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View Full Version : Huge thank you!!!

08-15-2009, 05:12 PM
I would like to thank everyone involved with this site.

My knowlege about casting has been expanded far beyond what i ever would have learned by myself;i was a 35year caster that thought i pretty much knew most of it,i didnt know squat compared to you all !!

I have never been flamed here,and i probably have deserved it on occasion.

I have sold and bought many things here and am happy with every one of the transactions;i hope you were also...

WOW 200 posts! i would never have believed it possible,ever.

I cant believe what a great place this is.

From the bottom of my heart i thank you all for a GREAT WEBSITE !

leigh merriman

08-15-2009, 05:15 PM
Been good having you here and dealing with you also.

08-15-2009, 05:26 PM
Many of you may not know this, but I started this site to be a place where I could draw upon such knowledgeable folks myself since I was a rookie too.
It has far exceeded my expectations and the journey has a long run yet, we hope to be around a long long time!

08-15-2009, 07:43 PM
Too many quality folks to mention. There are centuries of combined knowledge here.
Most are very generous when it comes to dispensing it.

I cast better boolits and my accuracy has improved from the knowledge gathered on this forum. This is my favorite shooting related forum. There is something traditional about us folks that "Roll there Own" I'm glad to be part of it.


08-15-2009, 08:01 PM
Not only have I found more knowledge here than the Library of Alexandria contained, but I have made some good friends here too! I may have started out a little rocky, but these guys here got me straight in a hurry. Best firearms related forum on the internet, bar none. My sincere thanks go out as well.

08-15-2009, 11:20 PM
Bravo, 45nut!! Thank you so much for allowing this site to exist. Very informative, entertaining and it is one of my top 3 sites to visit everyday. I look forward to the future, myself.

08-15-2009, 11:38 PM
Yea for you 45nut! I'm sure glad you did, as I have (of course) learned more than I already knew and I've been casting since '72.


08-16-2009, 02:28 AM
Frankly, I feel honored, and blessed, to be a member of this forum.

cajun shooter
08-16-2009, 07:18 AM
Catshooter, I started in 1971 and you and I have had a few dealings. I'm glad that you are on board. This forum has become to me like a morning paper. I can't start my day with out it. I have taken in tons of knowledge since becoming a member. I'm retired and so have more time on my hands to be on line. I just passed 1000 post and feel that I passed a once thought impossible goal. I have asked many questions and Have tried to help others. I just re-upped my membership and changed to a sponser to help the forum more. With out sounding Corney I hope, this group of guys have become like family to me. Yes, Ken you have indeed created the perfect forum.

08-16-2009, 07:27 AM
I have never been flamed here,and i probably have deserved it on occasion.Very, very few ever get flamed here, and boy, isn't it refreshing?

08-16-2009, 09:05 AM
Not exactly true, I get flamed a lot! :bigsmyl2:
But everyone is welcome to do it to me, seeing as I am an old curmudgeon. :drinks:

08-16-2009, 09:13 AM
Isn't it amazing how sites have a personality of thier own. I hang out on a sight deveoted to my favorite style of handgun and if you are not one of the "in" crowd you ain't spit. The in crowd is the group who has the money for custom revolvers and posts about what they just got or what they are having built.

This is a much happier site and very welcoming to the veteran and newby alike. I have learned volumes and enjoyed myself a lot. Thanks Ken ya done good.

James C. Snodgrass
08-16-2009, 09:28 AM
It can't be beat !!! I ain't much of a typer but have learned more here than all the books on casting that I've seen . Also everybody has been real polite and not childish if we have differing opinions . James