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08-16-2009, 12:29 AM
I asked about this some time ago, but there is a lot of new stuff out now.

Is anyone taking any kind of eye vitamins that are helping? I started working on my peeps and it is a bigger deal now.


08-16-2009, 01:05 AM
Lutein & Zeaxanthin are Extremely beneficial to eyes and can help keep them
healthy and prevent many of the problems as we age.
You can get a lot of Lutein from kale and other leafy green vegetables &
Kiwi fruit. Zeaxanthin is harder to get and some comes from yellow vegetables.
Experts say around 20mg of Lutein and close to 4mg of Zeaxanthin daily gives
enormous protection to your eyes. I usually take them a few times a week.
The last time I had my eyes checked the Dr. said my optic nerve was about
the same as an 18 year old and I'm more than 3 times that age so it must
help a lot. If I can just find something that helps the rest of me. :)
Hope this helps some.

08-16-2009, 12:06 PM
The last time I had my eyes checked the Dr. said my optic nerve was about the same as an 18 year old...
I rarely see the eye doctor...perhaps twice in 25 years...but if he said that to me I would have no idea of how to interpret it.

Aging eyes lose the ability to flex, so they don't focus on close objects, anymore.
Cataracts gradually block out vision if they form during aging.

But what determines the 'condition' of the optic nerve?
I would think you either have one that transmits data...or you don't.

08-16-2009, 12:31 PM
My Doc told me to drink "Tart Cherry Juice" that I buy condensed. It helped my vision alot. It also has the benefit of easing arthritic pain. I am now getting a cataract on my only eye! Doc said it would have to be very bad before any sane eye surgeon would work on someones only eye. I just keep trudging that road to happy destiny!

Wayne Smith
08-16-2009, 02:03 PM
I talked to my optholologist that I see 3 times a year for my gloucoma. He stated that Leutin only helps with one or two specific eye diseases/problems and is useless otherwise. I never heard of the other one. When I was a kid my brother and I ate armfulls of carrots - my dad farmed them. He encouraged us to eat all we wanted from the field across the road. I can still see better in low light than most people.

What little I know about eyes is that those items help more in the development of the eyes than later.

08-16-2009, 11:32 PM
High intake of lutein and zeazanthin equals lower risk of age-related macular degeneration. Plenty of studies out there--published in genuine peer reviewed journals. See the Harvard study from the late '90's. I take a potent combo supplement every day--seems to have quickened my ability to adjust to low light levels (this is what's called an anecdotal report!). Other than that, I'm just trying to prevent ARMD.

Your friendly pharmacist,

08-17-2009, 12:15 AM
myself I use high intake of BUDWEISER seem to do wonders

08-17-2009, 12:40 AM
High intake of lutein and zeazanthin equals lower risk of age-related macular degeneration. Plenty of studies out there--published in genuine peer reviewed journals. See the Harvard study from the late '90's. I take a potent combo supplement every day--seems to have quickened my ability to adjust to low light levels (this is what's called an anecdotal report!). Other than that, I'm just trying to prevent ARMD.

Your friendly pharmacist,

What supplement combo?

08-17-2009, 06:01 AM
Longhorn knows his stuff !!! I also like Longhorn 47's idea too . :)
I'm not plugging for anybody but I get mine from food & vegetables---
supplements from Swanson's Vitamins.
The Lady eye Doctor said that your Optic Nerve when Healthy is like a
tightly bound section of rope strands but as you age or when it becomes
less healthy it becomes like a piece of rope that the strands are more
loosely wound together and causes more vision problems & doesn't
transmit the signals to your brain.
I didn't argue with her and took it as the Gospel.

08-17-2009, 11:14 AM
Vit A seems to help me and my old eyes.

08-17-2009, 10:30 PM
OCCU-VITE helped my Mom's vision considerably!

