View Full Version : What Fun!

07-21-2009, 07:48 PM
Well I am having a ball I have lost the sight in my right eye for all practical purposes, I was right dominate until this all happned. Now I am 20/20 at distance with my left eye and it has become my dominate eye. I am having to learn to shoot left handed and it is just like learning to shoot all over again. This might not be a big deal to some of you but at 70 it is sort of a challange. Went to the range with myShiloah 45/70 and my 45/70 M1867 Rolling block, I have the groups down to 4" at 100 yds for both with a tang on the Shiloh and the as issued sights on the RB. As I said it is a whole new challange but I am having a ball.

07-21-2009, 08:06 PM
I am fortunate.
I lost the sight in my right eye, through a freezing adventure in Alaska. However, I am right eye dominant, I am also a south paw.
Losing sight sucks big time though. Depth of field is still an issue.
It must be real uncomfortable, but you are getting there.
Sorry you have to learn that way. I know how it feels.

Doc Highwall
07-21-2009, 08:22 PM
I lost my right eye in 1959-1960 and it was my dominate eye. My left eye has never been better then 20-28 and color blind but I try to not let it bother me if I can help it. Some times it gets tired easy and I have a hard time focusing. I think the hard part was teaching myself to write left handed while shooting prone, I still have trouble with the spotting scope in the prone because I have to aim with the left eye and then turn my head to the right far enough to look with my left eye that it disturbs my natural point of aim.

07-21-2009, 08:25 PM
My closest friend, for over 50 years, also just turned 70 - and had been fighting vision problems over the last several years, from his advanced diabetes and resultant repeated laser eye treatments to resolve retinal bleeding issues.

While he really lost most of his vision in both eyes, he could see slightly better with his left - a BIG change for a lifetime RH shooter.

I literally forced him to go to our club's range every-other day, to practice shooting off his left shoulder.
While he couldn't see well enough through a scope to make anything out, he COULD see one of my reddot sights - which I promptly mounted on his rifle.

He's doing "OK", after two years of trial/error, and now goes stand hunting for deer with me again - but I take care to set nearby, "just in case". ;)

I'm glad you've made the switch successfully - and hope that someday you regain at least partial vision in your right eye.


07-21-2009, 09:25 PM
Thanks! I will overcome, learned over a lifetime of hurts. when I was 16 a un-guarded 75HP electric motor grabbed my pant leg amd threw me across a basement head first into a cement piller and then I fell 25' and landed on my head. The Dr. had already given up on me but I rallied and was out of the hospital in a week and playing football in two months. Ran over my leg with a rototiller, one of the big ones and almost lost my leg, but the good Lord and a good Dr saved that, then in '93 I broke my back and my means of making a living disappeared in two years all the savings and benefits were gone. I gave up trying to figure it out and told God it was up to Him , and guess what never lost a pound or anything because of that situation. So I guess a little sight will be easy and up to God.

07-22-2009, 07:42 AM
God bless ya

cajun shooter
07-22-2009, 08:18 AM
Freightman, You and I together could write a book. The title would be " YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT BAD" Ha!! Ha!! I'm diabetic( Family genes) and have a pain pump installed under my skin to feed Dilaudid to my back 24-7. When I fell in 2000 little did I know what was in my future. I too lost all my bank account with no insurance. My grandmother told me all my life to always remember this quote " I CRIED BECAUSE I HAD NO SHOES AND THEN I SAW THE MAN WITH NO FEET" You sir have that one figured out and I applaud you.

07-22-2009, 08:41 AM
I lost my vision temporarily in my right eye 8 years ago due to posterior vitrious detachment when the vitrious gel tore the retina when it sloughed off. I had laser surgury to stop the bleed. It was the blood that filled the clear fluid in the eye that caused the blindness. They say its common to slough off the gel, but bleeds are rare. Years of fartin' around with higher than normal G's probably contributed to it Doc said, no more of that. The body slowly got rid of the blood and I can see out of it OK, but it is like seeing through a sun glass lens through that eye and my dominant eye changed to the left. The weird thing is that I am a much better shot now than I was then...go figure. I now have a myriad of things that complicate life, degenerative disc disease, carpal tunnel, sleep apnea, blah,blah,blah. Thank God my trigger finger ain't broke...knock on wood.

07-22-2009, 03:53 PM
I saw two Sahrps rifles at Raton that were set up with offset sights that allowed right handed shooters to shoot right handed and use the left eye. Steve Earle might be able to help on this set up. Best, Roger

07-23-2009, 09:03 AM
Sounds intresting!

Dennis Eugene
07-23-2009, 10:48 AM
Shucks Man with an attitude like yours you can't lose. Your an inspiration Dennis

07-24-2009, 01:30 AM
Yes, it is a bitch to get old! Despite all the surgeries and procedures I have had I still manage to do mostly what I want. Just alot slower and more deliberate.
Can still hike thru the mountains with a small pack. Not very fast but ya know what? I see more game now than ever. Better shot opportunities also. Guess when you aren't moving much you don't make much noise.
Son and his family are living with us now. The almost 4 year old granddaughter sure makes a person forget about all the other stuff.
Keep having fun and don't stop.