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Just Duke
08-10-2009, 08:26 AM
Anybody heard from him? I think his name is Art.

08-10-2009, 08:33 AM
7-9-2009 was last activity for Art. steve k

08-10-2009, 08:50 AM
I asked the same question a couple weeks back. Maybe he got tired of us. Any one in the Parumph (SP) NV area know him?

Just Duke
08-10-2009, 08:54 AM
I asked the same question a couple weeks back. Maybe he got tired of us. Any one in the Parumph (SP) NV area know him?

I was understanding he was an older fella and I could of sworn I heard some where he was having health problems. Well as most of us chronalogically challenged have.
Appologies if this is incorrect.

08-10-2009, 09:38 AM
I was understanding he was an older fella and I could of sworn I heard some where he was having health problems. Well as most of us chronalogically challenged have.
Appologies if this is incorrect.

By the way......what does your "born 125 years too late" byline mean?

Too late to play cowboy and Indians for real, or missing the smallpox plagues, flu epidemics, electric lights, running hot water, the telephone, penicillin, the Colt 1911, Temperpedic mattresses, air conditioning and the pickup truck?

Many things in life, were never so good as we have it now.

Many other things...mostly events......we could have done without....i.e., the World Wars, the rise of Communism and establishment of the Soviet Union, Facism and the Nazi's, the race riots and resultant legislation, The Hippies and Liberal politics, openly public homosexuality, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the African National Congress in South Africa and the failure to control the Muslims in the middle East.

08-10-2009, 10:11 AM
i fully agree with adam's tag line.
loss of freedoms, taxes .closed range. ability to go your own way...
last i seen of art he was doing a site benefit.

08-10-2009, 10:12 AM
By the way......what does your "born 125 years too late" byline mean?

Too late to play cowboy and Indians for real, or missing the smallpox plagues, flu epidemics, electric lights, running hot water, the telephone, penicillin, the Colt 1911, Temperpedic mattresses, air conditioning and the pickup truck?

Many things in life, were never so good as we have it now.

Many other things...mostly events......we could have done without....i.e., the World Wars, the rise of Communism and establishment of the Soviet Union, Facism and the Nazi's, the race riots and resultant legislation, The Hippies and Liberal politics, openly public homosexuality, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the African National Congress in South Africa and the failure to control the Muslims in the middle East.

I was in Northern Vermont over the weekend at my camp. At some point as I am
sitting there in the deep woods, taking in the beauty around me, I usually think
those same thoughts about being born into this virgin paradise 125 years or
more ago. Then I drive off in my ATV to check out another fall hunting spot. :mrgreen:

08-10-2009, 11:37 AM
You forgot refrigerators, I am pretty basic in my needs and wants these days but it would be tough without the fridge. I have sure been glad to have the EMS service a couple times too!

08-10-2009, 12:21 PM
You forgot refrigerators, I am pretty basic in my needs and wants these days but it would be tough without the fridge. I have sure been glad to have the EMS service a couple times too!

Hey Dude, people had refrigeration way back when, the ice house and ice box provided it :-).


08-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Hey Dude, people had refrigeration way back when, the ice house and ice box provided it . Yeah, but remember you had to saw that ice on a freezing cold and windy lake!!!!

08-10-2009, 12:55 PM
Those who pine for the long-ago, should remember the outhouse at 40 below!!!

Just Duke
08-10-2009, 01:46 PM
By the way......what does your "born 125 years too late" byline mean?

Too late to play cowboy and Indians for real, or missing the smallpox plagues, flu epidemics, electric lights, running hot water, the telephone, penicillin, the Colt 1911, Temperpedic mattresses, air conditioning and the pickup truck?

Many things in life, were never so good as we have it now.
Many other things...mostly events......we could have done without....i.e., the World Wars, the rise of Communism and establishment of the Soviet Union, Facism and the Nazi's, the race riots and resultant legislation, The Hippies and Liberal politics, openly public homosexuality, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the African National Congress in South Africa and the failure to control the Muslims in the middle East.

Yea, but I really wished I missed the affair about the child molester (Michael Jackson) that was put on a pedestle lately. Oh and the rest of those peoples that are members of the "Film Actors Guild" or commonly refered to the acronym "***" in my circles. :roll:

I could live without eletricity and lights. My wife has the ultimate collection of Aladdin Kerosenes Lamps you have ever seen.
I have 2 premo Crew cab 7.3 Ford Diesel 4X4's I would swap strait across for a buck board I can back engineer.

