View Full Version : Another Gun Show Gone for Good ?

07-20-2009, 12:56 PM
AD at Salem, VA gun show Saturday, .308 ! Understand the muzzle was on floor while a stock was being installed or taken off. Heard the dealer and/or customer ate some concrete splinters, no other injuries. Jeez !

fyi- Bullseye/Unique/4895/ others at show. Some primers Sat./gone Sunday. Most ammo available if you wanted to pay the price - none or very little .380 though.

07-20-2009, 02:23 PM
There is absolutely NO excuse for this kind of "accident".That's at least TWO people who need to be banned from the gun show for LIFE!!


07-20-2009, 02:30 PM
There is absolutely NO excuse for this kind of "accident".That's at least TWO people who need to be banned from the gun show for LIFE!!


Make that at least 3 people. Who ever was supposed to be checking and securing firearms at the entrance to the gunshow should be at the top of the ban list.

mike in co
07-20-2009, 02:36 PM
Make that at least 3 people. Who ever was supposed to be checking and securing firearms at the entrance to the gunshow should be at the top of the ban list.

but not at the vebdors table...they do thier own....the promoter typically only check the tie wraps are in place...not the chambers

mike in co

07-20-2009, 02:40 PM
but not at the vebdors table...they do thier own....the promoter typically only check the tie wraps are in place...not the chambers

mike in co

So how you propose the tie wrap was in place and it went off? Maybe thorough checks of EVERYTHING should be made from now on. Every one of these incidents add up to hurt gun owners.


07-20-2009, 02:45 PM
but not at the vebdors table...they do thier own....the promoter typically only check the tie wraps are in place...not the chambers

mike in co

That throws a different light on things. Vendors gun=Goodbye vendor.

All the gun shows I have attended, John Q. Public wants into the gunshow, someone opens the action and checks for ammo in the magazine and chamber before placing a tie wrap on the firearm.

If someone is seen carrying an unsecured weapon, they quickly become the center of attention, and it is not pleasant.

07-20-2009, 03:07 PM
Of course the vendor was tossed - What I heard Sunday was that he is being charged with at least 3 counts (don't know specifics). May have been an FN-FAL type rifle. Also don't know whether/if the gun was properly checked or not. The guy coulda took strap off/inserted round behind the table. Bad Karma all around. Of the 9 gun show discharges I've heard about, 8 were vendors and 1 was LEO.
Apparently us customers are safer !

07-20-2009, 03:15 PM
Apparently us customers are safer !

We customers are not safer. We are subjected to closer scrutiny entering a gunshow.

07-20-2009, 04:45 PM
As rare as it probably really is once is way too many times, I have been to one gunshow in the last year and there was a negligent discharge. It was a .22 that a guy was sighting into the ceiling and squeezed one off and it fired, that was the first one while I was actually at the show and could confirm it happened in the 25 years that I have been attending gunshows. No reason for it to happen at all.

Rocky Raab
07-20-2009, 04:57 PM
I was a vendor at a show where the end table cap across from me had 50 or so rifles arranged like the spokes on a wheel, muzzles all inward. There's the dealer standing there with his male accoutrements at about table level. Along comes a guy and his bored, snotty little kid. The kid proceeds past the table, but sticking his finger in EVERY trigger guard he walks past.


The dealer just about turned white and yelled at the kid's father. The father shrugged and walked off, COMPLETELY disregarding what might happen.

Ya gotta wonder sometimes. But I'm pretty sure that somewhere, someday that kid is gonna snap one of his Dad's triggers - and somebody is gonna get killed.

07-20-2009, 05:10 PM
Curious about something - I haven't been to a gun show in 10-12 years. What do they do about Concealed Carry? Lots of people carrying loaded guns all the time now - do they let people carry into a gun show?

07-20-2009, 05:21 PM
There is absolutely NO excuse for this kind of "accident".That's at least TWO people who need to be banned from the gun show for LIFE!!


He said it all right there...................

