View Full Version : I think I've finally worn out my press

09-13-2009, 11:01 AM
I wasn't sure this was possible, but my RCBS Ammomaster ram is getting such a terrible wobble in the ram at the top of the stroke that I have to wiggle it to get .44mag brass into the RCBS sizing die. I'm starting to have alignment issues with other calibers and dies, as well. There is a growing pile of cases with smashed mouths in my scrap brass bucket.

The press was a Christmas gift back in high school (20 years ago) and has been used once or twice, but I doubt more than 50,000 cycles based on the number of primers I've gone through over the years plus a guess on push-through sizing.(I've kept the flap end of every brick so when I'm old I will know how many rounds I've loaded in my lifetime).

This is the only press I've owned, and has been a good one except for the primer dump in the ram which keeps the ram coated in spent primer residue, and I think this residue, combined with frequent oilings, has eaten the cast iron away and made the ram loose.

Any suggestions to repair it? Or should I just start looking for another press?


09-13-2009, 11:14 AM
It could be bushed and returned to it's former self and may need a new ram. Or the bore could be opened up to accept a new larger dimeter ram.

09-13-2009, 11:22 AM
Call RCBS, if nothing else you have to pay for shipping for the lifetime warranty.

Email or call them to explore your options.

I have nothing but excellent results from them on parts issues and customer service.


09-13-2009, 11:55 AM
In 1988 I wrote RCBS asking if I should be concerned about the wobbly ram in my 1963 purchased Junior. I received a new Reloader Special and a kind note that said that my old Junior at 50,000 rounds was just getting broken in. I am still using the free Reloader Special as my main single station press and it's still like new. The old Junior? It's still being used by a friend who loads more than I do. Apparently the wobble doesn't mean much because the dies align the cases as they go in. Looks like geargnasher has a lot more wobble than I did. BTW, RCBS never asked me to send in the old Junior; they have no way of knowing for sure that I even HAD a Junior. Now that's a warranty!

09-13-2009, 12:04 PM
RCBS will repair or replace it. Call them.


09-13-2009, 12:06 PM
Best advertising in the world is word of mouth, and I believe it.

09-13-2009, 12:19 PM
You've just got to love RCBS.

I'm just waiting for a package of parts for my Ammomaster progressive.

I emailed them, listed what I needed, they just emailed me back saying the stuff was in the post.

That press has been churning out great ammunition for over 15 years must have done nigh on 100,000 rounds and the main parts are still working fine. The bits and bobs I needed were mainly stripped threads due to my over enthusiasm.

Never understood why they discontinued that press.

So give RCBS a ring and let them do their stuff.

09-13-2009, 02:46 PM
There is a reason that all the above posts suggest calling RCBS



09-13-2009, 02:59 PM
RCBS.....Top Notch!! Have sent me free stuff several times in the mail!!!

09-13-2009, 04:27 PM
I would call RCBS first.

If, I wanted to keep the press, I would buy a new ram and fit a bushing in the press. Make the bushing from good tool steel and you have a press for three lifetimes. I think I would install a bushing from the bottom. tI would only have to be and inch or so long to stabilize the ram. Steel ram in a steel bushing should run true the entire stroke if they are a close fit.

Patrick L
09-13-2009, 10:21 PM
Are you sure it's ram wobble? I find that hard to believe. I have an Ammomaster that's almost as old as yours and man that ram is one massive cylinder of steel!!

Do you mean the indexing is out of alignment? That is controlled by the clutch assembly that the twisted hex rod passes through and they will get out of whack. I replaced one on a Piggyback (same system) about 10 years ago, and my Ammomaster is just starting to show the same symptoms. RCBS will send you a free one though.

09-16-2009, 11:03 PM
Are you sure it's ram wobble? I find that hard to believe. I have an Ammomaster that's almost as old as yours and man that ram is one massive cylinder of steel!!

Do you mean the indexing is out of alignment? That is controlled by the clutch assembly that the twisted hex rod passes through and they will get out of whack. I replaced one on a Piggyback (same system) about 10 years ago, and my Ammomaster is just starting to show the same symptoms. RCBS will send you a free one though.

