View Full Version : swag-o-matic and herters

08-11-2009, 09:59 PM

08-14-2009, 02:10 PM
I removed all of the help ideas after 35 yrs of knowledge, Just goes to show everyone's mindset when a person is new on a site. I will just go to a different site where swagers hang out. bye

Sixgun Symphony
08-14-2009, 02:36 PM
What just happened?

08-14-2009, 02:51 PM
Joined this month? and gone already ? Huh ? I don't even get time to read ALL the subjects in a given month - give us some more time before rolling the wagons, dude !

08-15-2009, 01:54 AM
.............Too bad and it's a same. It's possible there are some members who visit ONLY this forum but I'd think the number would be small. I like swaging myself, but am interested in most everything. It takes me most of 3 hours to cruise the entire board. I saw the "swag-o-matic and herters" title, but as I have a RCE Walnut Hill I simply decided to pass on by. My 'Board Time' these days isn't what it used to be.

Maybe I should have checked it out regardless? The board is free, and it costs nothing to post and the post will also remain there without charge. I can see how many views both posts have had at this point, but don't know how many may have read the post without responding. It may just simply be that those who DID view it didn't feel compelled to respond, and that could be for any number of reasons. As I said, I also did not read the post so don't know what it consisted of.

Trust me when I say that each and every new member is a valuable asset to the board, and as time goes on and a new member moves on in their contributing, and sharing of their knowledge and experience, they become true gems. I've probably personally only met 30 board members here, but the vast majority of the members would be welcome in my home anytime, taking those few I've met as examples of the majority.

To be honest, while the board's growth is exciting and is merely proof that us cast lead guys must have been on to something over the years, the growth does make it hard to keep up. No one is intentionally overlooked. Getting big does sometimes make it appear that things are rather impersonal, but that is not the board's (by that I mean EVERYONE) intent by ANY means.


08-15-2009, 03:16 PM
He just posted a question, maybe and removed it in a hissy fit already??? I had not seen it either.

08-15-2009, 04:21 PM
I removed all of the help ideas after 35 yrs of knowledge, Just goes to show everyone's mindset when a person is new on a site. I will just go to a different site where swagers hang out. bye

And that site would be where....


Bent Ramrod
08-15-2009, 11:09 PM
The Swag-O-Matic and the Herter's are very similar designs with the Swag-O-Matic frame being aluminum and the Herter's cast iron (or similar). I read a report back in the day that the writer had managed to break his Herter's press, but have heard nothing of the sort about the Swag-O-Matic...Hey, wheredeego?

Was on vacation last week and saw the question on my brother's computer. He has no interest in guns or casting so I didn't want to log on there.

My neighbor is a postman. He says people come out of their houses to him as he is delivering mail, demanding the product they just ordered on the Internet two minutes previously. After all, it was In Stock, they clicked Buy It Now and typed in their credit card number and got the Acknowledgment. So where's the package?:roll:

08-17-2009, 12:11 AM
looks like if it was a question, he did not wait for an answer. If it was about Herters Ken could have and would have addressed it.

the only other swaging forum I have seen that is worth visiting is Saubier, but then I like it here because of the variety of topics.

08-17-2009, 08:20 AM
Yeah. I lurk (mostly)over at the Saubier forum, and have not found a lot more other places that there are any swagers, yet.
I have not been hanging around the Bench Rest forums, though.

There is a broader range of interests and subject matter here. A lot more guys here that are looking to make stuff that is serviceable, rather than trying to achieve perfection in the same stuff that they have always made.


08-17-2009, 10:40 AM

I agree on the swaging topic being diverse and a great place to learn how to make items for the craft. Instead of spending $5000- $6000 on a set of carbide swage dies. That is out of reach for most of us.

08-19-2009, 04:15 PM
Idon't know what happened, but I'd like to voice my thoughts regarding this website/forum. I knew nothing about swaging a year ago, but wanted to learn. I asked tons of questions and although now those questions seem foolish,I was always reponded to in a very timely and respectful manner. Many have come forward with help,suggestions and a level of expertise that's impressive. Ihave many interests and visit many websites/forums and consider the Swaging Forum to be one of the best. I'm sorry someone had a bad experience My hope is that nothing changes, particularly with the membership as you guys have been great. Thanks for all the help and support.Danth

08-19-2009, 06:11 PM
The truth is that I wasn't going to bother following gjb's posts unless he had some pictures to post. Without pictures of what he was doing, I had the suspicion that all the talk was just a figment of his immagination.

09-02-2009, 04:20 PM
The Swag-O-Matic and the Herter's are very similar designs with the Swag-O-Matic frame being aluminum and the Herter's cast iron (or similar). I read a report back in the day that the writer had managed to break his Herter's press, but have heard nothing of the sort about the Swag-O-Matic...Hey, wheredeego?

Was on vacation last week and saw the question on my brother's computer. He has no interest in guns or casting so I didn't want to log on there.

My neighbor is a postman. He says people come out of their houses to him as he is delivering mail, demanding the product they just ordered on the Internet two minutes previously. After all, it was In Stock, they clicked Buy It Now and typed in their credit card number and got the Acknowledgment. So where's the package?:roll:

I swaged 22, 30,38,44, and 45 cal half jacket boolits with the Herters dies in conjunction with their special "O" type press with adjustable linkage. Still use the press today and have spools of wire and cups. It worked like a champ!

Sixgun Symphony
09-18-2009, 04:58 PM
There is alot of good, used swaging equipment for sale. Much of it turns up on ebay or in garage sales. It would be great if the fellows that have owned and used this vintage swaging equipment would produce their own training videos and posting them on YouTube.com so that others can see how it's done.