I would propose an age limit too, not to mention Strollers.

mike in co
07-20-2009, 05:26 PM
Curious about something - I haven't been to a gun show in 10-12 years. What do they do about Concealed Carry? Lots of people carrying loaded guns all the time now - do they let people carry into a gun show?

local shows do not allow any loaded guns...cops only. no concealed carry, open carry, but empty and tied.

mike in co

mike in co
07-20-2009, 05:32 PM
So how you propose the tie wrap was in place and it went off? Maybe thorough checks of EVERYTHING should be made from now on. Every one of these incidents add up to hurt gun owners.


i work a series of shows in four locations in co, one in new mexico, one in wy.
in every case the vendor is responsible for the saftey of his/her inventory.
there are no accidents.....there has been one discharge at one show in 15 plus yrs...and yes he was banned forever( or else the operator cannot get event ins) and yes he was charged, arrested on the spot.
tie wraps are taken off and replaced on a regular basis. a customer wants to look, cut the tie, open the action, hand it over. handed back, check the action and retie.

i have never taken a loaded gun to a gun show...i do not understand how it occurs...it is not in my realm of reality.

since they were playing with the stock..i'd like to hear more...but doubt we will.,,,,whos gun first off.

mike in co

07-20-2009, 05:43 PM
California gun shows are far safer venues........T-shirts and throw rugs seldom have ADs.

07-20-2009, 05:49 PM
I would propose an age limit too, not to mention Strollers. ... Sprue

Me too; I fit this rule at about the next to last. ... felix

07-20-2009, 05:55 PM
I have been to a show when they had a discharge 45 colt acp.the dealer was a colt rep.you bet he was banned.there was a case in the big show where aperson brought in a 12 gage shell and chambered it.he did not get to fire as he was watched.antigunner.that has happened a few times.that was in Mass.not here.
:coffee: [smilie=1:

07-20-2009, 05:57 PM
California gun shows are far safer venues........T-shirts and throw rugs seldom have ADs.


I sympathize with you. Honest.

07-20-2009, 06:45 PM
On one occasion a few years back, I went to the Big Reno Show. A sign at the door instructed CCW holders to leave their ammunition with "security".

I went to the ticket booth to ask where "security" could be found, and they couldn't tell me. I was sent to the Show office, where I waited in line for HALF AN HOUR to ask where "security" could be found. They didn't know, either.

After some discussion, I was told to go to HOTEL "security", which was one floor down and several hundred yards away. That office was locked up, and none of the hotel security officers I spoke to knew anything about the subject.

CONCLUSION: the sign was a cover-your-ass device for the insurers or Show management. Since then, I just don't worry about it, and carry anyway. Screw it.

07-20-2009, 11:16 PM
I would propose an age limit too, not to mention Strollers.

Sprue, I've got to disagree with this one. I took my kids to gun shows whenever I could, as soon as they could behave for a reasonable amount of time. The antigun message is everywhere. School, TV, Etc. I want to build my kids founational beliefs about a number of issues before society has it's crack at them. That's my duty as a parent. What better place to learn that gun folks are some of the best people on earth and not some lunatic fringe as portrayed by many in the worlds of media and academia. It's never to soon to start educating kids about gun safety, respect for others property by asking vendors permission prior to handling guns etc. All in all a life building experience not offered by many venues in life. Getting more kids at gun shows rather than less helps ensure the survival of our sport and freedoms. Putting up with a little fussing etc. is a small price to pay for our future. RD

07-21-2009, 07:41 PM
Rockydog, I agree with you.

Things aren't the same as when we grew up.

Hunter 24095
07-21-2009, 10:39 PM
I was there but didn't see it. Glad that no one was seriously injured because it was packed with people.

07-21-2009, 11:09 PM
Banning kids from all activities that include firearms is a sure way to see our treasured shooting sports and freedoms disappear forever, and in only a generation or two. Proper behavior, and close supervision are a must, however, and certain rules of engagement MUST also be strictly enforced, elsewise another avenue will be opened that will allow our freedoms to disappear. A fine line to be walked, it takes some effort but it CAN be done.

07-21-2009, 11:47 PM
As rare as it probably really is once is way too many times, I have been to one gunshow in the last year and there was a negligent discharge. It was a .22 that a guy was sighting into the ceiling and squeezed one off and it fired, that was the first one while I was actually at the show and could confirm it happened in the 25 years that I have been attending gunshows. No reason for it to happen at all.