Many things in life, were never so good as we have it now.

The good life has made a majority of this country into a bunch of sedintary unhealthy peoples. I watch them push hand carts full of food at Costco and just shake my head. Especially myself being born into a poor broke family. Like Etheopian poor. <stepping off soap box>

Just Duke
08-10-2009, 01:51 PM
i fully agree with adam's tag line.
loss of freedoms, taxes .closed range. ability to go your own way...
last i seen of art he was doing a site benefit.

Well said brother. :drinks:

Just Duke
08-10-2009, 02:00 PM
Anyway back to Art MIA.

08-10-2009, 05:15 PM
You left out the lack of canned beer and novicane.

08-10-2009, 06:33 PM
Those who pine for the long-ago, should remember the outhouse at 40 below!!!

Our hunting cabin has a 2 holer

And I have never seen -40
But -5 and a decent wind
Will make you think if you realy have to go [smilie=1:

And you sure hope the last guy brought in the seat to keep it semi warm


cajun shooter
08-10-2009, 07:00 PM
At 62 and from the country I well remember that 40 yd dash. Sometimes growing up I was a few yds short. It was no joke in our family about the Sears catalog. You tore off a page from the bedding section first and while sitting there you started the out house crush and roll. After about three or four good crush and rolls you had the same as Charmin but with pictures. Had to use plenty of lime in the summer to keep things on the tolerable side. Jumptrap, I bet you can't see the forest because of the trees. A simple life is harsh at times but you don't need valium to calm down at night and you go to sleep when it gets dark.

08-10-2009, 07:14 PM
At 62 and from the country I well remember that 40 yd dash. Sometimes growing up I was a few yds short. It was no joke in our family about the Sears catalog. You tore off a page from the bedding section first and while sitting there you started the out house crush and roll. After about three or four good crush and rolls you had the same as Charmin but with pictures. Had to use plenty of lime in the summer to keep things on the tolerable side. Jumptrap, I bet you can't see the forest because of the trees. A simple life is harsh at times but you don't need valium to calm down at night and you go to sleep when it gets dark.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

I was raised and still live in eastern Kentucky, there wasn't any electricity here until right before I was born....I'm 51. I've done my time in an outside s#####r and don't miss it one bit.

My folks were all raised here and if I ever remember anything my daddy ever said, it's this:

"Son, the Good Ol' Day's, is RIGHT NOW." And although I never did fully agree with many of the things he said.....I do agree with the fact that it is as good as it ever has been, so far how we have to live.

Lots of folks cut firewood to save money.....it's entirely different when you had no choice and did it with a crosscut and an ax.

Many people died with simple ailments....like an abscessed tooth, simply because they had no penicillin.

When winter came, the roads were impassable....you hitched the mule or horse to a sled....either because of the mud...or the snow.

The list goes on and on.

So, while it's fine to appreciate tranquility and no moron buzzing the countryside on a dirtbike, I don't have a bit of a problem with missing out on my great grandparents era.......none.

08-10-2009, 07:16 PM
Well I’ll take life today—I have been battling the “C” word and so far I am clean. 125 years ago, I would have been dead 2 years ago…

But, where is Scrounger…


08-10-2009, 07:40 PM
Danged sissies. I STILL have a two holer, used daily, an ice box, Majestic cook stove, and am danged thankful to have electricity!

08-10-2009, 08:29 PM
I, too, was born too late, but by just 100-years. I've thought about it much over the course of the last 20-years, or so.

People then didn't know of today's modern conveniences and medical advances, just as we don't know what life will be like 100-years from now. By today's standards, the lives of all who have lived in past centuries was difficult. People of future centuries will consider our lives to have been extremely difficult, and wonder how we coped.

Life is more than just convenience and possessions. The America of today is not the America of 100+ years ago. My body is stuck in 21st century America, but my soul belongs to the America of the 19th century.

It would be cool to set the dial of Mr. Peabody's Way Back Machine to the America of 100-years prior to my birth, hop in, and never return.

Bad Water Bill
08-10-2009, 08:49 PM
The question still remains WHERE IS SCROUNGER?

