View Full Version : Ruger Mark III Assembly...^%$#@$%!!

07-26-2009, 12:21 AM
A sudden rush of gun fever hit today, and I realized I did not have a .22 LR target pistol. So a quick trip to a local gun shop, and they had a brand new Ruger 22/45 Mark III in the box that ended up following me home.

Now the first thing I do when getting a new gun, either used or new, is to field strip it for examination and any cleaning I feel may be necessary. Most semi-autos I have no problem with, being fairly basic and quick. That is, until I met Mr. Ruger Mark III.

Good grief. After reading the instructions carefully, and following the procedures to the letter I thought, the gun would not cock or trip the hammer. Then, to make matters worse, could not take it back apart. Never had I had this level of frustration. After a couple of hours, I put it back in the box, and figured it was a gunsmith project.

It kept gnawing at me, and I went on the internet just to see if others had my experience. Lo and behold, I was not the lone dummy in this world when it came to Mark III assembly.

I found a few posts on the solution to my dilemma, and after a little "kinetic coaxing", I got the pistol into a state where disassembly was possible again. Then carefully I went back over the steps, making double sure that I was following the instructions. It happened again.

Back to the internet, and finally found the source of my consternation. A specific sequence of steps, not entirely crystal clear in the manual, has to occur in exactly the right sequence. Three assembly attempts later, I finally succeeded.

They talk about "steep" learning curves..... This one was just about vertical. Old dogs can learn new tricks I guess.

Hope to get some rounds through it tomorrow.

07-26-2009, 09:16 AM
HEE, HEE, I have owned them since the early 50's.
You were not getting the hammer strut into the mainspring housing.
A little trick to peeling out the latch in the housing, I use a loop of thin nylon string to hook it and pull it out.
If you miss the strut, just open the housing again and tip the gun back to swing the strut into position and close the housing. Sometimes it will hang on a pin if the hammer is not fully forward, just work it free with something while holding the trigger back, you can push the hammer forward with a small dowel or screwdriver. No need to take the whole gun back apart.

07-26-2009, 09:19 AM
You are not alone. 20 years ago, my first handgun was a Ruger Mark II. I have owned three of them, still own one. Mark II, blued, 6/78th's tapered barrel. It is my favorite .22 and I would not part with it, but neither will I take it apart. My first one, I took it apart and had to take it back to the gunshop and they reassembled it, although it took them some time. They told me they never took them apart, just squirted them with WD-40 or Break-free, although I have heard WD-40 is water based and should not be used on a firearm. That they never took theirs apart is amazing since they ran a range as well as a gunshop. They were the only ones I have ever met that could make a Glock malfunction, they must put a million rounds (literally) through a Glock without cleaning one. Anyway, I have a friend who can take Ruger Mark I, II, and III's apart, but I never will again.


07-26-2009, 09:21 AM

I have a Mk 1 , 2 MK2's and A MK3

I can tear them down in my sleep
Insert the pin
Just have to flip the gun over
At the right angle
Pull the trigger and push the lever back in and lock it in

Can't remember all the proper part names
But once you do it a few times

It becomes simple


07-26-2009, 09:30 AM
Mine comes apart easily, but getting the hammer strut back in would p@%%-off a Buddist monk.
Exile, I don't think WD-40 is water based, it was actually developed for the military. WD-40 stands for, water dispersant formula #40.

07-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Ruger's web site has a good video of teardown and reassembly. It gets easier each time you do it, till it lies for a while and then I forget easily.

07-26-2009, 09:47 AM
Just spoke about my Ruger target pistol in another post. I never had a problem with tearing it down and putting it back together. Darn accurate pistol for the money.


07-26-2009, 09:54 AM
Welcome to the club.

When I bought my Mark II 20 yrs ago, while I was still at the gun store, I was looking at the gun then put it down on the counter and asked the salesman to field strip it. (I knew they could be a bear to do so.) He looked at me like I called his mother a wirty durd.

Anyway I bought the gun shot it alot and just cleaned the barrel as needed. I figured I would tear it down when I absolutely had to. Then last year I had some functioning issues and broke it down. However, before hand I Googled it and found several videos on You tube. Now I am not afraid to tear it down.


07-26-2009, 09:56 AM
I had a Mk2 and took it apart once- only once. I now have a S&W 422- much easier.:drinks:

07-26-2009, 10:10 AM
I have done it infrequently enough over the past fifty years that I seem to forget the process each time and have to go through the frustration of re-learning it.

I finally solved the problem about twenty years ago. I don't take the gun apart anymore -- I just wipe it down after every use and run a bore snake through the barrel every five years, or so.

07-26-2009, 10:20 AM
We have a pair of MK IIs. One for me and one for my wife. It may be cruel but humorous to observe her disassemble and try to reassemble. If it has not been to long since she last did the task it goes ok. If it has been a while I enjoy the spectator sport for a bit and then remind her of the "secret".

That said, When I FIRST performed the task I was as frustrated as most.

Rick N Bama
07-26-2009, 10:30 AM
Is something wrong with me? I borrowed my son's 22/45 which he said needed to be cleaned in a bad way, he was right for the gun simply would not function at all. Using Ruger's manual, I broke the gun down, cleaned & got it back together without a hitch.....now with that said, I had heard the horror tales about them & if it needs to be taken apart again, I think I'll let the kid do it:)


07-26-2009, 10:31 AM
I've seen some product advertised that eliminates the assy. problem, but I manage to reassemble mine on the rare occasions I tear it down.

07-26-2009, 10:42 AM
Field stripping is not too bad, actually taking the lower receiver apart is where stuff gets interesting.

