View Full Version : Bonanza 68 press priming system

07-28-2009, 06:18 PM
Picked this press up recently which is in terrific almost new condition and it is missing the priming punch and cups. It does have the pin the goes in the front of the press for the priming operation. Any one know of a source for these parts (Forster does not list on web page but I have not called yet + they are $$$ to deal with direct)) or have an alternative set up they have used? I want to give this press to my nephew and would like it to have the capability to prime and if the original system is not easily available I will give him a ram prime system.

Thanks in advance for any help and wisdom you can provide.

AZ Pete
07-28-2009, 08:03 PM

07-29-2009, 08:42 AM
Buy him a Lee Auto-Prime or better, the RCBS copy.

07-29-2009, 10:56 PM
+1 on the Lee Auto-Prime. I've got a Bonanza 68 that bought new in the early 70's and still use for case-forming and small-quantity reloading. The original "cup & post" primer set-up is something of a PITA to use; 'specially with SR primers.


07-30-2009, 08:03 AM
Another vote for a Lee auto prime, in fact, get one for large and one for small primers, that way he can save setup time. That's what I did back when I loaded a lot of single stage. Still do, if I need a batch.



07-30-2009, 08:42 AM
I have an old Bonanza. I can't remember the model # but it is an O press that uses the cross pin and a post. I like the press and like the priming system for small batches when working up loads. The only problem is the shell holders, any standard holder will fit the press but the priming hole is a different size on Bonanza shell holders.


07-30-2009, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the thoughts. Since this press is going to be a get started reloading set up that is being given out of my gratitude, I am thinking of throwing in a Lee ram prime (have a couple of them sitting around) as proper primer seating is more important than speed at this time (plus it the cheaper way for me to go). Beemer, thanks for the insight on the Bonanza shell holders priming hole difference as I have RCBS holders that I was going to provide with the press.
Thanks again to one and all,

08-20-2009, 03:31 PM
I have the Bonanza 68 and thanks to Kraschenbirn, I am priming away. The current shell holders do not allow for the large pistol priming post. but with a 5/16 cobalt drill bit, a lot of patience and some water near by you can machine the hole to the proper size. I have done it twice so far with no ramifications, once for the 45 acp and once for the 45 colt. THanks again Kraschenbirn