08-10-2009, 09:04 PM
100 years ago I would not have survived stafflococus in my blood or the eye infection that cost an eyeball. And I wouldn't have seen or read 1/100th of what I have so far. Olden times only look nice from a distance, like a chubby girl at closing time.

08-10-2009, 09:06 PM
Anyway back to Art MIA.

My guess is someone pissed him off.

Over on GBO


Summary - scrounger Picture/Text
Name: scrounger
Posts: 219 (0.089 per day)
Position: Avid Poster
Date Registered: November 23, 2002, 09:20:37 PM
Last Active: Today at 10:09:25 AM
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Gender: Male
Age: 68
Location: Area 51
Local Time: August 10, 2009, 08:03:57 PM

08-10-2009, 10:13 PM
Those who pine for the long-ago, should remember the outhouse at 40 below!!!

And no toilet paper....which is a true luxury, ask any Arab.

08-10-2009, 10:54 PM
i see the "green room" everyday rain or ,cold and stinking hot.
glad to have real t.p. though, we call it "rolled gold".

Just Duke
08-10-2009, 11:37 PM
A simple life is harsh at times but you don't need valium to calm down at night and you go to sleep when it gets dark.

Yep! :bigsmyl2:
You sure won't see a horse trailer in front of a psychiatrists office either.

08-11-2009, 12:14 AM
Yeah, but remember you had to saw that ice on a freezing cold and windy lake!!!!

And the really sucky job was running the end of the crosscut saw that was underwater :-).


08-11-2009, 12:27 AM
The good old days "good there gone"

08-11-2009, 12:33 AM
Ah yes! The good old days! I have never seen 40 below in the ****ter but I have certainly seen many 25 and thirty below days. The Aldens catalog was the first to go and then the Sears and Roebuck. The Monkey Wards was revered and saved until last. Ah the joys! Two foot snowdrifts blown through the cracks in winter and the ungodly stench and multitudes of paper wasps in the summer. In late 1953 my Dad finally lost the farm and life improved when we moved into the slums. For the first time we had running water, hot water and an inside tub. I spent half the night lounging in an old clawfoot tub for the next six months.
I pine for many of the old ways but I certainly don't miss the old out house or having to carry buckets of water a quarter mile through a manure filled barn lot and then up a super slick, yellow clay bank in order to get to the house. Many times I have done a quick step, spins, dips and then busted my butt and skidded down that fifteen foot bank while trying to get buckets of water up to the house. And then having that same bucket freezing ice a couple inches thick while in the kitchen overnight. Try bathing and brushing your teeth with that. It even takes quite a while to make coffee when everythig is frozen solid. Thank god for electricity, propane and natural gas. AND PENICILLIN! I would have died at the age of ten without it. I used to complain that I was born a hundred years but I finally realized that the good old days was last year! Neil

Just Duke
08-11-2009, 04:09 AM
My guess is someone pissed him off.

Over on GBO


Summary - scrounger Picture/Text
Name: scrounger
Posts: 219 (0.089 per day)
Position: Avid Poster
Date Registered: November 23, 2002, 09:20:37 PM
Last Active: Today at 10:09:25 AM
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Current Status: Offline [Add To Buddy List]
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Location: Area 51
Local Time: August 10, 2009, 08:03:57 PM

Naw, He's just hanging out in the Handi Rifle section and selling his Marlins.
All is well. Glad he's OK. :drinks:

08-11-2009, 09:16 AM
Quote: "Our hunting cabin has a 2 holer

And I have never seen -40
But -5 and a decent wind
Will make you think if you realy have to go

And you sure hope the last guy brought in the seat to keep it semi warm"

My hunting/fishing cabin also has an outdoor crapper. Several years ago I nailed a 1/2" piece of styrofoam to the seat (counter-sink the nails) WOW what a difference! Try it, you WILL like it.

Glad Scrounger is OK.

08-11-2009, 01:36 PM
My buddy is a very self reliant guy and had a cabin on the edge of our local river when he started a family. No running water or plumbing. He built an outhouse and insulated it with skylight, heat and exhaust fan. If you felt one coming on there was a switch by the back door that turned on the heater.He later hand dug a well, put in an inside commode with a 55gal drum as a septic tank and some vegetation on the river bank as leach field. Dont ever think there are not Yankee Rednecks!!

