanchDog TLC311-165-RF, and SAECO 630, but other than those it won't shoot cast bullets at all. Just size them big(.311-.312) or not at all and let em fly.
All the moulds you have for it? :mrgreen:

10-24-2009, 10:38 AM
All of my Marlins (30-30, 35 Rem, and 45-70) have micro-groove barrels, and I shoot mostly cast boolets, very well indeed. I never realized there was supposed to be a problem with microgroove barrels until I started reading about the subject in a gunrag about the time cowboy shooting came into vogue. Ever since, people have been asking if it's possible to shoot cast boolets in microgroove barrels. Pretty much everyone who posts on this websight would seem to think so, and do. Mold yourself some boolets and have some fun.

03-17-2022, 08:31 PM
Size to throat diameter.

Shoot the longest bullet you can cycle. Gives you the most bearing surface for rifling "bite" on the bullet.