View Full Version : Lee molds and M14's

09-02-2009, 06:10 PM
Having tried Lee's C309-200-R in my M14 without any great success (3.5MOA), I was thinking that using the lerger diameter Lee's would possibly give better results. I was thing of either using the CTL312-160-2R or C312-185-1R (sized to .311) along with AR2208 (Varget equivalent). Anyone have any success with these? I know this rifle is very capable, having shot .6MOA with 168g J-bullets. Thanks in advance.

09-02-2009, 07:30 PM
Drop a PM to Bruce B on this forum. He is an expert on the M 14 and cast boolits. Or you can just check out his threads by doing a search.

09-06-2009, 08:51 PM
+1 on what crash is saying.