08-11-2009, 01:53 PM
Good old days! up at 5AM eat, go to work, load 20 stops for 20 different stops too much for one trailer so load another. Leave terminal drive 50 miles to first stop, deliver all stops now you have driven 150 miles. Then you have two empty pups go pick up five stops load the empty pups, hook up drive 50 miles to terminal. All this only took 13 hours. Get up next morning start all over.
Sorry boys them wern't the good old days, I get up when I want do what I want and go to the range when I want. These are the "GOOD OL DAYS"

08-11-2009, 03:22 PM
I always thought it would be great to be one of the early explorers until I read the diary of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Things such as wearing out a pair of moccasins a day because the thorns cut them to ribbons. Or the fist size hail when they had nowhere to hide. Nope, I think I'll stay right here.:-D

08-11-2009, 04:14 PM
At -20 my butt never hit the seat. Squat, dump, wipe and go in about 30 seconds. No sitting on the pot reading magazines.

peter nap
08-11-2009, 05:06 PM
Danged sissies. I STILL have a two holer, used daily, an ice box, Majestic cook stove, and am danged thankful to have electricity!

What you said except...I make my own electricity!

08-11-2009, 05:09 PM
He later hand dug a well, put in an inside commode with a 55gal drum as a septic tank and some vegetation on the river bank as leach field. Hopefully he put them about 500 feet apart?

08-11-2009, 05:13 PM
Wisconsin DNR would be all over that... You can still pound a sand point as a landowner (but can't hire a well driller to do it) but no go on a septic without a licensed plumber to install it. I believe you can still have an outhouse, though.

08-11-2009, 05:31 PM
He was hassled many times.He told them he would go on welfare and move into town if they persisted in bothering him. He thought mebbe the media would be interested in the powers that be hassling a Veteran. Long story but he finally had to move on down the road.
And yes the well was plenty upstream!

08-11-2009, 06:13 PM
Last year during the MTR 2 course I dropped a deuce....outside.......at night......in a blizzard.....at -20. It was invigorating to say the least[smilie=1:.

Uncle R.
08-11-2009, 07:05 PM
Wisconsin DNR would be all over that... You can still pound a sand point as a landowner (but can't hire a well driller to do it) but no go on a septic without a licensed plumber to install it. I believe you can still have an outhouse, though.
I was told by somebody years ago that you couldn't build an outhouse in Wisconsin - that people would go to extraordinary measures to repair and preserve an ancient "grandfathered" outhouse.
I don't know if that's really true.
I do know of an outhouse that's only a couple of years old BUT I doubt there's been a building inspector anywhere near that property since - maybe never.
We may not be as bad as Kalifornia here but when it comes to the DNR and "environmental" regulations of any kind I just assume the worst.
Howdy Snaggdit! Greetings from the lower half of the state.
Uncle R.

08-11-2009, 07:48 PM
I've received contact from Scrounger. He says he's fed up with all the right wing political fighting on this forum. Says he comes here to talk guns and reloading, not politics. Also related he had been spending way too much time here. He ended with he would probably be back in a few days. Other then that he's fine.


08-11-2009, 07:54 PM
I feel the same way as Scrounger some times. That's why I stay out of the Politicial section and then I don't have to worry about it.

08-11-2009, 07:56 PM
thats why that forum was created you don't want to read it don't go there simple. steve k

08-11-2009, 08:01 PM
Good old days! up at 5AM eat, go to work, load 20 stops for 20 different stops too much for one trailer so load another. Leave terminal drive 50 miles to first stop, deliver all stops now you have driven 150 miles. Then you have two empty pups go pick up five stops load the empty pups, hook up drive 50 miles to terminal. All this only took 13 hours. Get up next morning start all over.
Sorry boys them wern't the good old days, I get up when I want do what I want and go to the range when I want. These are the "GOOD OL DAYS"

The DOT officer in me cringes at the thought of you guys working hours like that. There's something to be said for the Hours of Service rules these days.

08-11-2009, 09:43 PM
Political stuff? People post political stuff on this forum? I figured everyone in the country believed in the second amendment... JK:roll:

08-11-2009, 11:34 PM
I think Art got a new ewe and hasnt had time for us lately.

