View Full Version : Win 1894 Won't load thru side gate

08-05-2009, 08:59 PM
I recently picked up a 1894 30-30 Rifle that was manufactured in 1905 and is in really good shape. I got it cheap because it will not load thru the side gate. I have a couple of other Win 94's and on further inspection I think I have the problem narrowed down somewhat.

If I open one of my newer Win 94's and have the lever all the way open (bolt all the way back), if I push down on the carrier it will go to the down position and stay there. As soon as I move the lever to close the bolt it will pop up like it is supposed to.

On my 1894 rifle, the carrier will not do this. If I push it down it will pop right up. If I close the bolt the carrier will not go all the way to the bottom as it is supposed to. Looking with a flashlight thru the small opening in the load gate you can see the carrier not all the way down to the bottom and sitting up about 1/2".

If I put a small stick thru the load gate and push the carrier down I can then open the load gate as usual but if I put a round into the magazine it gets stuck there and will not come out.

So I detail stripped the rifle figuring maybe it is just really dirty which it was. I found nothing broken but the carrier spring looks like it has considerable wear on it and I am not sure that it is curved correctly looking at a replacement spring from Numrich http://www.e-gunparts.com/DisplayAd.asp?chrProductSKU=265490&chrSuperSKU=&MC=

The end of the spring that is kind of pie shaped ( triangle) has the top part warn down so it kind of only has 1/2 the pie so to speak.

Am I on the right track in figuring out that the carrier spring is pooched and needs to be replaced? Or is the something else I should be looking at also?

08-05-2009, 10:04 PM
if you don't hear the two clicks one up and one down the spring isn't engaging properly.
at least that is how it works on a model 92. i bet the 94 isn't much different.
when you work the lever you will hear the click .... clack sound. thats the spring engaging.

Le Loup Solitaire
08-05-2009, 11:13 PM
Lets start with the loading gate; if/when the bolt is closed and the levver as well, the loading gate is supposed to open so that a round can be loaded into the rifle. That is a given. Something is blocking the loading gate and it appears to be the carrier which is not in the right place/where it is supposed to be. Either the carrier itself is bent or the spring/mechanism/part that is supposed to move it...isn't functioning. The missing 1/2 of the pie at the end of the spring may be the culprit. Take one of your other 94's and watch the functioning when you work the lever. Then put an empty case in and watch how it is handled when you work the lever. it may take a few workings in slow-mo with both rifles but you will spot what should be happening and what is not. You're in the right ballpark; the carrier is bent and/or the spring is out of whack. LLS

08-06-2009, 06:48 PM
I stopped by my local gun parts store and picked up a new carrier spring, hopefully tonight I will get a chance to put it in.

Since the rifle is 104 years old the carrier itself might be warn some, where the spring makes contact. If the new spring doesn't cure the problem then I will take one of my other 30-30's apart and see the correct relationship of the spring and carrier and go from there.

Might have to build up the contact point some or get another carrier which I think wouldn't be to hard since it is the most prolific rifle ever made on the planet.

08-06-2009, 08:26 PM
Dropped in the new carrier spring and the difference was obvious, the warn one had the tip of the triangle so to speak warn down to a flat so the carrier would go up but not all the way down. Put everything back together and it works wonderfully, loads perfectly. Looking at the carrier it was just fine.

Thanks for you help guys and I definitely learned something new today. lol

08-06-2009, 10:05 PM
Good news that you tracked the problem down and step by step fixed it. Just as good that you reported the outcome for everyone here. Little tidbits and solutions that are well explained will help someone in the future. thanks

Le Loup Solitaire
08-06-2009, 11:10 PM
Glad to hear that you succeeded in solving the problem. There is nothing quite like figuring out/solving something on your own and making it work correctly. Keep it clean and oiled and it will work for you for a long time; those 94's just go on forever. LLS