View Full Version : ok to neck size in sks???

07-26-2009, 02:49 PM
I have a boat load of IMI new cases for my Sks paratrooper, but I would still like to maximize case life. Is it ok to neck size only if I'm removing the gas piston and firing in bolt action mode?:coffee:

07-26-2009, 02:56 PM
I have a boat load of IMI new cases for my Sks paratrooper, but I would still like to maximize case life. Is it ok to neck size only if I'm removing the gas piston and firing in bolt action mode?:coffee:

I have a Yugo SKS and I only partially resize my cases. In theory only sizing the neck and just touching some of the body. Have thousands of rounds through it that way without a hitch.

I you might consider tuning the gas system for a softer ejection as I feel that tears the case up the most in SKS's.


07-26-2009, 07:21 PM
I you might consider tuning the gas system for a softer ejection as I feel that tears the case up the most in SKS's.


How do you tune the gas system for a softer ejection in an SKS? I would absolutely love to know since mine throws the brass FORWARD of the firing line about half a mile.


07-26-2009, 07:27 PM
How do you tune the gas system for a softer ejection in an SKS? I would absolutely love to know since mine throws the brass FORWARD of the firing line about half a mile.


I tell you what. PM Larry Gibson and tell him what you want that I told you to ask him. In short Larry buys another gas cylinder (the long tube) and he drills additional correct size holes in it to vent more gas, but still retain enough to work the action. He'll be glad to explain it to you much better....unless he sees this post.


07-26-2009, 07:32 PM
Here I found it for you:


Scroll down to where Larry tells you how to do it.


Larry Gibson
07-26-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks Joe.


If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Larry Gibson