View Full Version : Silly question about opening up sizer dies

Patrick L
07-28-2009, 09:33 AM
I think this may be obvious but I'll ask anyway. If you open up a sizer die (lapping, lathe work, whatever) don't you also need to fabricate a new ejector pin? Otherwise won't lube leak around the old pin which is now presumably undersize by the amount you opened up the die?

07-28-2009, 10:14 AM
Ejector pin? I only own 5 brands of dies. There are differences but all of them use a shellholder to push the case into the die and extract it by holding the case rim. As for decapping rod and pin......those are all threaded into the tops of the various dies. If you lap the die yuo don't go up in that portion which only holds hardware and never touches the case......

Oh wait. You are talking about lubri-sizer dies----I dunno-never use the things.

07-28-2009, 11:10 AM
Patrick, it's generally not a problem. I'm assuming your only talking a couple thousandths. If you use a really soft lube or a lot of heat you may get a little leakage, but a quick swipe with a paper towel does the trick. Now if you talking taking a quarter bore die to a .30 caliber then that is a problem :-D...Ray

07-28-2009, 12:55 PM

Ray nailed it. I opened two by lapping, one .001" and the other .002", and experience no problems.