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08-08-2009, 01:55 PM
Hi all, I am having trouble trying to decide on just how to load my new .45 boolits using a lee 230 "LEE MOULD TL452-230-2R DBL CAVITY" http://www.grafs.com/product/232560 It was the only in stock at the time, and my guns could not tolerate the TC mold I had been using.

So the problem I am left with a boolit profile featuring a dramatic step


It is not as visable in pics, but it is there, I am worried about the sharp edge of brass damaging the chamber, and causing realibility problems (I have yet to shoot). So where shoud theese boolits be loaded to in my .45 ACP?

08-08-2009, 02:11 PM
And you weren't worried aout the step with the TC?

Seat 'em with the boolit's shoulder almost flush with the case mouth, somewhere in the middle of the top "band" if it works for your gun. Do not over crimp, in fact just use the taper-crimp die enough to straighen the bellmouth after seating. Check their function in the magazines and fit in the chamber with dummy rounds before committing. I've found that the max COL for my 1911s is limited by magazine, not the chamber or leade, to somwhere around 1.250", depending on boolit nose style.

Brass will not scratch your chamber.


ps some folks my advise you to seat the RN to headspace on the rifling (instead of the case mouth) and maybe even leave a little bellmouth to make the cartridge center in the chamber to improve accuracy and consistency, I would agree wholeheartedly but not to try at first.

08-09-2009, 02:40 AM
you might need to seat the front shoulder flush with the case mouth
i do in one of my 1911's and a swc type boolit.

08-09-2009, 02:59 AM
I seat to first band that way you can get a little light crimp. Try in mag first as gear said that may be your control. One thing too watch your charge on that 230. It is not as forgiving as the 200. Dont use a hard to meter like red dot or unique. bullseye or titegroup does good
there is not much difference from that and a TC you may have a feed ramp problem

Marlin Hunter
08-09-2009, 03:03 AM
Is this the one?


The case is suppose to bottom out in the barrel. You cannot crimp the 45ACP round that much anyways. Crimp in first or last lube grove depending on which end you start counting from. or do what "geargnasher" said

08-09-2009, 07:18 AM
Is this the one?


Yes but the picture does not make the step look as big as it is. The band is sized to .452 but the nose is around .401 I thought I was buying a FMJ profile. Even seated at the top band theese things are long, but pass the chamber test.

peter nap
08-09-2009, 10:18 AM
Yes but the picture does not make the step look as big as it is. The band is sized to .452 but the nose is around .401 I thought I was buying a FMJ profile. Even seated at the top band theese things are long, but pass the chamber test.

I did the same thing. Thought it was a FMJ profile and it wasn't. I loaded a couple of empty rounds to play with and had hell getting them to feed. Finally, I did my old rifle trick and loaded one with the bullet loose enough to move. Chambered it and then used it to seat the rest.

It is back in the case further than I thought it should be, but having fired a few without a failure....I guess it's right.