View Full Version : New tang sight on the market

07-13-2009, 08:40 AM
I shot a combination ML, BPCR mid range match (300, 500, & 600) this weekend One of my shooting buddy's daughter has been shooting with us for about a year now and the sights that he cobbled together for her gun sucked. I finally harrassed him into getting her a decent sight, and this is what he came up with.
It is a Distant Thunder tang sight. Most of the guys shooting are older and this was the talk of the range and she spent a lot of time showing it as the word got around. The windage instead of being like a standard Soule is a dovetail arrangement with gibbs that can be tighten for wear. The over all sight is built like a tank, but the premier thing is the markings. OLD guys can read them, from a distance. The ends of the knobs also have 1/2 minute markings on them for ease of adjustment. This sight is out standing, to say the least.
BTW I think she beat her dad with it, she deffinately had one of her best outings with it. She beat me like a red headed step child at 300 & 500 yards.


cajun shooter
07-13-2009, 09:00 AM
Are you in a teasing mood today Boz330? You tell us about a neat sight with some great pics then leave us in the dark about the name and where one might find this sight.

45 2.1
07-13-2009, 09:14 AM
Are you in a teasing mood today Boz330? You tell us about a neat sight with some great pics then leave us in the dark about the name and where one might find this sight.


07-13-2009, 01:41 PM
then leave us in the dark about the name and where one might find this sight.
Is your Google broken? Here, use mine...

cajun shooter
07-15-2009, 09:53 AM
No, MC my google is not broken. My mind is not as great as yours and my pc smarts don't even come close to someone like yourself. So thanks for lending a helping hand to those of lesser mind

07-15-2009, 10:37 AM
So thanks for lending a helping hand You're more than welcome.
But, I can't shake the feeling that you are not as happy to receive it as I was to provide it.


07-15-2009, 01:00 PM

Monsoor, you are a lulu.

John Wayne
"The Comanchero's"

07-15-2009, 07:35 PM
Kermit Hoke has been making rear tang sights for years now based on the Gibb system of travel for the windage! I have 7 of them on various rifles and consistency of return is absolute!!

I use Distant Thunder front sights but I'm sure if it comes from 'Thunder'....it'll be excellent also!!:drinks::mrgreen:

Oh...BTW...Kermit's sights are scribed on BOTH SIDES of the sight staff in case you shoot off the left shoulder!


07-15-2009, 08:12 PM
Markings my old eyes can actually see...what a novel idea. Looks sweet. For those of us that have not "searched" for it, may I ask what this gem costs

cajun shooter
07-15-2009, 10:15 PM
218bee, I was able to find the site and it's listed at $395 introductory price plus $11 shipping. That's if I was on the correct web. You might want to check with MC and see what he came up with. He has such fine people skills that I'm sure he will steer you to the correct site. Boz330 thanks a bunch for the info. It appears to be what my old eyes are looking for

07-16-2009, 08:49 AM
Most of the guys at the above mentioned shoot were very impressed with the markings, as was I. I keep a magnifying glass in my shooters box for sight adjustments and you really don't need it with this sight. Price and quality are comparable to any of the big name makers. BTW the above listed price is correct.
As the word got around at the match about this sight it had to be hauled out multiple times so someone new could look at it. The big question was does he make a base for the Gibbs since this was primarily a ML long range match. They let us cartridge guys in to have enough numbers to make it worthwhile. Many of the guys shoot both.


07-16-2009, 11:23 AM
The Distant Thunder sights have been on the market for awhile now, I think I read about them sometime back in January. And for those of you who were wondering what happened to the "Parts Unknown" sights, they are now being sold as Red River Sights. No website available, and I don't know if the new owners are going to get one. They are basically going to carry the same line of sights that the previous owner did, in pretty much the same price range. They're advertising in the BPCR News now.
As for the Distant Thunder sight, it looks like a well built sight, but I'm not real fond of that Hadley eye cup. It looks like an exact copy of what is on the Parts Unknown sights. I am impressed with the globe front sights, I like the level being inside the globe. That being said, for the price, I wish they offered more inserts with it than just four.


Don McDowell
07-16-2009, 02:28 PM
Bill the shaver front has the level in the globe, comes with a group of inserts, and costs a few dollars less. I do like the cant to the Thunder front for the long range tho.

