View Full Version : Freedom of speech

07-17-2009, 04:32 PM
I'd like to suggest that the Forum "Humor & Off Topic - Political & Religious discussions" be titled/subtitled "Freedom Of Speech" as an in-your-face reminder so that the BATFE, HomeLand ""Security""(Ha!) et. al. gubmint agencies are continually reminded of that concept each and every time they come trolling down here to gauge the opinion of decent American citizens.............

07-17-2009, 06:28 PM
Good idea, Lee! ... felix

07-17-2009, 07:11 PM
Yes, those of us who defend the second amendment also are in great need of the protections of the first amendment- Without BOTH, we are lost!
Do it, please!


07-17-2009, 07:30 PM
Please do it. Very good .

07-17-2009, 08:20 PM
If that is a motion I second it!

07-17-2009, 08:37 PM
Well, if that is done, then maybe it ought to be split into two.

'Freedom of Speech' for general topics ... of which this group seems to have an eerie affinity (tractor parts, old aeroplanes, sink stoppers, dogs, goats, kids, wives, movies, mushrooms, politicians, who's coming to dinner, etc.), and...,

'Right to Keep and Bear Arms' for discussion of stuff like Heller and other legal and political stuff involving the 2A. BATFE stuff, FFL info, Supreme Court nominees who don't support 2A, stuff like that.

Heavy lead
07-17-2009, 08:49 PM
How about keeping the Humor & Off Topic as is and having a Constitutional "Bill of Rights" Discussion section rather than just the Second and/or First Ammendment. In my mind ALL the Bill of Rights would perish without ALL 10, and all should be cussed and discussed, and usually are.

07-17-2009, 09:07 PM
Yeah, what Heavy said. That way the sink stoppers and mushrooms won't plug up the BOR discussions. If'n y'all wanna prattle on about how to control ants at the annual family picnic it can stay in the general discussion area while all the latest stuff about 10A and state sovereignty won't get in the way.

07-18-2009, 07:58 AM
Youse guys need to run this by a Moderator so he can approach the big guys about it.

07-18-2009, 01:46 PM
Recognizing that the term "Freedom of Speech" has certain restrictions anyways(think yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater) my suggestion for the phrase being attached(sub-titled) to the sub-forum "Political and Religious discussions" was based on the thought that those who would come trolling here would not worry about discussions about tractor parts. Anyone who thinks though, that they can comment about that "clown in the White House" and NOT make the list is kidding themselves. Paranoid? Not in my opinion, and I always hope I am wrong.
It was in that spirit that I make the suggestion, not that it will render the speaker boolit-proof, but that those trolls would be reminded each time they visit that Freedom begins with Freedom of Speech.
And yes, I agree, the entire Bill stands and supports itself, with the whole being stronger than the sum of its parts.

FWIW, what started my thoughts on this was the article describing the audacity of the obviously independent governmental BATFE agency with their unilateral "ruling" that Tennessee was wrong. There is something fundamentally wrong with a bunch of government hooligans of dubious character acting as Judge and Jury on matters of Law. I'll stop now, as I've already made the list(again), and I get more and more worked up even thinking about it.

Time to take a break and ruin the day for the muskrat destroying my pond.
(I dug it, he thinks he owns it, must be a BATFE supporting muskrat)............