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View Full Version : What's good about us, what's bad about us

08-04-2009, 03:14 AM
Non-reloaders sometimes stereotype us as risk takers who disregard safety concerns and will try almost any crazy load to get a few more fps out the barrel.
WHAT'S GOOD ABOUT US is that most of us are pretty darned conservative and cautious.

Non-reloaders sometimes stereotype us as gadget junkies who experiment endlessly in excruciating detail to work out every inconsequential detail of a load. (Well, OK, so it is a hobby that requires the use of a calculator and a chronograph and sometimes even a computer, but...)
WHAT'S BAD ABOUT US is that we endlessly repeat, perpetuate, and pass on the myths and rumors of conventional wisdom, and are always asking for advice from "the experts" simply because all too often we don't take the time to sit back, examine the problem, and design an experiment that will reveal the facts about it.

At this point in time, one major reason for this is that pressure testing equipment isn't quite as widely available as chronographs are. When chronos came into widespread use, lots of myths hit the dust. I think the same will happen when pressure testing becomes as widespread, inexpensive and easy as chronographing has become.
Of course that doesn't explain how ammo shortage rumors get started, but that's another story...

08-04-2009, 04:24 PM
In a nutshell, I have found over the years that non-reloaders lack a lot of ballistic knowledge and are far more likely to pass on myths because of their lack of experience. And more reloaders have chronos whereas most non-reloaders don't, in my opinion.

Some of the worst are the ones who buy one or two boxes of hunting ammo each year, maybe sight in and check zero, but consider themselves to be crack shots and knowledgeable because they read Guns and Ammo. In other words, arm chair ballisticians. I am glad I reload and now cast.

Of course I don't mean to infer that this applies to all people who don't reload.

08-04-2009, 04:50 PM
Whats good is most reloaders are very conscensous and careful about what they do and how they do it.
Whats bad is the tiny element that does indeed push the envelope trying for that last foot per second. And you guys all know they're out there.
"Afterall I own brand X and the steel is .0382 inches thicker than Brand Y so I can get MAXIMUM power out of MY gun!"
Whats good is reloaders tend to be invertibrate experimenters who will go to extreme lengths to wring that last fraction of a minute of angle accuracy. They also love bringing old guns in obsolete calibres back to useful life.
whats bad is they tend to accumulate a horrendous amount of "Stuff" they probably will never need. (although this has never happened to me personally in the last 40 years )

08-04-2009, 07:24 PM
wring that last fractio
Whats good is reloaders tend to be invertibrate experimenters

Do you mean conservative or spineless?


Sorry! That was uncalled for.

08-04-2009, 08:03 PM
Or undeterrable? Or incorrigible? Or insufferable? All sorts of adjectives may apply to describe the kind of experimenters we can be!

(and I like myself):-D


Big Boomer
08-04-2009, 08:25 PM
Try inveterate or confirmed. I like all those adjectives, even the ones I can't spell.

I think we all have gone through phases where we may have pushed the pressures a bit, but then wisdom wins out and we back off as we gain experience and associate with other reloaders in the know who caution us. Kinda' like driving. I don't drive like I used to. Some folk I know appreciate that a great deal! That's all well and good.

Most of us tend to fall on the conservative side, especially as we age. That's good. There's a wealth of knowledge on these boards for those desiring to learn. That's good! Come to think about it, I can't think of anything negative about reloading and reloaders! But then I'm prejudiced. 'Tuck

08-04-2009, 08:57 PM
What's Good! The vast majority of us are thinkers, a large percentage are vets or on active duty, we believe in the constitution of the U.S.A, (emphasis on 2nd. Ammendment), and most of us are not afraid to express our opinions. Can't think of anything about us that is bad enough to comment upon.

Heavy lead
08-04-2009, 09:01 PM
What's Good! The vast majority of us are thinkers, a large percentage are vets or on active duty, we believe in the constitution of the U.S.A, (emphasis on 2nd. Ammendment), and most of us are not afraid to express our opinions. Can't think of anything about us that is bad enough to comment upon.

I agree,
I'll add the bad part.
The damn apple, we let Eve talk us into eating the damn apple!
That's it! Pretty much all the bad crap can be traced to that one.:twisted:

08-04-2009, 09:06 PM
What's good -- old guns being brought back to life. I have an S&W .455 2nd Model Hand Ejector, with Canadian markings, that was converted to .45 ACP/AR, and a previous owner had whacked the barrel to 3 1/4". Groove and throats are .457" and I have been experimenting with it, trying to cast a proper sized boolit without going over about 250 grains. Still have a long way to go.

What's bad -- the egotistical, boastful idiot who brings his superiority complex to the range.

08-04-2009, 09:51 PM
What's good -- old guns being brought back to life. I have an S&W .455 2nd Model Hand Ejector, with Canadian markings, that was converted to .45 ACP/AR, and a previous owner had whacked the barrel to 3 1/4". Groove and throats are .457" and I have been experimenting with it, trying to cast a proper sized boolit without going over about 250 grains. Still have a long way to go.

What's bad -- the egotistical, boastful idiot who brings his superiority complex to the range.

What's good: Being able to resurrect a derelict .32 S&W Long/short revolver of unknown make into an accurate, reliable toy with the proper reloads and cast boolits! This gun is basically a total waste of time and money, but the project sure has been! fun :redneck:
