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06-29-2009, 01:22 AM
I have collected quite a few valve stem screw caps. Figure I will save them for those times I am missing one. A few are kind of unique.

Any body do anything creative with these things?

06-29-2009, 01:32 AM
Now that's certainly a different collection! Who knows, there is probably a "Society of Valve Stem Screw Cap Collectors" out there somewhere.

06-29-2009, 05:59 AM
I had 2 that looked like a silver bullets.

MT Gianni
06-29-2009, 09:18 AM
I considered a center hole and threading them on a 15# leader to sell at flea markets but I think there is a limited market.

06-29-2009, 11:29 AM
I usually just throw them in the dross can...

06-30-2009, 12:55 AM
I had 2 that looked like a silver bullets.

I found one similar, but more of a pointy.

Rocky Raab
06-30-2009, 08:14 AM
Long time way back ago, the Crown Gasoline Company used to give away valve caps shaped like little red crowns. Haven't seen one or thought of them in a bazillion years, but that's the first mental image that popped up at the words "valve cap collection."

Most interesting.

06-30-2009, 09:39 AM
something creative? not really. i have something like 2-300 of them (i used to be a mechanic). i just put them in a box for when i need one. i dont really know what else to do with them. but then, i am not all that creative.

06-30-2009, 12:28 PM
Years ago, a friend of mine made an air rifle out of tubing and used valve stem caps that he filled with wax by hand. You had to unscrew the barrel for each shot and put the cap in place. He had the tube fixed to an air hose with a regulator to cut down the psi. and a quick opening valve for a trigger. At 50 ft. it would put a serious dent in cardboard or hurt like the dickens in your rear!:) Robert

06-30-2009, 08:57 PM
what's the diameter? perhaps shot from a 38 using a primer only?

07-01-2009, 02:11 AM
what's the diameter? perhaps shot from a 38 using a primer only?

Now that's thinking outside the box! Little bigger, maybe a .40 or 10mm? You could always drill out the primer pocket and use shotgun primers, too.

07-01-2009, 06:56 AM
I had a potato gun that would put a stray dog on a run for about a 1/2 mile before he would even turn around and look. Cats would run so fast you would have thought they vaporized.

I sure wish i had saved those valve caps, mine were silver bullets,pointed and stuck out about and inch. Wouldn't that make a nice collections, bullet valve caps.

07-01-2009, 07:05 AM
what's the diameter? perhaps shot from a 38 using a primer only?

People do that with hot glue and wax boolits. If the plastic can take the heat and the friction, it could be done..., but not in my gun.

07-02-2009, 07:32 AM
A air compressor pipe they fit in snug and that annoying cat I think you will get the picture.

Reverend Recoil
07-02-2009, 10:42 AM
I have used the little spring inside of valve stems to lighten the weight of pull of rifle triggers. I am sure there are other uses.