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Just Duke
09-11-2009, 09:04 PM
Well this transaction somehow lead and funds all came late. The lead was sitting at the post office the whole time. I went down there, luckily a former party buddy and his wife run the place, told me the lady carrier said it was to heavy for her to deliver and never attempted to do so. 85 pounds and 4'9" and barely speaking english go figure. So after my conversation the carrier will be seeking employment elsewhere.

So anyway Stick_ man was a great and patient fella to deal with on this purchase and his patience is to be commended.
Good communication and pleasant.

Now this is what a package should look like when it arrives. 200 pounds of sticky ons and not one box broke open.



bruce drake
09-11-2009, 09:22 PM
Makes you wonder what other heavy mail disappeared during this "dedicated" employee's service.

Great looking parcels by the way. Stick_man took his time to do it right. Stick-on weights - you making muzzleloader and bloackpowder projectiles?

Just Duke
09-11-2009, 09:31 PM
you making muzzleloader and bloackpowder projectiles?

For my Shiloh Sharps Rifle that's sitting on the finished rack in Montana. :bigsmyl2: :redneck:

09-12-2009, 12:25 AM
You'll have to post some photos once you get it in hand. I know you've been after one for a while now. You will be very pleased.

09-12-2009, 04:27 AM
Thanks guys. Glad they arrived all safe and sound.

Happy castin' and happy shooting!


Just Duke
09-12-2009, 04:33 AM
Thanks guys. Glad they arrived all safe and sound.

Happy castin' and happy shooting!


Thank you sir. :castmine:

Just Duke
09-12-2009, 04:36 AM
You'll have to post some photos once you get it in hand. I know you've been after one for a while now. You will be very pleased.

You would not believe how long it takes to get these once you order them. :roll: :violin:

09-13-2009, 08:13 AM
I wonder if they would have sat in the P.O. so long if they had delivery conformation (I assume they didn't because I didn't see any green stickers on them). Nevertheless, glad you finally figured things out.

09-13-2009, 10:09 AM
You're lucky you knew the guy that run the place or my guess is you never would have got the. Not trying to knock the P.O. workers, some are good folk but there is a few bad in every crowd. If they had delivery confirmation you would have likely gotten them sooner as that would have shown where they were. I deal with the P.O. every day as part of my job and you get to see how things work a little better that way. Ironically the probable reason she didn't get rid of them was for the same reason she didn't deliver, too heavy!

09-13-2009, 10:17 AM
This is a very rare story. Not the failure to deliver part, but that a government worker got fired. Wow. You should submit the story to Ripley's "Believe It Or Not". It's refreshing.

09-13-2009, 10:31 AM
Awhile back I had a package lost for over a month that had been shipped Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation. After waiting for two weeks with no sign of the package, I checked online and found that it had been marked as delivered! So I went in to the post office. As luck would have it, my carrier was out on vacation and no one knew where the package was. So I had to wait another two weeks for the carrier to get back from vacation. She was supposed to come talk to me when she got back from vacation, but didn't. So I made another trip to the post office to get things going again.

Turns out she had given the package to my neighbor, who never told me that they had it... [smilie=b:

The carrier was supposed to leave a note on the door to tell me that she left it with the neighbor, but she neglected to do so. And because of that it took me a month and two trips to the post office to get my package! And yes, she's still my mail carrier. But I figure I've gotten even because of ordering 3 50# packages of lead ingots in the last few months that she had to deliver to my doorstep! :lol:


09-13-2009, 10:31 AM
The bar code at the bottom of the address sticker is delivery confirmation number. Could be she just scanned them and left them? Big problem. Glad it all worked out. Billy

09-13-2009, 10:46 AM
One good thing about a small town PO -when some 60lbs came last week in a flat rate I get the call...

"Pat, come and pick his thing up" ...:mrgreen:

09-13-2009, 01:17 PM
i was at the p.o.mailing off a m.o. and had left to go down the street.when i was yelled at, the postal guy followed me down the street to let me know i had just got in a package.
it was sitting in my truck [not in the bed] where i'd left it parked.
not in front of p.o. either.
the post master even gave me a web site so i could save some money on shipping the flat rate boxes.
it may take a day or two longer to get stuff here but they at least care.

09-13-2009, 03:19 PM
Weight limit on those flat rate boxes is 70 pounds.

09-14-2009, 01:05 AM
I wonder if they would have sat in the P.O. so long if they had delivery conformation (I assume they didn't because I didn't see any green stickers on them). Nevertheless, glad you finally figured things out.

Actually, when you purchase the postage online, the delivery confirmation/tracking is included in the price.

It is kind of interesting that packages take longer to go from SLC to Vegas than they take from SLC to anywhere along the East coast. :veryconfu

On these three packages, they averaged 67 lbs each. The post office hated me the day I dropped those off. I had several other packages to go as well, totalling over 300 lbs of lead plus a bunch of other stuff. They were gracious about it though and even let me borrow a hand truck to haul them in. To boot, it was right at their closing time. No complaints about the PO in my neck of the woods.