I've mentioned this before, but I asked permission- squeezed off a BB gun in the ceiling of Cal Expo, and it ping ponged through the steel rafters. Talk about embarrasing.

Then about 5 years ago at a show, I asked to look at a mauser bolt sporter, place was packed like sardines. It was on the table with no tie. Holding the rilfe towards heaven, I pulled the bolt back and wala- cart ejected, and mag well fully loaded. He looked up at me and turned white as a sheet. I think he brought it in in a case through a side door or something... :roll:

07-22-2009, 04:41 PM
Definately classifies as a ND not an AD. I NEVER trust that the last handler of a firearm has checked it. I always check it myself even if I watched the last handler do it.

07-22-2009, 05:53 PM
>>>I NEVER trust that the last handler of a firearm has checked it. I always check it myself even if I watched the last handler do it.<<<



07-22-2009, 06:09 PM
Banning kids isn't the answer.

I got my first gun when I was 6. I've gone to gun shows with my dad ever since.

And over the years I overheard several dealers telling my dad that they'd watched me handling guns at the show, and they felt better about handing me anything on their table than half the adults running around there.

BECAUSE I WAS TAUGHT WELL. I felt it was more of a compliment to him than me.

EXCLUSION doesn't teach these kids anything. That's what the schools are doing. EXCLUDING guns from their mindsets. All it does is make rap videos and action movies their best learning tools. And creates that forbidden allure of guns so they'll feret them out and muck around with them when no adults are around to tell them they can't.

I knew where the key to the gun cabinet was when I was 10. I knew it, and my dad knew it. I knew where his loaded guns were in his bedroom, and I left them the hell alone. There was no secret about them, nothing forbidden. Just like having a garage full of tools. I didn't think anything more of having guns around than a carpenter would of having a benchful of hammers.

And so far... (thankfully, knocks wood) no ADs or accidents. Good teaching, by a good teacher.

Our government and our society's solution to everything now is to just ban it, ignore it, get rid of it, and everything will be better. What utter crap.

07-22-2009, 06:21 PM
It's just like everything else that's backwards in this world today.

Lord- my dad was a gunshow dealer, collector and that little house we grew up in in was stuffed to the gills with firearms. Us kids knew never to tell anyone. Knew we had access with permission, and were fully tained on firearm saftey since the stroller.

Wasn't a big deal to us.

07-22-2009, 07:13 PM
IIRC, there was a group going around to gun shows and if a gun was untied, loading the thing, just hoping for a ND. They were caught in the act, according to a dealer I talked to , in Texas.

07-22-2009, 08:30 PM
Sprue, I've got to disagree with this one. I took my kids to gun shows whenever I could, as soon as they could behave for a reasonable amount of time. The antigun message is everywhere. School, TV, Etc. I want to build my kids founational beliefs about a number of issues before society has it's crack at them. That's my duty as a parent. What better place to learn that gun folks are some of the best people on earth and not some lunatic fringe as portrayed by many in the worlds of media and academia. It's never to soon to start educating kids about gun safety, respect for others property by asking vendors permission prior to handling guns etc. All in all a life building experience not offered by many venues in life. Getting more kids at gun shows rather than less helps ensure the survival of our sport and freedoms. Putting up with a little fussing etc. is a small price to pay for our future. RD

And I disagree with you as well Rock. IMO gun shows are adult expos. Wait till any one specific child is injured or even God forbid, worse. You'll then see true meaning of the B word.

Gun shows are Fun shows, toy stores for adults if you will. As mentioned in Post # 10 (a perfect scenario) I would presume that the adult was just as excited to be there as you/me or anyone would be. Hence, the parent became preoccupied as the case may be, reckless even.

Having set and respectable/reasonable age limits would in fact have circumvented that type occurrence you commented about ---- Yes?

