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07-13-2009, 04:17 PM
It's been a while since I broke out the old girl and decided she needed a workout. I love this rifle, it's not the prettiest, doesn't have the best finish, but she sure can shoot. I found a box of 22shorts in my rumage box and filled up the tube, that's 30 shots in there. I had just bought a box fan the other week and still had the box for it in the garage, and figured out a B8 target would just fit it! Walked it out 30 yards in the back yard and tried my luck. Not too shabby for my eyes, but this rifle is capable of sub moa at 50 yards off a rest. There's just something about an old mossberg 22 :)

07-13-2009, 05:02 PM
I regret selling my 46B-b.

Most accurate .22 I've ever seen.

07-13-2009, 06:52 PM
I believe the old family 22 was a 44-B, but it may have been a 46-B. It had a long barrel with a tube magazine that held 20 LR or most of a box of shorts. The sights were a folding peep (folded to the side) then a rear sight, and a front sight that had posts that were changable by raising one of four into place and sliding a hood in a groove that held the sight erect. Was a very accurate gun. Another family member claimed it and I haven't seen it in 48 years. I nener fired a Mossberg Made in the 40's-50's that didn't shoot good.

07-13-2009, 07:26 PM
My 46B has the different front sights on it too, an aperature, patridge, tall post, and a post and ball I think, I usually keep the tall post flipped up and use that one, the rear sights rotate from patridge, v notch and aperature, I usually use the patridge rear. I've been looking for a 46M for a while, locally, and have had no luck.

07-13-2009, 10:00 PM
I bought a Mossberg 42M at a gun show last month because it reminded me of the Mossberg my dad wouldn't let me buy 55 years ago. This model was made from 1940 to 44 and has the front sight with 4 posts plus the rear sight and receiver sight. I didn't know what I was missing. I've shot it a couple times at 50 yards from the bench and once I got it sighted in I've kept every shot inside a 1" target paster.

I'm afraid I may have caught some kind of bug because I bought another Mossberg .22 on Gunbroker last week. I hope it gets here by the weekend.

07-14-2009, 01:35 AM
My 146B has been my go to shooter for about 43 years give or take a year. My brother and I used to take turns driving roofing nails into a pine board with it at about 20 yds. When we got bored we'd try cuuting cards in half edgewise or splitting a bullet with an old butcher knife tacked onto the board edge toward us. We were successfull just often enough to keep us burning bullets. RD

07-14-2009, 08:00 AM
A liitle late on this post but just saw it. I have a Mod. 44 usb with a 7 shot clip. My dad bought it in the 50's mail order from an ad in Fur, Fish & Game. It was a military training rifle. It has the 4 front posts, no rear sight but a peep sight instead. He also picked up an old Weaver 4 power 3/4" scope that mounts from the side.

A 55 gallon drum couldn't hold all the empties that have been fired through that rifle. Always an accurate shooter.

Thanks Trey 45 for another great trip down memory lane!


07-14-2009, 09:58 AM
10/4 on the accurate 46B a fellow I know brought me one in pieces and said here you might need the parts, set it up and almost forgot about it until I decided to see if it was all there. When I got through it was all there and looked almost new. Wish he would take a few more guns apart.

08-11-2009, 06:56 PM
I got my first Mossberg from my Grandfather when I was 15. A 144 . I used to take to scout camp and make all those guys who had to shoot those winchesters look bad. Since then I've some how picked up a few more. A 146b, 2 - 144 LSB, 42b and a Brownie pistol, the first gun mossberg made. I always thought it was funny that a company that made such great rifles started off making pistols.

08-17-2009, 05:35 PM
I had a browny back in 194??? and bought a 42b new in hard ware store $7.50
my father had a 43B target that would out shoot the schools win 52s.
now I have a 42b a 46b and a 144 and two 44US.to bad mossberg stopped making 22s.at least those model the new model just did not cut it.:coffee:[smilie=1: