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View Full Version : 311284 with IMR-3031 or IMR-4350?

09-10-2009, 03:53 PM
I have the 311284 mold of which will cast either a PB or GC. It is a two hole mold and one side was made into a PB. I have two powders to pick from for both of these designs of which are IMR-3031 and IMR-4350. This will go into a Rem 700 BDL in 30-06 and oldie lol. Made I would think in the Mid 70's.

It will be for Deer and Hog if they run past during Deer Season. The range is up to 200 yards.

So I would like to ask a good load for such a round and why you would choose which powder.

Thank You so much for any info I can get as I have never loaded a 30-06 before.

09-10-2009, 04:03 PM
I like 30gr of IMR 3031 with my 311284 in my 30-06.


09-10-2009, 04:03 PM
Darrel any filler in there or just powder :)

So why do you like IMR-3031 over IMR-4350? And from what I read 30.oGr of IMR-3031 is about 1700 FPS with the 311290 at 208 gr

09-10-2009, 04:16 PM
no filler, and why do I like it?

1850 fps for me and very very accurate.

accurate enough I used it for squirrel hunting one day. :)

Never said I like 3031 better than 4350. Fact is, I havn't tried 4350 in it, just giving my preference of the powder that I've used.

so my lack of mentioning 4350 is in no way a negative about that powder. perhaps someone who has used it will chime in with their opinion and experience with it.

09-10-2009, 04:19 PM
Thank You Darrel. I will give it a SHOT lol. :)