08-12-2009, 12:13 AM
I think Art got a new ewe and hasnt had time for us lately.

Sounds alot like the voice of experience speakin right thar :roll:

08-12-2009, 12:27 AM
Well I guess He dont vote for the right people LOL

08-12-2009, 02:40 PM
Talkin' bout' MIA...

When did Jumptrap come back? ...:groner:

Good to see you comrade... :Fire: The old crew of forefathers are returning to make sure CB stays on the straight and narrow.. :mrgreen:

Gee am I busy these days. Can't keep up ..:drinks:

Just Duke
08-17-2009, 06:39 PM
So I lied. Were looking at two of these for our home up north.
Add a bank of golf cart batteries and an inverter..............
Scrounger told me that if you have these the power company has to run wires to your place and buy power from you. Huh the primary reason for putting these in is the poles are so far away.

08-17-2009, 07:47 PM
I thank you all for caring enough to wonder about me, it's more than I deserve. Unlike what CarpetMan has probably been saying, that I moved to a sheep ranch, or that I was run out of town because of Megan's Law, the truth is a lot less interesting. It was not because of the political bickering, I think I can control myself enough to ignore that. I don't think I will be posting anywhere near as much as before. You just reach a point where some things don't mean as much to you as they used to, where the interest just isn't there anymore, at least to the same level. I have been hanging around here ten years now. It's sort of like going to school, in the beginning, there is much to learn, but eventually you get to where you are seeing things for the tenth, twentieth, time and it just isn't interesting anymore. I was spending entirely too much time reading the same thing over and over... So I took a break, spent more time with family matters, read a lot about baseball, listened to music a whole lot, and just napped in my chair a lot. I have an interest in learning more about computers and the things I could do with them. I have even been thinking about starting my own blog. I would enjoy the technological challenge but there are a couple of thoughts that are holding me up on that. They say you must be passionate about the subject you are blogging about in order to keep plugging at it day after day. I'm not passionate about anything! If I wrote a blog it would be about whatever came into my head each day, movies, books, music, shooting, the bad schools, some people being overpaid and others underpaid, law enforcement, politics (!!!!), dogs, food, you name it. Pretty hard to have a consistent following when they don't even know what you're going to talk about on any given day. And the thought that people would even care about what I thought really scares me. I have lived my life trying not to influence anyone, to get someone to think as I do; but just to be their own person, not a poor copy of someone else. Other fears are whether the blog would make any money at all, even maintenance fees. Another facet of my mind says the only reasons for having a blog is to either make a little money or feed a big ego. I doubt it would break even money wise and I'm totally bankrupt as far as ego...
I imagine most of my reading and posting will be in the Swapping/Selling Section and Humor/Off Topic.
On a social note, I met Duke and Barbie in Las Vegas today. Nice people. They told me their plans, makes me wish I was young enough and energetic enough to do what they plan. Best of luck to them.
For a month I've drooled for the Teryaki Burger Carl JR's advertises, you know, the luscious girl in the bikini dripping sauce all over the place... I finally found a Carl's in Las Vegas and had one of the burgers. It didn't taste as good as it looks on TV. The girl probably doesn't either...

08-17-2009, 07:58 PM
I think Art got a new ewe and hasnt had time for us lately.

Baaaaad joke[smilie=1:

Just Duke
08-19-2009, 04:46 PM
Thanks Art.
All is well again at castboolits. :drinks:

08-19-2009, 06:21 PM
So I lied. Were looking at two of these for our home up north.
Add a bank of golf cart batteries and an inverter..............
Scrounger told me that if you have these the power company has to run wires to your place and buy power from you. Huh the primary reason for putting these in is the poles are so far away.

At what it costs THEM to produce it. There's always a catch.

08-19-2009, 06:23 PM
Nice to know you're okay Art. You've got a point about places like this, after a while the same question over and over and over gets old.

Best wishes in whatever you do.:drinks:

02-17-2010, 10:32 PM
357maximum Sounds alot like the voice of experience speakin right thar

Now that's funny.[smilie=l:

02-18-2010, 03:44 PM
Old thread but didn't Art go into the witness protection program?

02-18-2010, 04:16 PM
Old thread but didn't Art go into the witness protection program?

I thought it was the "witless" protection program.[smilie=s: Always enjoy reading Scroungers posts.


02-18-2010, 06:56 PM
An old fella was sitting on a park bench in the foyer of the local grocery store a few years ago and overheard someone remark about the good old days. He said he had lived in those good old days and didn't think they were so good. His family lived 5 miles east of town and said his mother carried water in a bucket from a spring a half mile away to wash clothes and dishes. Tom Fry's grandmother married at 13 years of age and had two children at home alone (first at age 14) while his 17 year old grandfather stayed with the cattle. A blizzard came and the cattle drifted with the wind. The ranchers got together to go after them and caught up with them near Wichita Falls, 120 miles away. My father in law told of cutting firewood almost every day on the opposite end of a bucksaw from his sister at 5 years of age. A relative who left this life wealthy started his marriage in the early 30's using a tractor pulling a two wheel trailer to take his wife to the store miles away. Their lamp chimney broke and they didn't have 25 cents to replace it. None of these people would have called them the good old days, but all of them were stronger, and wiser, for having lived it.

02-18-2010, 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by PatMarlin
Old thread but didn't Art go into the witness protection program?

Everyone must of ended up on his ignore list.

Remember the guy in Alfred Hitchocks' movie that discovered that he had a REAL stop watch ?

Lead Fred
02-18-2010, 09:19 PM
As the government steals our freedoms, and starts making lists of what you do, and where you go on the net.
More and more folks are unplugging and dropping firearms forums.

I had to conclude two business transactions, then Ill be gone from this forum, which is the last Im on.

Soon as right wing activities will be considered terrorist, and everyone here will be on one list or another.

They are starting to censor the internet, and soon you will have to have more restrictions but on you.

Some of us wont be around to see the end.

02-18-2010, 09:27 PM
I was in Northern Vermont over the weekend at my camp. At some point as I am
sitting there in the deep woods, taking in the beauty around me, I usually think
those same thoughts about being born into this virgin paradise 125 years or
more ago. Then I drive off in my ATV to check out another fall hunting spot. :mrgreen:

hehe... About 125 years ago, you would find Vermont considerably deforested compared to right now.


02-18-2010, 09:29 PM
DLC, heck most people today don't even know what a lamp chimney is...

I've cleaned a few of them.

02-18-2010, 11:16 PM
As the government steals our freedoms, and starts making lists of what you do, and where you go on the net.
More and more folks are unplugging and dropping firearms forums.

I had to conclude two business transactions, then Ill be gone from this forum, which is the last Im on.

Soon as right wing activities will be considered terrorist, and everyone here will be on one list or another.

They are starting to censor the internet, and soon you will have to have more restrictions but on you.

Some of us wont be around to see the end.

Bit extreme there Fred. I don't think I will roll over, and let them dictate where I go, or what I do on the net. This is still America and a free country with our Second ammendment rights fully in tact.

The list will be vast and wide and stretch across this country and the world. They can't even run a cash for clunkers program, and get airport security right for god's sake. ...:veryconfu

02-19-2010, 01:01 AM
As the government steals our freedoms, and starts making lists of what you do, and where you go on the net.
More and more folks are unplugging and dropping firearms forums.

I had to conclude two business transactions, then Ill be gone from this forum, which is the last Im on.

Soon as right wing activities will be considered terrorist, and everyone here will be on one list or another.

They are starting to censor the internet, and soon you will have to have more restrictions but on you.

Some of us wont be around to see the end. I remember back in the hippy days people tried the "good life off the grid" they are back on it again. The GOV can watch me all day and night if they want ,,,I'm not doing anything wrong.
Any body hear of where our friend is, Scounger ?

Marlin Hunter
02-19-2010, 01:23 AM
The GOV can watch me all day and night if they want ,,,I'm not doing anything wrong.
Any body hear of where our friend is, Scounger ?

The more people they watch the less they can do.

02-19-2010, 01:42 AM
I'm off the grid ...:mrgreen:

11 years now and still going strong like an energizer bunny.

Scrounger got abducted. He lives in area 51 don'tchaknow.

02-19-2010, 02:00 AM
PatMarlin has the answer. As I read this I thought, this guy's name is Art and he lives in Pahrump. Art Bell the Coast to Coast radio show guy!! You know the guy who talks about flying saucers and ghosts and all that stuff. The mothership finally came and got him.