07-26-2009, 11:43 AM
I had a Mk2 and took it apart once- only once. I now have a S&W 422- much easier.:drinks:

I got me the 2206 which is the all stainless version, and yes tear down is a snap.

07-26-2009, 12:20 PM
After a bit of further study of the mechanism, I now realize what it was that I was doing wrong.

Did not have the hammer in proper position, and yes, as stated above, I did not get the hammer strut in the mainspring pocket correctly. Also, I was not keeping the trigger pulled when closing the latch.

Another factor is the gun is brand new from the factory, and things are a bit tight in all the fit tolerances. Reading others experiences, they say that this will abate with use and firing.

I found those videos on re-assembly, and will try to download when I get to a broadband wireless point. One of the detriments to living in a place, where I can shoot in my backyard, is being given either dial-up or satellite only internet. Won't pay for satellite, not cost effective for me out here.

Right now, I'm waiting for the noon hour to hit before I go out and fire the virgin pistol. Out here, there is sort of an un-spoken pact to not fire guns before noon on Sunday, which I am all too happy to abide by. A courtesy more than anything.

I also found a website, where a Ruger 22LR enthusiast had the gun in complete dis-assembly spread out on a towel in front of his computer, and was quite adept at putting the thing together in short order. That looked to be a bit intensive.

Back in my 20's, I could dis-assemble automatic transmissions, and get them back together even days later without consult to a manual. Not anymore. I think I have filled all my remaining brain cells with other information, so I would be very subject to the complete "forgot where ANYTHING goes" if I did not do this at least once a week.

I liked the comment about PO'ing a Buddhist monk. LOL :lol:

07-26-2009, 12:49 PM
Yea till you get the handshake it can be . . .interesting.

07-26-2009, 02:01 PM
I shoot a Clark modified Ruger II at a weekly match and yes, takedown can be frustrating until you learn where all the parts must be to reassemble and which angle to hold the pistol. There are good instructions on the web.

If you seperate the upper receiver and lower frame things can get dicy and it is very hard to get the parts back in exactly the right place for the plunger to go through them all. The solution is to insert the plunger in from the top and tap it with a rawhide or plastic mallet. The rounded end will align the holes and the it will all snap together from the bottom like a child's toy.

08-02-2009, 04:46 PM
The 22/45 MK III is a different breed of cat. The key is having the clip in and pulling the trigger to de-cock the hammer when closing the latch. You still have to tilt the barrel up. MAKE SURE THE CLIP IS UNLOADED. In comparison the MKII is a piece of cake to reassemble.

08-02-2009, 06:19 PM

Friday I shot about 100 rounds through, to practice for my carry permit qualification the next day. That evening, during the cleaning, I got it together first time AOK.

Yesterday, qualification was far easier than I had made it out to be in my mind. I don't think a lot of those folks applying for their permits, practice or shoot as frequently as I do. The subsequent cleanup and assembly afterwards at home was even smoother.

During the qualification class, I noticed a young fellow had a new one exactly like mine, and he was studying the exploded diagram in the manual during a break. I asked if he had ever field stripped it, and he had not. I volunteered my experience as friendly advice, and I think I scared the fellow a bit.

I have it down (for now).

08-02-2009, 06:51 PM
I watched this video while taking mine apart for the first time. Lets say I watched it more than once, and I'm sure I'll watch it again when that time comes around again.

Youtube - Mk III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYHJm2P4kP0)

ebner glocken
08-03-2009, 01:08 AM
I don't own a 22/45 but do have a Mk 1,2, and 3. One of my Mk IIs was bought off of a diver that found it resting in the bottom of a lake for no telling how many years. After about a week soaking in KROIL dissasembly was possible. Outside of that the hardest time you will ever have with a ruger auto .22 assembly is usually the first time.


08-03-2009, 01:45 AM
The good part about the Ruger is they don't have to be taken down all that frequently.
Q-tips help alot. WD40 works (main ingredient is Stoddard solvent).

08-03-2009, 02:31 AM
Yup they be a royal pain in da **** till you figure them out, after that it's a cake walk.

1) barrel down, squeeze trigger. With a Q-tip push the hammer forward.
2) fully insert the bolt stop pin and hold the main spring housing all the way open.
3) flip it so the barrel is up then close the mainspring housing, and the latch.
Piece O Cake.


08-14-2009, 12:56 AM
Dear forum members
I just recently bought a mark iii 22/45. I disassembled the gun for cleaning before I went out and used it and now I cant put it back together!

I have watched every video and visited every site but I still cant understand how to install the hammer correctly. I get stuck at that part alone. How exactly do all those parts go together and where do they go

Please if someone can help. I have spent hours on this thing and its driving me crazy.


After a few more hours I finally got it. I can probably assemble this thing blind now. Its the type of thing that once you do it right you can never mess it up again.

08-14-2009, 03:11 PM
Dear forum members
I just recently bought a mark iii 22/45. I disassembled the gun for cleaning before I went out and used it and now I cant put it back together!

I have watched every video and visited every site but I still cant understand how to install the hammer correctly. I get stuck at that part alone. How exactly do all those parts go together and where do they go

Please if someone can help. I have spent hours on this thing and its driving me crazy.


After a few more hours I finally got it. I can probably assemble this thing blind now. Its the type of thing that once you do it right you can never mess it up again.

I watched this video while taking mine apart for the first time. Lets say I watched it more than once, and I'm sure I'll watch it again when that time comes around again.

Youtube - Mk III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYHJm2P4kP0)

Ha ha... It took a while to figger it out, I kept playing the video over and over, not nearly as long as you mention, though it was interesting to say the least.......

