View Full Version : Hiwall + cast = fun

6.5 mike
07-30-2009, 09:34 PM
Hiwall took it's first trip down the cast road today. After getting the sites set & figuring out the globe front I was able to get some good (for me ) groups. No one hole ones but it did shot very consistly & that's what I needed to do. Did get some fliers, but I'm sure i was the cause not the loads or rifle. Need to do a little trigger tuning & I should be able to cut these down. Changing light conditions did'nt help any either.
All this at 50 yds so I could keep better track of the shots. You could put 2 of the targets on top of each other & just about line up the holes. This one will shoot, just need to get everything mated together. This was 3 five shot groups on each target.
BTW Jim, I've had folks that I have no clue who they are, come over & admire the rifle.
Thanks again.

07-30-2009, 09:54 PM
I wish I could have kept that rifle. Just didn't have the heart to scope it - and I have lots of other toys.