It's a single-stage. I had originally asked for the Ammomaster because I intended to get the progressive kit for it once I mastered reloading single-stage, but life (mainly college) happened and I didn't use it for a few years. Just so happens that when I got back to using it, RCBS had discontinued the kit. What a bummer. I think now I couldn't find enough new old stock parts to piece one together. Dunno, I'll definitely call them and ask about the wear, it is a real pita.

I've mic'd the ram, and it doesn't appear to be worn, just scratched. I think the most wear is on the right side of the cast-iron base, probably from years of running primer residue and transmission fluid as lubricant. I've been threatening to bore the ram clear to the bottom and hammer an automotive freeze plug into the primer exit port for years to keep the ram clean, damn thing dumps half the primers on the floor anyway because there isn't enough chamfer in the port to keep them from stacking up and dumping on the downstroke.

Thanks for all the replies, I'll post how it turns out.


09-17-2009, 08:58 AM
For this, they will probably repair or replace at their expense.

They don't warranty electronics though. That really honked me off.

09-18-2009, 08:29 AM
Electronics have a mind of their own...that being said I have a Rockchucker that was given to me in highschool and the owner claimed the press loaded 80,000 rounds(Guy was about 75 and shot IHMSA he said he didn't have much time left so he purchased a Dillion 550 to load his ammo), I know its been good for another 6,000 and the only problem with it is the shell holder T-slot is slightly loose and once in a while i hafta reorient the shell holder while using it.

The RC is not my only press though and when I change them out on my bench I wipe down the ram and hit it with a little oil.

09-19-2009, 11:44 AM
For the record RCBS customer service is on pacific and, as someone said, are closed on Fridays.


09-19-2009, 01:43 PM
Primer grit is the biggest cause of ram/body wear. Few presses handle the spent primers well. I gave up trying to decap on any conventional press.

Bought a "universal decapper" die and a little Lee "Reloader" press simply because it has a hole through the ram that feeds spend primers, and their grit, into a cavity in the base of the press. It works so well I bought another of the presses and set up a Lee AutoPrime II in it. Then, to prevent having to dismount the press to empty the primer cavity, I bored a 3/4" hole in the mounting plate and put a pill bottle under it to catch the waste; it's EASY to empty the bottle. Love my primer handling system and my actual loading press' ram stays clean and grit free!

09-20-2009, 06:52 PM
My rock ch press got a bit loose , RCBS sent me a new ram that fixed the trouble.....NO CHARGE!
I always buy RCBS NOW!!

09-20-2009, 07:54 PM
You boys got me thinking now. My Rockchucker's "loose as a goose" too. May be the ram as all that primer grit does get all over it. May try a new ram from RCBS for it.

One of my "benchie" friends said that was the loosest Rockchucker he'd ever seen and he's been around a while.

The good thing is I picked up a spare about 5 years ago for $25 so I'm not dead in the water./beagle

09-20-2009, 10:00 PM
Still running an RCII, nice rockchucker. I started using kano kroil on the ram, it's thin enough to go all the way through. I just work the full stroke and wash the black stuff out, then wipe it down and reapply. Love mine-shouldn't you all be plugging for Lee?

big boar
09-20-2009, 10:43 PM
I've used and abused my Rockchucker for over 30 years and must have exceeded 50,000 several years ago. Great product.

09-21-2009, 08:04 PM
Ok, thanks again everyone, indeed there is a reason to call! I asked customer service if I could buy service parts for my old press and they said no, it has a lifetime warranty against wearing out, and to what address will we send your new base and ram? I asked if I could pay shipping at least, and was told not to worry about it, it's all taken care of.


Any company that will stand behind a $300 press for 20 years (plus however many more I have!) no questions asked sure impresses me, expecially when one of their leading competitors won't stand behind their brand-new undersized moulds for 24 hours! (y'all know what I'm talking about).

Anyway, I'm a happy camper, thanks again to all for encouraging me to call, I wouldn't have otherwise.


09-29-2009, 02:53 PM
You will ware out long before the press does. Don't worry give them a call.