09-14-2009, 08:44 AM
This is a very rare story. Not the failure to deliver part, but that a government worker got fired. Wow. You should submit the story to Ripley's "Believe It Or Not". It's refreshing.

The PO hasn't been run by the govt. for over 25 years, maybe more. They were taken over by private enterprise and showed a profit inthe first year from what I remember.

I ordered some shot from a guy in Washington State & the PO "lost" the pallet (not just my shot-the whole pallet!). They resent it and the PO sent me a nice little note to come pick it up. So, I did-no problem for me..I will meet them halfway I figure.

09-14-2009, 01:59 PM
725, it's more likely that she was transferred to your post office!!!! :bigsmyl2:

09-25-2009, 12:04 AM
About two years ago I ordered 50lbs of linotype from a gentleman on ebay. I received the linotype in about 3 days. I then bought another box, but six weeks later I still had not received it, so I contacted the seller, he asked me to check at the PO, which I did. Nobody at the PO knew anything. He then sent me another box at no charge, which I received in about 3 days. About 3 months later I came home and there on my front porch was the missing box of linotype . We had just got a new letter carrier, so I asked the new carrier where the missing box had been and she said that the previous carrier was fired for not delivering quite a bit of the mail. I promptly sent the gentleman a check for the box, and we were both happy. I guess there are a few rotten apples everywhere. Our current carrier is a tiny lady that must weigh about 80lbs and she has been carrying the boxes to my porch. I told her to just leave the heavy boxes at the mailbox and occassionaly she does, but they are usually on the porch.


Just Duke
10-21-2010, 05:55 PM

10-21-2010, 06:44 PM
The PO hasn't been run by the govt. for over 25 years, maybe more. They were taken over by private enterprise

I've never heard that before. I know post offices are allowed to contract out rural delivery service but to my knowledge the post office itself is still government owned and run.

10-21-2010, 07:19 PM
glad to hear she got the axe! i can understand her not wanting to deliver them, but if she was to lazy to write out a slip saying the lead was at the post office, she needs to get cut.

I B Jeepin
10-22-2010, 02:29 AM
She does not work for the PO in California. Postal Employees cannot be fired except for a very narrow specturm of events. One of my good friends works for the PO that delivers my mail. LOL I have the postmasters inside line. (No kidding). There is one employee who works 3 months a year and is off on disability for many months. (these are all at the same location). Another does nothing but read paperback books. With a wire book holder. She injured her hands but was released for work. The PO compromised with her. Yet another carrier has a drug problem. Her license was taken away but the judge let her drive postal vehicles. She takes off at least one day a week due to "illness". Supervisors are afraid of her and her passle of lawyers.

My substitue carrier is permanently confused. I see her speeding up and down the street because she skipped a few houses. At 5pm she is back at the PO whether she delivered all the mail or not. I am the one of the last on the route and I have to call 3-6 times a year and them maker her come back and drop it off.

I rarely get pkgs when shes doing the route. She is 4 ft 10" and cant seem to speak a word of english except "huh?" It actually comes out "Ha?". Absoluetly disgusting.

You were very lucky to figure out where the boxes were. If she could have picked them up, she probably would have ditched them in a dumpster.

10-22-2010, 03:04 AM
This thread is 14 months old.

Just Duke
10-22-2010, 07:08 AM
This thread is 14 months old.

Thank you time keeper. lol


10-22-2010, 07:29 AM
my mail carrier attempted to refuse to deliver some lino I ordered off of ebay. I live 40 miles from my post office, wich also happens to be in a direction I do not travel. After a quick talk with her and her supervisor, I started leaving a red wagon on the front porch. Kinda decorative, and the mail lady uses it to unload my lead. Not 200 pounds at a time, but up to 130 anyway. Havent missed a package since and everyone is all smiles.

10-23-2010, 12:47 AM
You would not believe how long it takes to get these [Shiloh rifle] once you order them.

Sounds similar to our group buys :)

I looked at the price schedule on their site, and started to sweat, and ordered a Marlin 45-70 1895GBL instead. I'm glad you were able to order one from Shiloh. I hope you enjoy it immensely!

By the way, I still like going to the Shiloh site occasionally to listen to the Quigley soundtrack.


10-23-2010, 12:42 PM
Several years ago I was part of a GB for some Lee six cavity molds. I had ordered 2 molds from one GB and one from another. They both arrived at the same time and were taped and mailed together. They never showed up. When I notified the Honcho, he offered to send me one each of the missing molds for half price. I don't know if he had extras or sent me his molds. The missing molds never showed up. I have often wondered if some postal employee saw the on the labeling that they were "bullet" molds and chucked them. Who knows? They may show up someday and my heirs can claim them.


10-23-2010, 12:53 PM
I'm so angry with the PO I'm fit to be tied up. Lost parcels, late parcels showing up. I think I may have to go UPS. Buy boxes and have to charge more on shipping.

Now they won't insure small flat rate international. I know the main problem is our local PO.