Others commented of kids being (B-word)banished ? Thats simply out of context and a poor selection of word & analogy. That word itself has no place in our forum(s) or group as a whole. Anyway, tell me how, by not taking a six (random) year old for example, to a gun show is going to have bearing or harm the Hunting, Shooting Sport or Second Amendment . We'll (you/I) will accomplish that all by ourselves simply by bit$$$hing and complaining while doing nothing but watching Hannity or Laura (gotta be PC these days ) and calling Mr Pizza man.

Instilling sporting, hunting skills and heritage into our offspring is not taught, at the gun show level. Its introduced to kids, kids old enough to absorb and retain safe practices not to mention responsibility and a little accountability.

Yes, I took my kids hunting at the age of six or so, however it was me and him, one on one, in the woods in the country, all to ourselves. Thats where it initially begins. Not in an over crowded elbow rubbing smoke filled room full of nicest fellas that one could ever meet.

I've never heard of it to this day, (a kid or young man say when reflecting back on adolescents, saying something like ) "yeah, I remember when Dad took me to a gun show, I'll never forget it...."

In contrast I betcha my kids remember when they first fired that 22 LR, that seemed to kick like a mule............ or bagged their first squirrel.

We have to take care of ourselves and our lively hood. Not provide ammunition to the leftists via irresponsible mannerisms.



~ Its evident that the Senior Population in fact wore Bicycle helmets ~

07-22-2009, 08:55 PM
In a couple very rare instances, children have been killed at ranges. Should we ban 'em from there as well ? Let's don't take 'em hunting either. It is and should be up to the parent to decide at what age his child is ready to shoot/hunt OR go to the Gun Show with the folks.
We have enough "nanny state" mentality from non-gunowners. IMHO. My daughter went to shows with me often - never messed with people's stuff. I took her to HP matches , paid her a nickel each to be my brass rat. I'd put her in the back seat asleep, wake her up at the match- she often picked up more brass than I fired !
We're all still way safer at the show than on the highway getting there.

07-22-2009, 09:00 PM
Just like Jeff Cooper said "There's no such thing as an unloaded firearm, treat them as they are all loaded"


07-23-2009, 03:04 PM
We had three AD's if you want to call them that about three years ago in three straight shows. The City (the owners of the Civic Center) said one more and no more Gun Shows. Amarillo city government is very gun friendly but enough is enough. Safety first and there is no such thing as an accident, there are brain f**ts.

07-23-2009, 04:00 PM
Kids at Gun show - maybe.

You cannot just take a blanket statement and say yes or no. If the parent is unwilling or unable to properly supervise the kid, regardless of age! Then no THAT child should not be allowed in a gun show. Should that apply to adults? Yes, if you are unsafe then you should not be there.

As far as protecting our kids, I am all for it, but within reason.

Fear needs to be evaluated! If the number of kids shot at a gunshow was 10 a year, I think we all would be screaming that something has to be done, but yet, no one is screaming about the number of kids killed on bicycles (approximately 188 a year) or swimming (about 895 per year).

So given a choice between taking my kid swimming or bike riding or to the gun show guess which one I think I will choose.

And yes, I know all the arguments and the fact that figures do not lie but liars sure can figure.

I just want you to think with your head instead of your gut and see if your fear is correctly placed. (BTW - You are probably more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the gun show instead of being shot accidently at the gun show)

From a book I am reading "We are possibly, in the history of mankind the most fearful generation ever, without a reason. We live longer, we are wealthier, the death rate is down, and we are healthier, yet we are more afraid then our grandparents were".

07-23-2009, 04:55 PM
From a book I am reading "We are possibly, in the history of mankind the most fearful generation ever, without a reason. We live longer, we are wealthier, the death rate is down, and we are healthier, yet we are more afraid then our grandparents were".

The lefties scaring the sheeple into relying on the government for everything.

07-24-2009, 06:13 AM
Not just the government but it is F'in EVERYWHERE! Allstate talking about your car having an accident, Pharmacies talking about what happens if you DON'T use their drugs (hosipital bed following the person around), or car commercials touting safety bags, by showing you a crash. And our entertainment, (compare today's stuff to I Love Lucy and The Honeymooner's)

But yeah the sheeple's they are ah multiplying!

My profession tends to be dominated by them :(