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View Full Version : I am so P.O.d

07-24-2009, 04:11 PM
I purchased a mold from “lastmanout” in swappin and sellin and I want to be clear my gripe is not with him it is with the US Postal service. This is the 3rd time I have had a problem. I sent out my M.O. and then waited. Two days ago I checked with him because it had been a while and he said it should have been there so decided to wait a couple more days. Well today I opened the mail box to see one of those well anticipated F.R. boxes. I was so excited I reached in past the other mail and grabbed it. Once in my hand I immediately knew there was a problem, it was way too lightweight. It was a F.R. box inside a bag from the postal service apologizing for damage to my mail (see pics below). I pulled the box out of the bag and it had clearly been opened. Inside the box was an empty plastic RCBS mold box, and nothing else. This is also how my 44/444 mihec mold arrived however luckily the mihec mold was still there just obviously opened. I called the Post Office and was told with a very bad attitude that I should have had it insured. So now I am out the money and the mold. I personally believe that it is not accidental damage but someone deliberately stealing. Every time I have ordered brass my box comes to me opened in one corner also. I think someone is fishing in boxes for what they might want.




mike in co
07-24-2009, 04:15 PM
even without ins, you can make life tuff for someone.
go to the main post office in your area and tell them you want to file a postal thieft report.
the opened box is your proof, no damaged, just opened.

they have postal police......

mike in co

i always tape ALL seams on my priority mail.....no "accidental" opening of my mail.

07-24-2009, 04:27 PM

07-24-2009, 04:34 PM
Mike I just pm him.I am very familiar with postal theft.I call the customer service.I think a couple got charged but postofice keeps it quite.and as I stated there are anti gun people in the post office.I used to miss my shotgun news as did 7 others in my town[bundle]finaly it stopped.lost a vickers book $79 from texas.next came the box ,the last came complete.I blated the postal inspecters and told them they better get the bastard before I did.they did.:coffee:[smilie=1:

07-24-2009, 04:46 PM
Sometime back there was an article in our local paper about a couple of thieves working in our local post office. Seems they had been shopping through the customer's mail and evidently the complaints became so numerous that finally something was done about it. I personally have spoken in person to one of the postmasters in her office and made it clear that fooling around with my mail (corners
of flat rate boxes opened, letters were opened) will not be tolerated and that next time will file formal complaints. Since then the monkey business has stopped. In another incident I did file a formal complaint and got static from my latter carrier. Told him in his face that if he knew who was responsible then better clue him or her in as I was in the process of another formal complaint. Seems a shame that those who are trusted to handle our mail in some cases cannot be trusted. Frank

07-24-2009, 04:53 PM
And here I though their taking my Netflix movies was bad.

07-24-2009, 05:06 PM
Sure you can rant and rave and complain. But they will just move the person someplace else or UP lol.

I do insure anything I mail. As I DO NOT TRUST THE MAIL SERVICE.

Years ago my Great Uncle of which had a Jewelry shop up in Boston sent a diamond in the mail. The box was open and the diamond was gone but there was a rock in there lol. Thank Goodness he got insurance on the package. But it is and always will be a long process in collecting said insurance.

07-24-2009, 05:27 PM
I took a movie of some land once and used the U.S.P.S. to send it and it never even made it out of town. I guess in those days, dope went in that size package, VHS. I have never used them again. I trust FED X or UPS but not U.S.P.S. I would never ship anything by U.S.P.S., it just is not worth it IMO.

Caver Dave
07-24-2009, 05:34 PM
This is localized, right? I agree with submitting a formal complaint!...

15 years ago I drove a timed freight (few "letters") route on the weekends for the USPS. At one Bulk Center, the load was late being processed (I couldn't load until it was ALL ready & had to be gone, loaded or not for the return run), and I was asked to wait beside a processing line while a couple workers discussed the options. Right beside me was a large basket full of magazines, so I grabbed one and thumbed through it while I waited. The next thing I knew, an inspector had come down from the enclosed & peepholed catwalk screaming about postal theft! After I realized what his Jockeys were wadded over, I put the magazine back & apologized. OTOH, I was glad he was that particular, since MY mail came thru that same center!

