View Full Version : help pricing ak dies

charger 1
07-30-2009, 06:55 AM
converted my 450 ak to yet another daisy. so i got the clean set of rcbs dies,sized about 40 cases. they go 272$ at buffalo arms. what should i ask used here?

mike in co
07-30-2009, 10:29 AM
converted my 450 ak to yet another daisy. so i got the clean set of rcbs dies,sized about 40 cases. they go 272$ at buffalo arms. what should i ask used here?

do you know what a pooper cooper is ?

anyway...check the auction sites , see if any have sold ?

the issue with limited use equiptment is resale.....sell cheap to move on, or wait for a "needer" to try and recover.

mike in co

charger 1
07-30-2009, 11:24 AM
Not hard to see why my post count is proportionally low in comparison to others. Must be that whole pertency thing I try to achieve in a post

mike in co
07-30-2009, 12:59 PM
pete lovely, an ex formula one driver had a car called the copper pooper( or the other way around). he is up in washington state, was an active driver for yrs. like to play games with the competition. one yr he had a valve cover for a 2liter twin cam motor made with "volkswagen" on the top. no one knew where or what the motor was.

mike in co.