View Full Version : Looking for a .357/44 B&D reamer...

08-07-2009, 05:25 PM
I recently acquired a .357 Blackhawk that I would like to convert to a .357/44 B&D. Thing is I can't find a reamer anywhere. I contacted 3 different firms and no one is, strangely enough, able to provide me with one!

I actually know a guy who has one, but he won't lend it to me so I can drill 6 holes, even though I promised to replace it if it gets damages during the convertion :twisted:

Does anybody in here have one they are willing to sell?

I don't think sending the cylinder across the pond is an option...

08-08-2009, 07:40 PM
GS,that is indeed strange. I'm sure you have contacted the usual firms that do rentals, although I am unsure of where they might ship. Most of these places also sell reamers, so it is odd that you haven't been able to locate one. That would make a fabulous conversion, one I might like to try myself someday...if I can find a reamer, that is. Good luck in your search...wish I could help.

08-09-2009, 09:34 AM

08-09-2009, 09:56 AM
Bain & Davis is still in business and doing conversions: http://www.gunshopfinder.com/bytownresults.asp?ID=3950

08-09-2009, 05:30 PM
So far I've tried:

http://www.4-dproducts.com/ (they don't have it and don't send overseas)

www.clymertool.com (they don't have it)

Brownells (no luck there either)

Elk Ridge Reamer Rentals (they have one but have not yet answered my email)

I was under the imprescion that a .357/44 B&D was a pretty "normal" caliber in the us.... here in Denmark it is certainly not!

I have just written an email to Bain & Davis - so keep your fingers crossed :-D

08-09-2009, 05:49 PM
Bain & Davis is my gunsmith here in San Gabriel, California and they still do the conversion !

It is actually very reasonable to convert an S&W Model 28 cylinder.