My brother works for the "brown" shipping company. He worked with a team that regularly "seeded" loads with small (easy to conceal) boxes, marked with highly visible names (like "Jim's Diamond World" :mrgreen:) in an attempt to ferret out the scum. I was shocked to hear not only how many package flunkies were arrested for theft, but drivers making killer money getting busted for stealing $16 of COD money! :roll:

07-24-2009, 07:35 PM
I have known a few postal workers over the years.
The stories of rampant theft from the mail were the same with all of them.
Bulk mail centers are worse than local post offices, but only a little.
It seems that the visits by postal inspectors are rarely a surprise to the career thieves.
Insurance is the only real hope of getting a package delivered and even that isn't certain.

a lot has changed in the last 50 years. Mostly for the worse.


07-24-2009, 08:03 PM
Thanks for all the replies and pms. I am going to take your advice and file a complaint on Monday. It is not so much the loss as the principal. You guys hit it on the head. Now that I think about it, it does seem to be mostly gun related items. I own a small HVAC company and have a lot of supplies, parts and other things shipped to me via USPS. I have had other things appear to be opened but not missing and attributed it to higher security. But now I am rethinking that. I had two seperate orders from Starline come in with the corner of the inside bag torn and the box with a small hole in it. One order was short the other was not. At the time I suspected my Postal Carrier because we once had a conversation about guns and casting. He is a shooter and reloader but not a caster. Maybe he is accumulating supplies, I hate to think that though. I would love to send my self a die pack in a box marked GUN STUFF but I would guess that I would asking for trouble.

07-24-2009, 08:19 PM
Oh yeah, I just wanted to mention that lastmanout is a good guy. He offered to compensate me for the mold/postage. I refused because it is not his fault but wanted everyone to know he is a straight shooter

07-24-2009, 08:28 PM

My take is that one of the local postal employees -- maybe not your carrier -- shares your hobby, and is none too honest, too boot.

I'd definitely file a theft complaint

07-24-2009, 08:40 PM

I work at a waste water treatment facility, I ship 'crap' all the time to lab's for testing.

I'd be more than happy to mail you a package that appears to be reloading related. If the jerk wants to rip into it? Oh well...'s---' happens right? LOL


Jose Jimenez

07-24-2009, 09:50 PM
Being an ex-fed and having arrested MORE than my share of sorry-butted, thieving postal employees, here is what you do and how you do it for maximum effect and speed--

File the formal complaint.

Simultaneously, write a hot letter to the postmaster general for your area of Florida. No profanity, no wild accusations, but a letter stating what has happened in the past, what happened with this particular incident and what you strongly suspect.

In the letter, throw in an imaginary friend who happens to work in State Law Enforcement who advised you to contact the PostMaster, plus his/her boss in Washington.

In the first paragraph of your letter, state emphatically that you are complaining to your two U.S. Senators as well as your U.S. Representative about this--in part due to the sorry-butted attitude you received upon your initial inquiry as well as this being a repeat incident.

In your last sentence of that paragraph, also include that you are cc'ing this complaint to the nearest office of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco FIREARMS and Explosives since it is firearms-related and involves interstate commerce.

Now, whether or not you want to deal with the pinheads at ATF is entirely up to you. But I do know that the Post Office gets very nervous when ATF or IRS starts snooping around in their affairs. When you are as CORRUPT as the USPS has become in the past twenty years, last thing you want is the Government's gestapo poking a microscope up your rectum. They WILL turn up some feces, guaranteed.

In your letter to the Postmaster and Senators/Congressman, emphatically state that insurance should be for DAMAGE to merchandise you RECEIVED rather than for THEFT within the POST OFFICE of merchandise that NEVER MADE IT TO YOU.

Make sure you include your Senators and Congressman in the complaint. Postmasters have nightmares about having an elected official--especially one up for re-election--poking around their dirty laundry.


07-24-2009, 10:25 PM
that insurance should be for DAMAGE to merchandise you RECEIVED rather than for THEFT within the POST OFFICE of merchandise that NEVER MADE IT TO YOU.

Couldn't agree more!

07-25-2009, 01:48 AM
Dang- dies just happened to jump out of the case as well. Obvious theft. Could be gang banger girl friends looking for ammo too.

07-25-2009, 01:59 AM
Did you check evil-bay to see if your mold is listed there? With the money they have been selling for this would make sense to some dishonest people.