10-23-2010, 07:16 PM
I live out in the boonies and have to go to the PO to get my mail. I've got a PO box and have a devil of a time ordering anything online as my physical address is needed for UPS or FedEx and the seller invariably sends the package by US Mail to my physical address. The post office sends it back noting "undeliverable". Now the stupid UPS is trying to drop off packages at the post office for them to finish the delivery. I'm furious about this and will start noting all my orders as "ship FedEx or cancel".

Trying to deal with the post office is as frustrating as the VA!

10-23-2010, 08:35 PM
I sent two USPS money orders from Nashville to to someone just south of Atlanta. One about the middle of May, and a second USPS MO about the first week of June. The seller thought I was stiffing him and after sending a second (using a printed copy of the address he supplied via email) I thought he was stiffing me. They were sent first class envelope so weight was not an issue with this one.

After the required waiting period I turned them into the PO for confirmation. Both were MIA and within two weeks of filing my claim I had checks in hand. Course I was out all of the fees, but I got most of my money back.

Still don't have any 44 SPL brass to speak of though and am wearing it out reloading it, at least until I felt the gun was reliable enough to serve it's purpose.

10-25-2010, 08:24 AM
Now the stupid UPS is trying to drop off packages at the post office for them to finish the delivery

Well no..........they're not being stupid. It's called UPS Basic which means for a lower than normal cost UPS will pick up the package from the sender and guarantee it's delivery to your local post office. Not a bad service if you want to make sure USPS doesn't loose your package en route to you. If you want it delivered to your front door then then go UPS regular or higher.

10-25-2010, 10:57 AM
Well no..........they're not being stupid. It's called UPS Basic which means for a lower than normal cost UPS will pick up the package from the sender and guarantee it's delivery to your local post office. Not a bad service if you want to make sure USPS doesn't loose your package en route to you. If you want it delivered to your front door then then go UPS regular or higher.

Huh. I'll have to check that out. Something is going on. I have about 5 parcels missing with USPS.

10-25-2010, 11:49 AM
I've only had a couple companies ship to me using UPS Basic. All the others used UPS ground which brought it to my front door. UPS Basic is a little cheaper but not by much, but the one advantage is by getting the tracking number from the shipper you can track the package right to the day and time it was delivered to your local post office. Print that out and take it to the post office and they are on the hook with no wiggle room.

10-25-2010, 10:42 PM
I told my mail carrier to call me if I have a package over 20 pounds and I will pick it up at the post office. They really appreciate not having to deliver 50-65 pound boxes of lead. The post office is a 7 minute drive from my house, so I don't mind. I get it sooner too.

10-26-2010, 08:42 AM
I told my mail carrier to call me if I have a package over 20 pounds and I will pick it up at the post office.

That's the way I do it also. A little friendly relations with the mail carrier can go a long ways when one orders a lot through the mail. The wife even puts a box of candy or cookies in the mail box on Christmas for the mail carrier. Once had the Post Office call me on a Sunday and the guy said he was in doing some back logged work and found a package delivered to them after closing the day before. Said if I came down I could pick it up. Small town Post Offices do have their advantages.

Jack Stanley
10-26-2010, 09:29 AM
I got a new rural carrier recently and she is quite a pleasant departure from the grumpy old guy we had . I saw her sorting mail at the office the other day and she mentioned heavy packages so I told her now that I was retired and home most of the time all she had to do was call me and she never would have to lift another heavy box .

It's a lot easier to do nice things for nice people ...... I've been known to be nice to grumps though [smilie=l:


10-26-2010, 12:18 PM
I knew all of our postal workers, including the post master that just retired by first name., Every Christmas, I would bring them a bottle of wine and some walnuts from my buddy's farm.

Problem is now they're ALL gone. The people in there are all fill in temps that have to drive at least an 1.5 hrs to get there and none of them want to be there. I've got 5 missing parcels that are in a black hole someplace ...:roll:

10-26-2010, 07:29 PM
I love the folks at my local Post Office.

UPS, on the other hand, has a habit of slapping a note on my door, running back to the truck, and driving away (while I am running after them yelling and screaming "Come Back!"), never having actually CARRIED the package anywhere near my door, nor ringing the door bell.


11-15-2010, 09:50 PM
I have bought over 1000 pounds of lead online in the last 4 months. I believe my local post office has my phone number on their speed-dial. Last Friday I picked up 149 pounds and another 40 pounds today.

11-15-2010, 10:15 PM
I know the main problem is our local PO.

Start complaining to their chain of command. Nothing will happen until someone's job review is on the line.


11-15-2010, 11:18 PM
I had a flat-rate box sit in KC center for a week. Then it was rewrapped and an apology label attached. I then got delivery confirmation on the empty box. No telling where the contents hit the floor, but I think it must have required some hand shaking to get the ingots out and leave the wooden packing materials. But many more of the packages have arrived safely and I get good service from the local PO and rural carrier.
What really burns me is the first class mail that is lost or weeks late. Seems at least one check a year just disappears.