07-16-2009, 05:10 PM
Bill the shaver front has the level in the globe, comes with a group of inserts, and costs a few dollars less. I do like the cant to the Thunder front for the long range tho.

Nice picture there Don, and I'm not talking about the sight. You trying to make me homesick??

Don McDowell
07-16-2009, 11:37 PM
Thanks Bill, but the credit goes to son Bob. He took that picture while getting set up at the Quigley stopsign. He made a pretty simple but neat little power point to show his employees and coworkers what he did on his Montana trip.

cajun shooter
07-17-2009, 10:33 AM
That is one great pic as has been said. I wish that we had that type of terrain available in South Louisiana. You can't see 50 yds much less 1000. It makes finding good gun time very hard. Thanks for the posting.

07-17-2009, 08:34 PM
That is one great pic as has been said. I wish that we had that type of terrain available in South Louisiana. You can't see 50 yds much less 1000. It makes finding good gun time very hard. Thanks for the posting.

cajun shooter

"You can't see 50 yds much less 1000."

Not so! All you gotta do is come slightly north!!:drinks:

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b67/Sharps110/BPCR%20SHOOTING%20RELOADING/th_ae21267d.jpg (http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b67/Sharps110/BPCR%20SHOOTING%20RELOADING/?action=view&current=ae21267d.flv)

07-17-2009, 08:54 PM
That is some good video!!
I like people who know what they are doing, doing it.

07-17-2009, 09:15 PM
That is some good video!!
I like people who know what they are doing, doing it.

Initially I had to compress this down to 20MB and it's not as clear as I'd like but it's better than what I thought it would be. Next time I'll try 100MB and it should be better...if I do another!:drinks:

07-17-2009, 09:45 PM
You make a video, I watch!
I get bored with Uber Black Rifles really quickly.
I love those single shots!

cajun shooter
07-20-2009, 09:49 AM
Thank you sir!! That is very nice of you to take the time to post the video. I watched it twice and also the PP one. At 62 I wish that I had started my interest in BPCR at a much earlier time in my life. When I was in my 30's I was the firearms instructor (one of three) for about 1200 cops. I had been to sniper school and spent my time on the shooting of the McMillan 308 that was mine. And also the AR so that I could become another David Tubbs, didn't happen. Ha!! Ha!! I look at your picture file and only wish. By the way what is that in some of your pics, white sand? I have not seen sand that white since my last trip to Destin, Fla.

07-20-2009, 11:10 AM

Don't follow you on the 'white sand' unless you mean the snow that was on the ground when I shot in Alliance, Nebraska May 2008??

As for age...you're never too old to get involved in BPCR...even if you had to shoot off a bench!! Our backgrounds are close together for I was Firearms Instructor for a local Sheriff's Department for several years prior to me getting into aviation. I was always surprised in the amount of officers that had received no formal training and who couldn't shoot themselves in their foot!!:grin::grin:

07-20-2009, 12:42 PM
Hey Rick,
Watched your video and have some questions about wiping.

You run three patches through the bore, but they all seem to come out of the same plastic bag. I can hear the last two squeal a little, so I guess they are dry. Is the first one wet...or not?

What do you have on the end of your wiping stick...a brush or a jag?


07-20-2009, 01:36 PM

Sorry for the 'kornfusion'! I have my damp patches in a flat plastic 'baby wipe' container...seperate from the dry patches which are visible. The solution is water soluble oil at a 25% to water ratio. I run two patches through on a 2" nylon brush followed by a dry patch. All patches are 3" square or round type! I keep the damp patches in an enclosed plastic container all the time and prior to shooting I press out all excess and put ever how many I need into the baby wipe container. I stack the damp patches into the flat container such that they are easy to remove and that way I'm not messing around trying to seperate them!!

07-20-2009, 08:25 PM
Sorry for the 'kornfusion'! I have my damp patches in a flat plastic 'baby wipe' container...seperate from the dry patches which are visible.

I run two patches through on a 2" nylon brush followed by a dry patch.
In that case, you are doing things the way I would have expected.

My only problem has been in getting the wet patches to release from the brush when it pokes out of the muzzle...