08-18-2009, 05:54 PM
I had both eyes operated on for cateracts,one at a time.and they are better than when I was young.
The gun mags hade a product "CLAROXIN" I think was the name. I did take a suppliment and my doctor said it might have helped retard the cateracts.if there is something out there that would help the AMA would be against it.as they would not be needed.I am using DSMO for artheritis and use on my knees and back it is working.I am 85 soooo.its only allowed for animals by the FDA.I have a book on the research.it could be used for many repairs on the body.:coffeecom[smilie=1:

08-19-2009, 10:26 AM
Our eye Doctor told my wife to take Occuvite (Baush and Lomb product) to prevent her from developing macular degeneration. It contains all of the good stuff mentioned plus some Omega 3. This is an over the counter product available in most drug stores.

09-25-2009, 07:47 AM
My optomitrist is also an eye surgeon. I had to set up an appointment so I called and asked them about supplements. The girl said the usual supplements like zink znd lutein. She also said that Presurve (?) was their favorite multi vitamin, but she then said that a tablespoon of raw, uncooked olive oil every day was really good.

This is the first time I heard about olive oil. Anyway, since I am shooting peeps on my lever gun, I decieded to try this along with some zinc and I caps that I already have on hand. I'll let you know if it makes any difference.

09-25-2009, 07:57 AM
.[QUOTE=Prince555 If I can just find something that helps the rest of me. :)
Hope this helps some.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of the old saying around here;"Everything that still works, hurts!"

09-25-2009, 08:01 AM
My wife has serious eye problems and her eye doctor told her to take I-caps an over the counter vitamin.


Rocky Raab
09-25-2009, 11:07 AM
The only thing I can contribute is this: if a product is labeled as "homeopathic" it is outright and complete quackery. Look up the word and see what it really means. It refers to the belief that if a moderate amount of something is beneficial, then an impossibly small amount of it is just as good (which doesn't make sense on the face of it).

So if an aspirin is good for you, you can dissolve an aspirin in a bucket of water, take one drop from that bucket and dissolve it into another bucket of water, then you swallow one drop of THAT and the amount of aspirin still present will be as potent as the tablet. Really?

If it says "homeopathic" it means that you're buying 99.99999% inert filler.

09-25-2009, 02:22 PM
Rocky, there's commercial homeopathic and then there's traditional homeopathy. The later tends to be more of the "all things in moderation/herbs/fresh veggies/clean water and air are good" type of thing. I know this much, when my wife was doing her herbal thing my health was better than when just dong the vitamins and stuff. There's something to the overall approach to things vs. the "OTC/ only take some when it hurts" method.

09-25-2009, 04:38 PM
I don't know if Budweiser makes me see better, but it makes my wife look better!

Rocky Raab
09-25-2009, 05:47 PM
Bret, it would be better to say that there's homeopathy and then there's traditional medicine. The latter can be fine, and medicine has learned a lot from it (we got aspirin from it via traditionalists and their willow tea!).

But homeopathy is and never has been anything but a farce. For more, read here:


09-25-2009, 07:38 PM
I just seen a news clip of a new yet experimental contact lens you wear while you sleep. Yo wear it while you sleep and it pushes the form of you eye lens back to where it should be and durring the day you have normal vision without the contact.

09-25-2009, 07:57 PM
Budweiser, had to quit using that vitamin. Yes it did make my wife look younger and I hurt myself real bad one night. Budweiser didn't help my shooting at all.

09-26-2009, 07:32 AM
Bret, it would be better to say that there's homeopathy and then there's traditional medicine. The latter can be fine, and medicine has learned a lot from it (we got aspirin from it via traditionalists and their willow tea!).

But homeopathy is and never has been anything but a farce. For more, read here:


I will respectfully disagree. Just like there are good reloads and bad reloads, there is good and bad in everything including homepathy and alternative medicine.

I personally know of 3 people that have been treated at the Century Wellness Center in Reno, Nevada where they use homeopathy and alternative medicine and were cured, and one had terminal pancreatic cancer. He had been given all of the conventional treatment (chemotherapy & radiation) and after that was told that he had maybe 6 mo's to live. He went to this clinic and they performed a miracle and today, 10 years after going there for treatment, he is alive and well!! No cancer!!

I don't believe everything I read, but seeing is believing!


09-26-2009, 08:38 AM
Thanks for the tip guys!

09-26-2009, 07:18 PM
I used to take "health choice" brand vitamins.for eyes.it did help but I did have the cataracts removed.DR Wittaker has a wellness clinic in california that cures people. does not cure memory loss tho.

09-26-2009, 07:36 PM
Ginko Biloba is supposed to increase circulation to your brain and extremities, better memory more alert... I didn't notice I was any smarter but my vision was a little better.

09-26-2009, 09:37 PM
Get a juicer and grind carrots. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, and costs less than Bud.

Seriously through, fresh carrot juice really works, and is good mixed with apples.,

09-26-2009, 09:48 PM
One night in a Holiday Inn express will make you smarter. So goes the commercial. I have never tried it. A friend of mine did once, I never noticed anything different about him though. He's 65 and can't remember, well you know, what was this thread about anyway ?

09-28-2009, 08:38 PM
I got asked about brands of eye supplements--I take our private label variety, but I'd recommend Lutein/Zeazanthin by Pure Encapsulations or Able Eyes by Carlson or Healthy Eyes by DaVinci. Look for 'em at a health food store.

As for homeopathy, it's never fit in with my chemistry background and orientation, but that doesn't mean it's fraud or quackery. It works, and I've seen lab results to prove it in a handful of cases. Also, I'd be careful of relying on quackwatch--they have axes to grind.

Your friendly local pharmacist,

Lloyd Smale
09-29-2009, 05:11 AM
cant see cant hear and cant remember and with the way the world is going i kind of like it that way!!

09-29-2009, 11:35 AM
I've always tried to avoid supplements unless I have a specific issue that I'm dealing with. Otherwise it's better to just eat a good balanced diet.

You'd be surprised at the variation in vitamin and mineral content of different vegetables. I always see "leafy greens" mentioned, but if you compare, say, spinach with Romaine lettuce you'll see that spinach is much, much richer in most vitamins and minerals. If you just do a Google search on vegetables and nutritional information you can find quite a bit of good stuff. And let me tell you, it's far cheaper to eat vegetables high in vitamin C than it is to eat crap and take a vitamin C supplement!


10-02-2009, 09:39 AM
Good explantion of nutrients for the eyes and how they work.


10-03-2009, 02:16 PM
Thank you for posting the link that quotes the 'AREDS' study. I think we all here may benefit from it.

I was directed to the AREDS study by the opthalmologist who performed the lens replacement in my right eye as an answer to my questions about macular degeneration. She (the surgeon) also told me there is a similar study now under way for the past three years trying to establish, among other things, a direct link between certain eye diseases and lack of particular nutrients in our diets. It's all about preventative medicine.

Pre-lens replacement surgury evaluation revealed damage to the macular wall. This damage consisted of a tearing away of the macular lining from the wall and several holes in the lining. It was imperative to repair this damage before the lens replacement proceedure. I am most fortunate to have been treated to the very latest in argon laser science as the "tool" in repairing such macular damage. Argon laser, green spectrum is far cooler and more precise without the "...over penetration.." of the older, hotter red spectrum laser system. Twenty + minutes I was out the door and into a recovery room filled with a host of other geezers. Ten more min. and I was on my way home.

I now have 20-20 vision in my right eye thaks to the skill of the young surgeon and today's medical science. If there is one negative, the eye does not focus as quickly and easy as when I was 25 yrs. old. The muscles controlling the focusing have lost some elasticity and strength. But then that describes the rest of my 71 yr. old frame..:)

Cheers from Pearl River County,